Title: Canned Soda part 24/25
Author: yuaelt
Pairing: main: Ryoda, others mentioned (Ryotada, PiKame, Ouyasu, JinTego, past Akame mentioned lightly)
Genre: Romance, Comedy, light Drama
Rating: PG-15 (whole story)
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Although I'd love to.
Before: Ryo was pushed by his friends to confess his feelings to Tatsuya,
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Comments 12
(yes im still wide awake O.O)
aand awwww a akame moment i swear!! awwww jin!!
andd ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
thank you !! LOL!
(ha, are you awake NOW? I am!)
I'm very very very happy that you liked it :). I know I write this sentence a lot, but I mean it ^^. *happy*
is that a good KAT-TUN that Tatchan doesn't curse?..
nevermind me. thanks for reading it at this hour.... but maybe it's not so late at your place?... hehe... anyway, it's 3:30 in the morning here, so I'm thankful anyway :)
Kame and Jin are both sooo sweet. They have such member ai *sobs*
I think Jin does know what love is but he just doesn't realise it. Deep in his heart he does know that love is irreplacableif not he would not do the things he did for Kame and Ueda. The baka thinks that he knows this things because he is observent but I think it's instinct in him.
Guess that is why by instinct he said away from Tegoshi and never slept with him.
However, Kame is the smarter one to know how to act on things just that he never does it right like with Pi and Uchi *giggles*
So an AKame duo is tow halves of a whole and it would be one scary duo if you ever had them on your case ^^
I can't wait for the last chapter.
but... does it mean I should write akame next, and make it scary?... I don't know if I could, if I ever imagined akame, it was never flawless... actually in my mind they're as suicidal pairing as RyoDa, or even more. dunno why *laughs*
oh jin~
ryo-chan *pats him*
merry christmas ^_^
So where did he ride to? Yayyy stumbeling on to Ueda talk about a very good luck. Gooo Ryo! Goooo confesss! Fighting!
*snicker* Ueda buying cans of soda. Awwwwwwwwwwww.
The little Akame talk was soooo kawaiii. Adored it.
Can't wait for the last part. Wantsssssss it!
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