на экспорт могли и не сильно после (климовская "Агония" была продана на Запад и в соцстраны в 1981-м, а в СССР пошла только при Горбачеве; помню, как руссо туристо ходили на нее специально в Берлине (гауптштадте ДДР) в 1984)
скорее всего, 1959 The first part of “Ivan the Terrible” proved a monumental sort of film, conveying the dark magnificence of Russian medievalism, when it was shown here twelve years ago. This second part, which went on last evening at the Murray Hill Theatre, is but a pale extension of that great tableau, appearing to have been made from pieces of it picked up from the cutting-room floor. - из ревью ноября 59-го
Comments 5
The first part of “Ivan the Terrible” proved a monumental sort of film, conveying the dark magnificence of Russian medievalism, when it was shown here twelve years ago. This second part, which went on last evening at the Murray Hill Theatre, is but a pale extension of that great tableau, appearing to have been made from pieces of it picked up from the cutting-room floor. - из ревью ноября 59-го
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