This is just for fun. A list of tropes pertinent to my Liquid, divided by game. Some of them, of course, will cross games and there'll be some pertaining to other Liquids of mine. Warning for spoilers~.
Ace PilotAlas, Poor Villain This one might not make much sense until you look closely at the end of the Twin Snakes remake of MGS1. As Liquid is dying, he reaches out to Snake. It doesn't seem to be aggressive. Liquid actually seems... a little afraid.
All Of The Other ReindeerAttack Attack AttackAttention WhoreAx Crazy In regards to Snake and Big Boss.
Badass Abnormal He was genetically modified to be a superior soldier. He's not superpowered, but he and Snake make most ordinary soldiers look like children. Not to mention his massive endurance... Rocket to the face, anyone?
Badass AngsterBadass Longcoat Liquid's FOXHOUND coat is on him for half of the game, going from tightly fastened, to hanging open, then finally disappearing.
Badass Long Hair Being Tortured Makes You Evil According to the Mission 1 Handbook...
Blood KnightCain and AbelCool Shades As Miller. He takes them off to reveal his identity. Crosses over a bit with
Sinister Shades.
Deadpan Snarker Sometimes more the "snarker" than the "deadpan".
Determinator Dear god, is he one of these. Between the helicopter crash, the machine gun fire, the rockets to the face. He was in a giant robot when it exploded, then got out and carried his brother to the top to fight him once he awoke (and after a speech). He fell off it (which gives an instant game over due to death if you do it) when he was defeated, then got back up and came after you again. The only thing that kills him is a goddamn heart attack (no I am not kidding) and even then he resists the effects of FOXDIE for a couple of moments more. Everyone else died in about ten seconds; he was able to get back up and lasted a little longer before he finally gave in to death. Then his ghost showed up...
Erotic Eating Estrogen Brigade BaitEvil Brit He's actually American, but has a British accent due to being raised there. His nationality is actually usually written with a (USA) tacked on the end.
Evil Twin Depends who you talk to. He's definitely a lot less moralistic than Snake, that's for sure.
Expendable Clone To Ocelot and the Patriots, possibly with the exception of EVA? But that's down to headcanon. At least his death helps his Father...
Freudian Excuse ...uh, any therapist would have a field day.
Genius Bruiser Crosses over with
Informed Ability at times.
Inferiority Superiority Complex In Vino Veritas He talks while drunk. A lot.
Large Ham Interestingly, he doesn't do this constantly, no matter what the fandom says. He's quite calm throughout a large potion of the game and slips into this mode only when facing down Snake.
Major Injury Underreaction He will scream in pain, and then ignore the gaping wounds in his chest to resume whatever he was doing. Burns, stabbings, machine gun fire... nothing more than a scream and then he goes on.
Military BratMorality Pet Maya Fey is becoming his.
One Man Army Applies to all Snakes. Seriously.
One Riot, One Ranger FOXHOUND specialised in covert solo ops, often dealing with terrorists and foreign wars where public intervention would be a political issue.
Parental Abandonment Liquid believes this to be true, that he was abandoned in favour of Snake.
Psycho for Hire Liquid, as with most of FOXHOUND, count as this in a sense. Even at his nicest, there's still that undercurrent of "don't fuck with me" there. I may play him as pretty accommodating, but you can't really forget the fact that he was raised with practically no moral input.
Psychotic Smirk On occasion, particularly in combat situations.
Revenge Before ReasonSay My Name How many times does he scream "SNAKE!" again?
Sibling Yin-Yang - With Solid. Undeniable.
Super SoldierSurrounded by Idiots If Snake dies in the torture scene, he calls Ocelot a fool. He also makes a couple of comments to this extent early on in the game.
The Coats Are Off A while after he loses his coat... he also takes off the bound Snake's shirt before they fight. And yes, he's shirtless underneath and his badassery just keeps coming.
The Pawn To Ocelot, although he never finds out until he's dead and possibly not even then.
The Rival To Snake.
The Woobie His backstory is kinda fucked up.
Tykebomb He first saw active combat at thirteen, according to the MGS1 Mission Handbook. Not to mention he was raised for it.
Villainous Breakdown For a short while, culminating with the capture and torture of Re-L Mayer and still slowly winding down.
Walking Shirtless Scene Yeah. You know. He's sorta famous for it, after all.
Warrior Heaven Shadow Moses Outer Heaven.
Bi The WayBroken Bird Formerly. The thirteen year old Teenquid is quite full of hopes and decidedly happy. Liquid... was most assuredly not, up until he met Ocelot.
Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas Liquid is fond of Big Mama.
Even the Guys Want Him - Somehow he went from "Don't touch me!" to the point where he'll sleep with pretty much anyone if they offer.
Hates Being Touched Up until he met Miller...
Like Brother and Sister To Rose.
Ludicrous Speed - if it was physically possible, he'd go for it. Total speed demon.
Scars are Forever He has scars on his body from Talib's work, at least one of which is on his thigh.
The Atoner Just part of his reason for putting himself under Miller's training.
Tsundere Just try to deny it. Type A, no less.
Break the HaughtyChaotic Neutral SIREN'S PULL
Affably Evil Amazingly Embarassing Parents His relationship with Big Boss leaves much to be desired.
Anti-Hero Type IV at least.
Beneath the Mask Deep down inside, Liquid is very much a tsun daddy's boy with a looot of issues. It's just hidden beneath layers of trolling, rage and psychotic tendencies.
Berserk Button Don't call him inferior, threaten to imprison him or compare him to Big Boss. You will regret it.
Body Horror Liquid's healing ability is handy, but it also can take quite a bit of slow, painful and very, very visible work.
Card Carrying Villain - Liquid firmly believes in the idea that he is the "bad" one of the group and therefore cannot be a good person.
Chaotic Neutral On the one hand, he'll help you out if he feels sorry for you, if he likes you, or if you're severely mismatched. He's one of those that's usually on call if someone needs help against the monsters. He's friends with a few nice guys, he's not outwardly aggressive unless you say something stupid or push his buttons... He was even planning to apply to work with the police. On the other hand... he's allied with Yaha and Kadaj, he has a distinct lack of morals, he loves combat, he views murder in an entirely casual light and the only reason he's not done anything completely psychotic is because he sees no incentive to. Big Boss is responsible for him leaning slightly more towards
Chaotic Good, however. Slightly.
Crazy Awesome He wanted to defend his house with DEADLY POISONOUS ZANZIBAR HAMSTERS
Crazy Cat Lady He has taken in Ocelot's cats. And goat.
Desperately Looking For a Purpose in LifeDrowning My Sorrows After Otacon died.
Escapism Liquid has some... worrying ways of dealing with his situation.
Even Evil has Standards There are some things that horrify even him.
Even the Guys Want Him - Somehow he went from "Don't touch me!" to the point where he'll sleep with pretty much anyone if they offer.
Foreign Language Tirade On occasion.
It Runs In The Family Deadly poisonous zanzibar hamsters? Check. Nearly everyone he sleeps with or gets friends with is blond or silver haired? Check. Allied with an Otacon? Check.
Jerkass WoobieJerk With A Heart Of Gold Just ask Amalthea or Snake (the Phancyhive one).
Lightning Bruiser - Liquid is fast.
Ludicrous Speed - if it was physically possible, he'd go for it. Total speed demon.
Morality Pet Otacon, Amalthea
Nietzsche WannabeNo Social SkillsOedipus ComplexPet the Dog He's generally quite kind to people that aren't in his way, even if he looks down on them.
Scars are Forever His healing often leaves scars from worse injuries, on top of some he had already.
Tragic Villain He believes he's unable to change even when he wants to.
Tsundere Just try to deny it. Type A, no less.
You Can Leave Your Hat On See the "no morals" part and then remember he works as a stripper/pole dancer/occasional giver of lapdances