A Dis-Recommendation for Web Fiction Guide

Nov 28, 2009 22:08

I had reviewed a piece of weblit for Web Fiction Guide, whereat Chris P. pulled down the review because it mentioned cyberfunded creativity, which he considered an 'ad.' So if he is going to be hostile towards cyberfunded creativity, I'm not inclined to post there anymore, and I withdraw my previous recommendation for the site.

I am frustrated and disappointed by the general resistance to crowdfunded projects, as if there's something wrong with creative folks wanting to get paid for their hard work. It's clear that what we really need is a site to promote cyberfunded creativity in particular, with our own listing of projects and creators and donors, supporting resources, awards, and whatever else folks think would be useful. I really wish I had the programming skill to build something like that, but alas, I don't.

cyberfunded creativity, review

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