This cast list is a bonus perk to make up for
recent delays and vagaries in handling the Poetry Fishbowl material. It will also be useful for the
mid-month fishbowl coming on Tuesday, which will feature Hart's Farm as the theme.
Hart's Farm Character List
This list introduces the characters in the historic fantasy series Hart's Farm, which is set in Sweden. These are the characters who have already appeared in poetry. There are a handful of others that haven't been explictly mentioned yet; I'll add them as they come onstage. You can find the poems in this series by looking on the
Serial Poetry page.
Aisling (
Irish: dream-vision) -- a gardener with long, slightly wavy red hair.
Farmborn: great-great granddaughter of Gylfa, great-granddaughter of Ronan, granddaughter of Ola, daughter of Elharn and Una, niece of Soren, younger sister of Finlo, younger cousin of Rowen and Lia, aunt of Bjarni and Engelbert, mother of Birgitta. Mostly heterosexual, bisensual, kinky.
Introduced in "Rosehips and Honey," reappearing in "Low-Hanging Fruit" and "Julbord."
Arnvid (
Norse: eagle-tree) -- a carpenter with short blond hair.
Outsider: father of Astrid. Bisexual. Kinky.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "In the Palms of My Hands," "Rosehips and Honey," "Julbord," and "Alone in the Bee-Loud Glade."
Astrid (
Old Norse: beautiful goddess) -- the carpenter's daughter, short blond hair.
Farmborn: great-great-great granddaughter of Gylfa, great-great granddaughter of Ronan, great-granddaughter of Ola, granddaughter of Soren and Una, daughter of Arnvid and Lia, niece of Rowen.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "In the Palms of My Hands," "Rosehips and Honey," "Low-Hanging Fruit," and "Julbord."
Auduna (
Norse: deserted) -- a woman with long, slightly wavy black hair that hangs in wisps or rattails; she comes to the farm already pregnant.
Outsider. Probably heterosexual, may be flexible.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "After Dark," "Low-Hanging Fruit," and "Julbord."
Bergren (
Swedish: from the mountain brook) -- a man with light brown hair, a singer and musician who plays the piano.
Outsider. Omnisexual, enthusiastically romantic.
Introduced in "Rosehips and Honey," reappearing in "Low-Hanging Fruit" and "Julbord."
Birgitta (
exalted, strong, or fiery; Swedish form of Irish Brighid) -- a girl with long, slightly wavy red hair.
Farmborn: great-great-great granddaughter of Gylfa, great-great granddaughter of Ronan, great-granddaughter of Ola, granddaughter of Elharn and Una, daughter of Aisling, niece of Finlo, older cousin of Engelbert.
Introduced in "Rosehips and Honey."
Bjarni (
Norse: bear) -- a boy with short blond hair.
Farmborn: great-great-great grandson of Gylfa, great-great grandson of Ronan, great-grandson of Ola, grandson of Elharn, son of Finlo and Dýrfinna, nephew of Aisling, older half-brother of Engelbert, older half-brother of Drífa.
Introduced in "Rosehips and Honey," reappearing in "Julbord" and "Alone in the Bee-Loud Glade."
Borga (
Old West Norse: savior, helper; or castle, fortified place) -- a woman with short curly black hair who works as a farmer.
Farmborn: great-great granddaughter of Gylfa, great-granddaughter of Ronan, granddaughter of Leif, daughter of Gróa and Hrafn, niece of Muirgen, older sister of Thorsten.
Introduced in "After Dark," reappearing in "Alone in the Bee-Loud Glade."
Cavan Hart (
Irish: Cabhán for "grassy hill" or "hollow" and
Old English: Hart for "heart" or "male deer") -- an Irish soldier and farmer who moved to Norway and then Sweden. A founder of the farm, who gave his name to it. Father of Refr. Ancestor. Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm."
Dýrfinna (
Old Icelandic: magic deer) -- a woman with blond hair who works as a farmer.
Outsider: mother of Bjarni and Drífa. Possibly heterosexual, possibly flexible. Introduced in "Low-Hanging Fruit," reappearing in "Alone in the Bee-Loud Glade."
Elharn (
Welsh: iron brow) -- a man who works as a farmer. Iron-gray hair, medium short. Likes to whittle, good at free-carving small objects.
Farmborn: great-grandson of Gylfa, grandson of Ronan, son of Ola, older brother of Soren, older cousin of Gróa and Muirgen, father of Finlo and Aisling; grandfather of Bjarni, Birgitta, and Engelbert. Omnisexual.
Introduced in "Julbord."
Engelbert (
German: bright angel) -- a boy with short red hair.
Farmborn: great-great-great grandson of Gylfa, great-great grandson of Ronan, great-grandson of Ola, grandson of Elharn, son of Frida and Finlo, younger half-brother of Bjarni, younger cousin of Birgitta.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "Rosehips and Honey" and "Julbord."
Finlo (
Manx: fair Scandinavian) -- a man who paints; he has short strawberry blond hair with bushy eyebrows and a big mustache.
Farmborn: great-great grandson of Gylfa, great-grandson of Ronan, grandson of Ola, son of Elharn, nephew of Soren, older brother of Aisling, younger cousin of Rowen, older cousin of Lia, father of Bjarni and Engelbert, uncle of Birgitta. Bisexual.
Introduced in "In the Palms of My Hands," reappearing in "Rosehips and Honey." (CL: Carl Larssen in "Seen in the Mirror" and "Self Portrait")
Frida (
Norse: peace) -- a woman who has wavy brown hair with blond streaks at the temples loosely piled atop her head; a seamstress.
Outsider: mother of Engelbert. Omnisexual.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm."
Gróa (
Old Norse: grower, farmer) -- a middle-aged woman who works as a farmer, with short black curly hair just starting to go gray.
Farmborn: great-granddaughter of Gylfa, granddaughter of Ronan, daughter of Leif, older sister of Muirgen, younger cousin of Elharn, older cousin of Soren, mother of Borga and Thorsten. Heterosexual, monogamous; wife of Hrafn.
Introduced in "After Dark," reappearing in "Alone in the Bee-Loud Glade."
Gudrun (
Norse: battle rune or goddess-secret) -- a founder of the farm. Daughter of Olaf, mother of Jorunn. Ancestor. Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm."
Hrafn (
Old Norse: raven) -- a middle-aged man with short black hair, beard and mustache; he also wears glasses. He does the record-keeping and accounting for Hart's farm.
Outsider: father of Borga and Thorsten. Heterosexual, monogamous; husband of Gróa.
Introduced in "After Dark," reappearing in "Alone in the Bee-Loud Glade"
Inge (
Swedish: Ing's daughter) -- a woman who paints nude. She has long, wavy brown hair piled loosely onto her head.
Outsider. Omnisexual. Nudist.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "In the Palms of My Hands," "Rosehips and Honey," and "Julbord."
Inghild (
Old Norse: Ing's warrior) -- a Norwegian soldier who dressed as a man, and settled down with Cavan Hart. Mother of Refr. Ancestor. Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm."
Karin Ragnasdotter (
Greek > Swedish: Karin means "pure" and
Norwegian: Ragna means "powerful") -- a woman with curly brown hair pinned atop her head.
Outsider: mother of Klara. Heterosexual.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "In the Palms of My Hands," "After Dark," and "Julbord."
Klara Karinsdotter (
German: Klara means "clear" and
Greek > Swedish: Karin means "pure") -- a girl with wavy blond hair.
Outsider: daughter of Karin. Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "In the Palms of My Hands"
Leif (
Norse: legacy) -- an old man with short dark hair going gray and a curly white beard. Expert chip-carver, sometimes decorates wooden items such as cabinets or plates made by Arnvid.
Farmborn: grandson of Gylfa, son of Ronan, younger brother of Ola, uncle of Elharn and Soren, father of Gróa and Muirgen, grandfather of Borga and Thorsten.
Introduced in "Julbord."
Lia (
Irish: songful, poetical) -- a poet with long, straight blond hair worn in a braid down her back.
Farmborn: great-great granddaughter of Gylfa, great-granddaughter of Ronan, granddaughter of Ola, daughter of Soren and Una; younger sister of Rowen, younger cousin of Finlo, older cousin of Aisling; mother of Astrid. Bisexual.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "In the Palms of My Hands" and "Low-Hanging Fruit."
Muirgen (
Irish: born of the sea) -- a fisher with long, light brown hair worn in a braid down her back.
Farmborn: Great-granddaughter of Gylfa, granddaughter of Ronan, Daughter of Leif, younger sister of Gróa, younger cousin of Elharn and Soren, aunt of Borga and Thorsten. Introduced in "Julbord."
Olaf (
Norse: ancestor) -- the old man who founded the farm. Bushy gray hair, white beard. Father of Gudrun, grandfather of Jorunn. Ancestor. Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm."
Rowen (
Norse: little red one, rowan tree) has fair skin and curly hair of rich red, about shoulderblade length and often pinned up under a cap. Born male, Rowen prefers a feminine role and usually dresses as a woman.
Farmborn: great-great grandchild of Gylfa, great-grandchild of Ronan, grandchild of Ola, child of Soren, older sibling of Lia, older cousin of Finlo, Lia, and Aisling, auntie of Astrid.
Rowen comes from a prompt by
I am imagining a very affectionate biromantic asexual genderqueer
character who has a passion for gardening, especially growing edible
herbs and plants, and loves getting the children involved in the garden too.
Introduced in "Rosehips and Honey," reappearing in "Julbord" and "Alone in the Bee-Loud Glade."
Solvig (
Old Norse: strong house) -- a woman scholar with curly black hair pinned atop her head. She usually dresses in black, dark gray, or dark blue. Solvig is quiet and rather solitary for Hart's Farm, but she is very close friends with her housemates Hrafn and Gróa.
Outsider. Aromantic asexual.
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "After Dark," "Julbord," and "Alone in the Bee-Loud Glade."
Svanhilda (
Swedish: swan battle) -- a writer with her dark brown, slightly wavy hair worn in a tail to mid-chest. She writes romances and horror stories.
Outsider. Lesbian. Kinky (somewhat bisensual).
Introduced in "Welcome to Hart's Farm," reappearing in "In the Palms of My Hands" and "Low-Hanging Fruit."
Una (
Old Swedish: happiness) -- a middle-aged blond woman with her hair braided and pinned atop her head, who works as a cook.
Outsider: mother of Lia and Aisling, grandmother of Astrid and Birgitta.
Introduced in "Rosehips and Honey," reappearing in "Julbord."