This article is about
defiance as a mental disorder. Underneath, however, it's about how modern society makes people sick and then punishes them for being displeasing. No safety or security are guaranteed: you only get food, shelter, clothing, health care, and other survival needs if you can pay for them. You are not guaranteed a job, or even the right to apply for a job; yet society demands that you have one and punishes you if you don't. Lack of security makes people anxious and depressed. People are then criticized and punished for that too. They are criticized and punished for objecting to how things are or suggesting that things should be different. And if they want to leave? Leaving the country is ever more difficult, and requires the permission of another receiving country. Suicide is illegal.
I am frequently reminded of how an abusive spouse smacks the victim around, claims to be in love, and insists that leaving is impossible.