My Crowdfunding Activity in 2012

Jan 01, 2012 23:09

I'm sure it will be much easier to keep an accurate tally if I do it during  the year rather than trying to backtrack after the fact, as I did with my 2011 crowdfunding activity.

I serve as a maintainer of the Crowdfunding communities  on Dreamwidth  and  on LiveJournal.

I'm organizing th 2012 Rose & Bay Awards, recognizing excellence in crowdfunding across the categories of Art, Fiction, Poetry, Webcomic, Other Project, and Patron.   See the list of winners.

Events (3)

Crowdfunding Creative Jam  on   crowdfunding or on the Dreamwidth community Crowdfunding
A two-day event where anyone can leave prompts on the current theme, or create anything based on prompts.  Some material is usually shared free and some is available for sponsorship.

Sketch Fest hosted by   ellenmillion
Leave prompts for artists to sketch (in any medium) with a one-hour limit on each sketch during Sketch Fest proper.  Sketches may be finished later.  They are often offered for sale.  Sponsors of Sketch Fest get to leave up to 15 prompts instead of the 5 that everyone else gets.

Torn World Muse Fusion on   torn_world
Leave prompts and create stuff related to the science fantasy setting Torn World. Some writing and art usually gets posted free to the main Torn World site, while most requires sponsorship -- unsponsored material is often posted for subscribers only.

Projects I Sponsored (9)

The Complete Elmore Artbook by Larry Elmore 
A coffeetable artbook in full color showcasing Elmore's art over the last several decades, a cornerstone of fantasy entertainment.  Memories are priceless, but books can be bought.

Free Small Art by -- see the  gallery website
Character illustrations, variously in B/W or color.  I've requested a portrait of Aldornia and Zenobia.

Garden of Prose  by  clare_dragonfly
Leave prompts for fiction, often with a theme.  These are usually short stories partially written, with a sample posted; more can be written/revealed for donations.

Giraffe Call  by  aldersprig
This is a microfic fishbowl where you can leave a prompt and get a story. Donate to extend the story. There are perks for linkbacks and other things too, and some group perks.  "All in Your Head" for Bug Invasion is a story I sponsored.

Icon Day by  djinni
Get a free LJ icon of yourself or an original character.  They start out in plain B/W ink but usually enough donations come in to get them colored, and donors often get a second icon.

Magic Monday Cafe by  the_borgqueen
Imagine launching a cafe via crowdfunding.  Way to support small, local businesses!  I sent in some pennies to help make the penny floor.  I loved this because tight finances prevent me from supporting as many projects as I'd like, and here it only cost a stamp, an envelope, and the pennies I had in a dish.

The Many Writings of K.A. Jones by  kajones_writing
There are over a dozen series in this project, mostly fantasy with some horror and other genres.  My favorites include Donor House, Afterlife, Pagans, and World Walkers.  Opportunities for inspiration include prompt calls and featured characters/settings.  Stories are written in installments and can be extended with points or donations.  Usually prompters get a private copy of their story, which must be sponsored to make it public; but there's also a LOT of free fiction posted.  There are all kinds of perks, and a reward system for doing things like linkbacks or editing; you earn points that you can spend on the perks you want.  I've sponsored the stories " John Good Road: A Conversation with Alice" and " John Good Road: John's First Visit to the Donor House," both in the Donor House series which features vampires and humans learning to get along together.

Microfic by  rix_scaedu
Prompt calls for short-short fiction.  " The Elf" is a favorite series.

Poetry for the Masses by  thesilentpoet nbsp;
This is a poetry fishbowl type project, where people leave prompts based on a theme, and the writer creates poems.  Something is always posted free, and there are perks for more if donations come in.   Poem a day from Jun2 24-July 13, with a theme of alternate history.  This spawned our shared-world project  The Silk Road Allies  about China and Italy joining forces.  You can see   the October edition here, along with the poem I sponsored, " Lior's Dream."

Other Projects I Supported as a Fan (19)

Aether Dancer  is an open-source steampunk webseries.  I've boosted the signal and written fan content for it.

Angela Hunt Photography by quennessa
She produces fine art photos, often with mythic imagery.  She has crowdfunded gallery shows and crowdsourced props.   Among the subjects for 2012 are the goddesses Artemis and Sekhmet.

The Arkh Project nbsp;(character concepts)
This is a video game featuring people of color and queer people as main characters, and as the artists, programmers, and other creators making the game itself.  The Arkh Project s fundraising for one section at a time, and I first saw it during the character concept phase.  JOB CREATOR!

The Bookstore That's Bigger on the Inside by p_m_cryan
Independent bookstore specializing in speculative fiction, also highly active in supporting local authors. JOB CREATOR!

Crowdfunded Poetry by  belgatherial
Various types of poetry were offered to crowdfund a paid account.

Discounted Character Portrait Days by shadows_gallery
B/W digital character illustrations for sale, usually at $5.

Free Character Art by  moon_fox
Full-body character illustrations, preferably human but furries or animals on request.  Basic is pencil, donate to upgrade to ink or color.  There are individual and group perks for donations.

Free Microfic Day by  skjam
Prompt call for very short fiction.

Free Sketch Day by shadows_gallery
Get a free B/W digital sketch based on your prompt(s). Tips can get a picture refined further. Sometimes the audience gets to vote on what gets finished fully.

Lorelei Has a Dream by  meeksp
This is a Kickstarter project to fund a hardcopy edition of an ebook for which  meeksp nbsp;did the art.  The main character is a hedgehog.

The Lorelei Signal edited by Carol Hightshoe
Crowdfunded webzine featuring speculative stories, poetry, art, etc. about strong women.

MicroFic Fishbowl by DW user rebelsheart
Prompt calls for short-short fiction, often with furry characters.

My Starz! astrology by DW user my_starz
Essays and, eventually, natal charts in a crowdfunded context.

One-Card Draw by DW user wrenstarling
Divination with a bird oracle.  There are individual and group perks for donation thresholds.

Plunge webzine published by DW user ailelie
Webzine featuring poetry, fiction, and nonfiction about queer women. This is a genre market spanning multiple genres: science fiction, fantasy, romance, mystery, etc.
JOB CREATOR! -- my job, in fact!  I'm booked to be the Line Editor if this project gets funded.

A Rosary of Stones and Thorns by  haikujaguar
Kickstarter campaign to fund a print edition of this fantasy spirituality novel.

"Sins Invalid" is a film project documenting performers with disabilities. It also works with queer people and people of color.

"Sitting Bull's Voice" is a documentary project over on Kickstarter.  The goal is to preserve some of the history relating to a famous Native American leader and his descendants.

Story Sketches by  meeksp
She illustrates scenes from other people's writing, and has done pictures for many of my poems.  Enough comments or donations will get a sketch refined in more detail.  This project is very popular with crowdfunded writers as a way to get their characters illustrated.

My Own Projects (2)

The Poetry Fishbowl (monthly)
Live poetry activity where people give me prompts on a theme and I write poems based on whatever I get. Minimum of one free poem posted, and others available for sponsorship. Lots of different perks.  Fishbowl Open posts have a donation button.

Schrodinger's Heroes  (sporadic)
This project features an apocryphal television show supported by an imaginary fandom.  It's science fiction about quantum physics and saving the world.  The cast of characters is sexually and ethnically diverse.  Content includes fiction, poetry, LOL_HEROES (LOLCATS images of characters who are cats, or have gotten changed into cats), and other goodies.  I wroite for this project during the Poetry Fishbowl, Crowdfunding Creative Jam, bingo fests, and sundry other occasions.  The menu page has a link to my permanent donation button.

holiday, personal, cyberfunded creativity

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