I have a flurry of activity in
Torn World, partly because we're assembling an anthology. So ...
"Cutting Time" (about
Eshra's difficulties with her age-set) has been through one round of revision with Doug and is currently awaiting his attention to the changes.
"The Sky Rangers" (in which
Fala tells a story) has been edited by Doug and submitted to the canon board.
xjenavivex has sponsored this story so it will be visible to the public when approved. (If the canon board chokes on it for some unforeseen reason, it can always go up as non-canon.)
xjenavivex, I'm not finding you in the Torn World system; if you haven't already registered, please do that so I can click the box to list you as a Patron of this story. If you are registered, I need to know your TW handle.
"Clouds in the Morning" (about
Rai's first day of school) has been edited by Doug and Ellen. Ellen and I outlined this story last year. It was originally intended as a weave with me writing Rai and Ellen writing
Bai, but we've decided that it stands well on its own. So this one has been submitted to the canon board. Hopefully we'll be able to fast-track it for inclusion in the first anthology.
"On the Rocks" (in which Eshra tends snow-unicorns) is rough drafted and I'll get back to it when I have time. Prompt tag! I posted a prompt in the sketch fest, Ellen illustrated it, and that image inspired this story.
"Squiggles and Squares" (about
Nleimen's childhood) is rough drafted and I'll get back to it when I have time. The first part came from a prompt in a Torn World Muse Fusion, and I expanded it considerably over the last week or so.
I need to do some timeline plotting and story drafting for Fala's midrange story arc, her young-adult years in Itrelir. Ellen is working on some stuff so there are events we need to nail down for the character weaving there.
Do you want to make these projects move faster? Show your support with a
PayPal donation,
Torn World credits, or
xjenavivex successfully bumped "The Sky Rangers" to a higher priority by sponsoring it.
Remember that Torn World has been nominated for a
Rose & Bay Award! If you're not a contributor then you can
vote for us. We would sure appreciate your support.