Photography: Spring Flowers

Mar 19, 2010 13:29

Yesterday I borrowed Doug's camera and took some photos of my flower gardens.

This is the "rain garden" in a small square below a downspout on the east side of our house, near the door.  It has giant crocus blooming in white, purple, and yellow.  Also visible in one corner, a columbine is putting up its scalloped leaves.

The "goddess garden" near the northeast corner of our house has snow crocus blooming in ivory and yellow.  These are much smaller than the giant crocus.  The hollow in the middle is where the ceramic goddess statue will go, after freeze danger is past.  In this picture, you can also see that the grass is just starting to wake up and turn green near the roots.

This is the "daffodil garden" along the west edge of our parking lot, showing tall leaves of various daffodils, jonquils, and narcissi.  They haven't put up any buds yet.

Here is a somewhat longer shot of the tulip bed, currently abloom with crocus flowers in medium and deep purple.  You can also see the edge of the daffodil bed.  Tulips are beginning to put up leaves, and the first pink buds of peonies are poking through the dirt.

This is the "purple garden," actually planted in shades of purple, pink, and white.  It contains tulips, crocus, and chrysanthemums plus some tarragon.  These tulips are well up, and one of the purple-and-white striped crocus is blooming (behind the tree, from this angle).  This garden is actually up near the house, but I backtracked to it.  I was standing on the patio when I shot this, shooting toward the south meadow.

These are some of the deep purple giant crocus blooms in the tulip garden, seen close-up.

At the far end of the bulb garden is a small bed of snowdrops.  Along with snow crocus, these are the earliest of the spring flowers.  Forming the top/back of this picture, you can see a big rock.  That's one of a long line marking the north edge of our little parking lot, extending to create the end of the bulb garden.

I have some more photos, including:

* A tighter closeup of a smaller clump of snowdrops
* Closeups of the other colors of crocus
* Closeups of honeybees visiting flowers
* Honeybees returning to the bee-tree, laden with pollen.

Several artists have posted samples of their sketch pages, with more sketches being available if people want to sponsor some.  I've decided to try something similar with photography.  So if you want to see more, $1 will get you two extra photos.  (You can use the PayPal button on my profile page, or contact me for other options.)  Your choice of 1/4 size like these, or full-size; I'll try to remember to put them behind a cut.  Doug's camera seems to be shooting at 1600x1200, and I usually reduce the size to 400x300.  I've tried keying in half-size but it doesn't show up that way.

gardening, photography, illinois, personal, cyberfunded creativity

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