fic: Mana’o

Aug 25, 2011 21:24

Title: Mana’o
Words: 1k
Rating: PG
Summary: Danny spends time with his old partner Meka and his family.
A/N: Written for rodlox for helpthesouth. Thanks for the cute prompt! Also, Mana’o is hawaii'n for hope or belief.

Meka had a nice house not too far from HQ, which was real convenient because they could amble back from a day of fighting crime-or pushing paper, as was often the case-and have a few beers, badges left in their lockers. There was a pizza place nearby and the beach was only a ten minute drive.

Danny'd only been in Hawaii for three months but they'd founded some hard-and-fast traditions, one of which was Thursday burger night.

"Better burgers than pizza," Danny said.

Meka swung through the front door, which was unlocked. "Yeah? And why's that?"

"The toppings you put on your pizza over here, no one in Jersey would believe me."

"Ham & pineapple?" When Danny grimaced, Meka waved him off, draping his jacket over a chair in the livingroom. "So much for trust, man. I trust you with my life, and you won't even take my word on food."

Danny just rolled his eyes. He dropped a kiss on Amy's cheek when they entered the kitchen and then snagged a couple beers from the fridge, twisting off the tops and handing one to Meka.

Meka followed him out into the yard, saying, "That's too fine a cuisine for the Shore."


Danny turned. "Hey Monkey! How was your day?" He picked her up and swung her around in the air. She smiled, showing off her three missing teeth. He pretended to walk towards the pool with her in his arms. "Wanna go for a swim?"

The water lapped at the edges menacingly. Grace grabbed onto his uniform and laughed, shaking her head.

Amy came out with hamburger patties and buns. Smoke was already curling out of the grill, and the coals were glowing orange and gray. She smiled at Grace and said, "Rachel dropped her by an hour ago. She and Billy have been playing with legos."

"Oh yeah?" Danny asked. "You and Billy have been having a good time?"

Grace nodded and pointed to the small structure they'd been building out of yellow and red blocks. Billy waved and shook long hair out of his eyes. "Hi, Danno!"

Billy was a talkative kid who hadn't learned how to modulate his voice. Grace, on the other hand, barely got a word out. She was carefully sipping a Capri Sun while Billy had juice running down his chin.

He threw his arms up in the air and yelled, "When I grow up I'm gonna be a cop! I'm gonna kill all the bad guys and get rewards." He dropped his empty Capri Sun in the grass and stuck a few more legos together.

"Grace," Danny said. She looked up. "Gracie, why don't you tell Billy what you said at career day."

She nodded, wide-eyed. "I told my class I was gonna be a detective."


"Don't worry, Billy. You can be on my team."

Fifteen years later, when she ran 5-O, Grace would say the same thing over the phone, recruiting Billy for forensics. Billy would say yes. But for now, he just ran head-on toward the pool.

"Walk please," Meka reminded him, so that Billy slowed as he neared the concrete edge. He stuck a toe in and then dipped his leg in, before Meka said, "No you don't. We're about to eat."

Amy used tongs to put the burgers on the grill. She held out her hand for the barbecue sauce, which Danny grabbed for her, and she said, "Meka, would you set the table please?"

Danny helped her cook and worked on his IPA, feeling himself relax after a long day. He watched as Billy and Grace spent the better part of ten minutes trying to skip rocks across the top of the water.

"Grace doesn't have many friends," Danny said. "The move was hard, so this is good for her."

"Billy has the opposite problem. He's too social. His teachers have complained that he can't sit still, that always trying to make the other kids laugh."

"Class clown," Danny nodded. "I can see that."

"So, how was work?"

Danny grinned, hands behind his head. "Free at last."

She raised her eyebrows. "Anderson got let free?"

"No, that's not-of course not, what do you think of us? We're the wonder team. Anderson got twenty years and Meka and I, well, we got about twenty seconds of rest before the Lieutenant gave us our next case." He gestured widely. "But what's important is, justice was served."

"In short, we're heroes," Meka said, putting the plates next to the grill. He stood next to them with his hands in his pockets as Amy took burgers off the grill.

"Hell yeah we're heroes." Danny clinked their beers together.

Mosquitoes were out, zipping from one person to the next with suicidal abandon, and the air smelled like hot car exhaust and the ocean. Danny would be covered in bites tomorrow, but he was getting used to it.

"I did it!" Billy yelled, from the water's edge. "It skipped like five times!"

"That was a frog," Grace told him quietly.

Danny wondered whether Rachel had dropped in for long, whether she and Amy spoke often. Rachel seemed settled with Stan in ways she had never seemed with Danny, and although it was painful to watch, somehow, after making the move to Hawaii, some of the anger had healed over. They were a lopsided family now, not the right shape, but doing okay.

Tomorrow, work would continue. It wasn't Jersey, his colleagues here weren't like his friends back home, with the easy camaraderie that was born of having grown up in the same town. But he wasn't unhappy here. It wasn't half bad.

He said, in a rare moment of bald emotion, "We're doing good here."

"I know it." Meka said. "We'll keep this island safe. For Hawaii's citizens, for Grace and Billy."

"Yeah? What makes you so sure we can keep it up?" Danny asked. Billy threw another stone at the wrong angle, and Danny watched as it sunk like a lodestone.


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