(no subject)

Oct 20, 2010 15:29

Mainly involving brainwashing and disguising. These kick into full-swing once she recovers those powers. :)

Brainwashing: Ami is capable of using dark energy brainwash a person to be loyal and a friend to her and to do things for her, or at the very least feel much more inclined to view her in a positive light. The people she brainwashes, as she can brainwash several people at a time for a good amount of time, are usually unaware that they are being brainwashed, and normally afterwards do not remember what happened to them under Ami's influence.

Of course, the power of Ami's brainwashing varies greatly depending on things like how powerful a person is mentally, if a person is adept at brainwashing themselves, if a person is immune to dark energy or brainwashing via telepathy or mental walls, whether the brainwashing is strong enough to erase memories of a person once it is lifted, and so on and so forth.

Basically, if your character can be brainwashed without a problem, or with limitations, or if Ami tries and realizes OH CRAP you can fight off her attempt to make you her slave BFF. :D

Disguising Herself...As You: Ami has a cameraphone. Said cameraphone not only takes pictures, but can disguise Ami into any person so long as she has taken a photo of them. The strength of the disguise can be such that most of the time, even close friends and other senshi can be fooled into thinking Ami is someone else, as it cloaks Ami's normal features and, it is implied, even her voice.

However, the strength of the disguise also depends on who Ami is being disguised at. The more physically/similarly featured to Ami the person in the photo is, the stronger the disguise is. I.E. to give an ingame example, Ami would be able to fool people more easily disguising herself as Edward Elric than she would disguising herself as Liquid Snake. Another important weakness is that it does not copy a person's powers and abilitites. i.e. Edward Elric!Ami would not be able to perform arrayless alchemy or turn her automail arm into a weapon.

Interested in having Ami take your picture - and maybe put it on herself to see what happens? Yup, here is where you show Ami how well she can get away with being your character. ;p

Disguising Herself As You:


Stolen from a different muse from another game. I figured it might be useful for all you folks out there who want to know what you can do to her. ;D

Threadhopping/threadjacking: Yes, generally I'm cool with it, I threadhop a ton myself anyhow.
Attack/Injure: Yes, but ask first.
Intoxicate: Yes, but ask first.
Mindfuck/Rape/Torture/Kill/etc.: Mindfuck, torture and kill: yes, but definitely with limits, and definitely ask first as to what is allowed to be done with her. No rape under any circumstances.
Hug/Kiss: Ask first on both counts; chances are, either thing will earn at the very least a slap on the face.
Sex logs: No. She's underaged.
Read your thoughts/emotions: Yes, but ask first. Depending on the strength of the person's ability it will either fail spectacularly or result in selective and conflicting memories thanks to her brainwashing.
Anything you don't want brought up to this character?: At this moment, anything involving the events of Final Act in her universe is off limits. Or anything about Kunzite or Nephrite being dead/depowered. Unless of course you are said Kunzite or Nephrite. Otherwise it would be awkward NOT to tell her about your death or depowerment. But Final Act info of hints is a definite no-no currently.
Anything else? Talking to her about friends, the sailor senshi, her memories, and her past will eventually give her migraines of Truth and Justice. Which can make her snippier and brattier than usual. Yeah.

*ooc, *permissions

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