Prompt #05: Something Asked

Jul 06, 2010 01:40

It's still technically Monday...

The theme for this week's prompt is character development and this theme will carry us through the next three weeks :) I hope you scribblers are up for it!

It's going to work a little differently. This is what we want you to do:

01. Make up a character!
02. Ask your character these questions!
  • What does your name mean to you?
  • Do you keep a photo album of memories from your lifetime? If you could only keep one photo, what would it depict?
  • If your were in the habit of keeping a journal, what good memories could you go back and re-visit through that journal? Would you do so often?
  • What scars, birthmarks, tattoos, or other identifying marks do you have? What stories lie behind them, if any?
  • Does you have any phobias? What are they and how intense are they? How have they impacted your life?
  • What one person do you most wish she didn't have to put up with, but feel you have to
You receive a mysterious package. There's no return address (or not one that you recognize) and you weren't expecting anything. What do you do?
The package is unusually heavy and the label is hand-lettered in a handwriting you don't recognize... 
The package is a thin manila envelope with a printed label...
There seems to be a faint vibration coming from the package and it was left on your doorstep...
The package is large and was delivered through a reputable shipping service...
  • If the Doctor showed up in the TARDIS right now, would you go?
  • Confess: who's your favourite Harry Potter character and why?
  • What's in your pocket right now?
  • Open up the cabinets in your bathroom and describe what you find there.
  • Do you like poetry? Why/Why not?
  • You come face-to-face with your worst enemy. What is your first reaction?
  • What is the most shameful thing that ever happened to you?
  • Have you ever hurt someone and secretly felt good about it?
  • If someone told you today that you're destined to fulfill a great prophecy, how would your react?
In general...
Where do you fall on an order vs. chaos spectrum?
Where do you fall on a good vs. evil spectrum?
Where do you fall on a kindness vs. cruelty spectrum?
Where do you fall on a cynicism vs. hopefulness spectrum?

Questions from here! If you want to do more than what's listed here, we'd love to see those as well!

What we're basically looking for with this prompt, is for you to create a brand new character of your own and have them answer these questions. The questions should be answered in character, by the character, if that makes sense. Not all of these are necessary. Feel free to have your character answer as many or as little of these as they feel comfortable.

The goal with this is to get to know your character thoroughly, even if almost none of these scraps of information ever appear while you're writing with him or her.

01. Post your fill as a comment below or link to your journal.
02. If you post as a comment and it's longer than one comment long, reply to the first comment.
03. If your link to your journal please include a rating and warnings, if necessary.

Now, set your pens/keyboards and go! And you can give your advice on character development here!


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