Yayness!! Challenge #4!!
Your themes this fortnight:
† Doctor Who and Torchwood (
3 and
4 or find your own) chosen by me
† Sunsets (
2 and
3 or find your own) as requested by
platipie† Lee Mead (
2 and
3 or find your own) as requested by
goth_detective Rules
* Animation welcome, but not necessary
* must be 100x100 or smaller
* no larger than 40kb
Enter your icons like this* enter no less than two icons but no more than five.
Submission Form
Icon Challenge #4
Icon #1: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]
Icon #2: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]
Icon #3: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]
Icon #4: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]
Icon #5: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]
I would like this theme for the next icon challenge: [Chosen theme]
The deadline for this challege is Friday 27th July
First place:
pocoyo_moi Second Place:
pocoyo_moi Third Place:
goth_detective Honourable Mention:
platipie Mod's Choice:
sixxalicious Thank you and well done to all who entered, and congratulation to those who've won!