May 17, 2009 20:52
So, a discussion topic for you guys:
I lent my copies of the first four books to my best friend recently, hoping to have someone irl to squee over them with. Turns out, she didn't like them, and when I asked her why, she said that she "Didn't like the message that children can and/or should play God."
Which was baffling to me, because not only is that something I've never ever thought of, when I did think about it... it seems to me to be the opposite of what she's doing.
I don't know if this is just because she's religious (Christian, specifically) and I'm not, but I do know I've never seen that idea suggested by anyone in fandom.
Input, guys? What do you think? Do the stories encourage children to "play God?" Discourage it? Not take a stance at all?
*pokes fandom, hopes for revival*