
Jul 18, 2010 10:40

Who: Armand St. Just, Han Solo, Capt. Vidal, and Jack Harkness
Where: Capt. Vidal's captain (outside then inside)
What: rescuing Jack Harkness from Capt. Vidal
When: 3rd day after the Flood (Friday?)
Warnings: violence, likely death

After he and Martha found Jack's cabin empty, Armand tried not to panic. He spent some time supervising in the garden, but after making sure people were working, he looked back through the network messages, searching for some clue to where Jack might have gone. He didn't find anything particularly alarming, or really anything at all during the pertinent days. When he had the chance, he checked all the most obvious public places for Jack on the Barge. Nothing. If he was in the CES, there wasn't anything to be done about that.

Eventually Armand asked Captain Solo to meet him by Jack's inmate's door. Captain Vidal hadn't been seen either during the time in question. He'd seen little evidence of them talking much after the animal flood weeks ago, but that didn't mean anything. Vidal was Jack's inmate. Other than one of Jack's friends, only his inmate could easily get Jack to come to him without leaving a message for anyone else. It might not be anything terrible, and Jack might not be in here, but three days was a long time to go without speaking to either of the two people you'd promised to see "after the Flood."

Armand paced up and down the corridor near Vidal's room, trying to calm his worry.

misplaced log

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