One Piece, Smoker/Portgas D. Ace (# 5 His Place)

Jan 13, 2008 01:42

 Title: His Place
Author: youkohiei_fan
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Smoker/Ace
Rating: M
Word Count: 1321
Warnings: Yaoi, language, mortified Smoker
Disclaimer: Don't own One Piece or it's characters.
Notes: This along with all my other fics will be apart of one long fic...eventually. For now just consider them snippets.

Smoker had never been more uncomfortable in his life and that included his first year as a cadet and the start of his relationship with one of the most feared pirates on the Grand Line. The reasons for his uneasiness were sitting around him, while the reason he was here was sitting happily beside him trying to play footsie with him under the table.

He should have never agreed to the brat's pleading and talked to that woman on the den-den mushi the brat had handed to him. Now he was sitting at a table with some of the strongest people in the world and he was starting to get a headache at the thought.

"Ace fell asleep agaaa~" A familair strawhat was pointing at his brother who had almost landed face first in his food but was saved by Smoker's quick reflexes.

"LUFFY!" The rest of the straw hat crew yelled in unison at their captain who had decided to fall asleep as well.

Makino laughed from her seat between Dragon and Garp. Smoker still couldn't believe that all of these people were related. Though, when all of they'd met up in town after docking at four different ports for fear of starting a massive battle, four of them had fallen asleep after introductions.

"So, Smoker-san, how long have you and Ace been together? When he told me he had a lover, I couldn't believe it." The marine, along with the other men at the table, thought the kind-looking woman was just as bad as the women in their own lives.

"Speak up boy." Garp said before yanking a still-sleeping Luffy back in his seat. Oh, how he craved his cigars right now; the damn woman wouldn't allow him to smoke.

"Gramps, stop trying to scare junshou!" Ace yelled after swallowing a mouth full of bread.

"You little whelp." The marine stood from his chair, glaring at his grandson, Luffy immediately ducking and covering his head. Zoro and Sanji, having previously witnessed Garp's anger and presently being within arm's length of the man, covered their own heads. The rest of the crew displayed various degrees of panic.

"Uhhh...n-never mind." Ace squeaked out as he slouched down in his seat. Luffy laughed before yelping as a fist met the top of his head.

"Answer Makino's question, brat."

"Over three years." Ace smiled widely as the three oldest members of the strangest family he'd ever met stared in curiousity.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" The tavern owner questioned. Even Dragon raised an eyebrow at the answer.

"I-it's a long story." Ace smiled sheepishly.


"That was fun wasn't it?" Ace pillowed his head in his arms as he stretched out across the bed.

"I am never coming with you to one of these dinners ever again." Smoker sat on the edge of the small bed, taking off his boots.

"Just think of it as a vacation, old man." The mera-mera user then began poking his side with his toes, trying to get a rise out of the other man. Makino had been nice enough to give them their own room at her home, though she'd kindly let out the fact that it was situated between the brat's grandfather and strawhats' swordsman and cook.

"Come on junshou, we've not had sex in two days." Smoker wondered if he could knock the idiot out long enough to drag him to his ship, docked on the other side of the island, and throw him in the brig with a pair of seastone cuffs.

Another poke in the ribs got his attention and he moved to pin the younger man to the bed. Ace smirked up at him and, freeing his arms, pulled the logia user down onto him. Ace never got tired of feeling Smoker's weight on top of him; he reveled in the reassuring pressure. With seeing his family and having one of Makino's infamous meals equaled an incredibly happy Ace.

"Come on old man, I'm horny."

"Do you always have to talk?"

Ace answered him with wrapping his legs around the waist around him."Then shut me up, Smokey."

Smoker growled at the nickname, harshly nipping to the tan collarbone below him. Ace pulled at the other's coat while being assualted with nicotine-laced kisses.

"Impatient brat." Smoker growled in his ear before sitting up and removing his coat.

Ace removed his legs from Smokers waist and sat up, his hands reaching for the older man's belt. After a few curses from both of them, they finally mangaed to remove the offending belt and Ace lay back down again. Removing his pants Smoker began working on the younger man's shorts, yanking them harshly off slim hips.

"Whose impatient now?" Ace snickered as he wrapped his legs around his lover again.

His laughing was stopped abruptly as Smoker pushed a finger inside him. A second and third soon joined the first. Ace wrapped his arms around Smoker's neck, pulling the other man down to share a heated kiss. Small flames and tendrils of smoke wafted in the room as Smoker eased himself inside the pliant body beneath him.

Both logia users began moving, slowly picking up the pace with each thrust. Ace was making a loud mewling sound while Smoker panted in his ear.

"Smoker, faster." The marine commodor complied, snapping his hips in time with Ace's arches. Both winced at first at the sound of the headboard slamming against the wall, but when Ace jumped as Smoker brushed his prostate, thoughts about waking the others up were forgotten.

Smoker pushed the other's legs furthur up his waist to change his angle as Ace's cries drove him forward. Both were almost near their ends when the bedroom door was slammed opened, cracking the wall behind the now-opened door.

"You two idiot's should respect you elder's and shut the hell up." Garp was standing in the doorway, his fist raised. A mortified Smoker was looking over his shoulder at the vice-admiral while Ace strained to see over his lover's arm.

"Gramps, get the hell out, we're busy!"

"Inconsiderate whelp, I should knock your head off your shoulders!"

Smoker wished at that moment that he was back at dinner Or that a giant tsunami would wash over this place and take him with it.

"We'll talk about it later!" Ace was gripping Smoker's back trying to lift himself up enough to glare at his grandfather.

"Gramps what are you yelling at? Ace, Smokey guy, what are you guys doing?" A bleary-eyed Luffy emerged from down the hall, yawning loudly.

"Look what you did, you woke Luffy up and you've corrupted him!"

"I did not; it was your yelling that woke him up!" Flames were flickering from the devl-fruit user, Smoker unconsciously smoldering them before they could do any damage.

"Pops, here're some ear plugs, now go to sleep. Luffy come with me; there might be some leftovers downstairs." Dragon had arrived on the scene. While throwing the earplugs at his father, he ushered his youngest son downstairs, waving at the marine and his other son.

"You'll be doing some training with your brother tomorrow, don't be late." With that, the vice-admiral slammed the door shut and left for his own room. After what seemed like an eternity, Ace spoke up.

"So, are we gonna finish?"

"Are you insane?" Smoker snarled at the grinning fool.

"It's not like we have to be quiet anymore and besides I want to." Ace pouted his hands digging into Smoker's shoulders to try and get the man to comply. Smoker contemplated his choices and decided sex was better then sitting in awkward silence or being whined at the rest of the night.

"As long as you never drag me to meet your family again."

"Deal, just don't be too rough, I'll need to be able to run for my life in the morning." The commodor had only heard brief horror stories from the other about the admiral's 'training sessions'. He shuddered at the thought.

"Can't make any promises." He stopped the protests with a kiss and continued to try and forget the most embarassing moment of his life.

table, one piece, smokerace, yaoi, fanfic

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