multi-purpose post [veronica mars: fic + icons]

Mar 20, 2014 11:12

THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE VMARS MOVIE. fair warning.I just made a few icons and didn't want to make a separate post for it, so *kanye shrug*. also, omg, I didn't realize quite how shadow/light the movie was till now. ALSO, I have to say, the vmars ficathon was the most fun I've had in the longest time and everyone who participated or ( Read more... )

fanfiction: veronica mars, character: dick casablancas, fanfiction is a valid life choice, john hughes didn't pen your life story, fanfiction, character: keith mars, character: wallace fennel, icon make puns, you could be my epic love, the brat pack is my legit angsty bff, character: mac mackenzie, character: logan echolls, this is love story goddammit, fandom: veronica mars, icons, icons: veronica mars, character: veronica mars, this is my actual otp

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Comments 24

midnight_owl13 March 20 2014, 19:41:52 UTC
love them and I totally snagged two of them <3


youcallitwinter March 20 2014, 19:55:20 UTC
Yay! Glad you found something!


midnight_owl13 March 20 2014, 20:44:12 UTC
snagged another, I can not wait until this movie is on DVD in May


youcallitwinter March 20 2014, 20:59:48 UTC
I cannot either!! I haven't rewatched it yet because I want to savor the experience again! I added more icons here, so you can see if anything catches your eye :)


eilowyn March 20 2014, 20:27:17 UTC
THAT SILHOUETTE! Oh, and did you see I fanmix'd? Yeah. The love fest continues.


youcallitwinter March 20 2014, 21:05:23 UTC
I JUST REALIZED THIS WHOLE MOVIE IS JUST SHADOWPLAY. A++ noir. Also, omg, I did not, must see it ASAP.


igrockspock March 20 2014, 21:53:04 UTC
Thank you so much for running the fest! (I may or may not have 2 or 3 other stories to post in the next few days...)

It was definitely some of the most fun I've had on LJ in a long time too. Tumblr can be fun, but it's just not the same for running an event like this!


youcallitwinter March 20 2014, 21:57:50 UTC
Pleasure's all mine! I got to read so much good stuff just at the moment when I most wanted it and how often does that happen, haha. And yay for more fic, cannot wait!!

I'm not on tumblr at all because I know I'll never get any work done if I was, but LJ's been kind of dead, so I'm glad that there were so many people to share the vmars squee with here too!


smiley_b March 20 2014, 22:19:01 UTC
These icons are gorgeous - i've snagged a couple, will credit when i use them

Really enjoying all the fic that's being written over the last few days!!


youcallitwinter March 25 2014, 17:45:54 UTC
Your icon is just lovely! And thank you so much!

I too have really been enjoying the fandom revival!


badboy_fangirl March 20 2014, 22:23:47 UTC
I'm taking the icon of the best shot in the movie, obvs. Also, I will be coming back to read fic and write fic if so inspired, I just haven't had any time this week. Of course. There is too much fangirling going on for me right now, I'm overwhelmed in every direction! Thanks for the icon!


youcallitwinter March 25 2014, 17:48:06 UTC
UGH, SO MANY SCENES, I AM DYING. But also, you should totally come back to write fic, I've been writing over unimportant things like sleeping or eating. But god, this fandom makes me so happy, EVERYONE SHIPS MY SHIP :D


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