Game NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 16, 2006 20:00

Happy Resurrectoin day Y'all!

Well.. Lisa's campaign filled with plot twists, world play, searching for clues and the inevitable takeover of the universe by evil forces is over. Time to say good bye to Bellwood (for now).
I'm hosting another open game night, both this coming Friday and the Friday after that.

If you read this...
You are MORE than welcome to come! You and anyone you think would add to the fun. Seriously, friends you know from work or church or whatever, if they like to play various tabletop/rpg/video/party/card games, BRING 'EM!

What might be on the Agenda:
Space (it's in the car) Munchkin.

[Fill in the Blank] of Catan (at least 3 of my friends own them and any combination of those friends are likely to show).

Poker (if enough people express interest we'll play nickel poker where participants would bring 10 bux for chips( and leave empty handed (muhahaha!!!)))

Homemade Guacamole (I told you she was the world's best wife EVAR)

Super Mario [fill in the blank] or whatever, you know..

Giant Mike-Made fire (it's all set and ready to go, I kid you not. The nieghbors think I have Indians.)

Anime (if anyone wants to bring *cough cough Sam Cham* some.)

Risk/LOTR Risk (we'd have to have a no-bloodshed diqualification house rule)

Whatever else you think you'd like..

Again that's this Friday (April 21) and the following Friday (April 28)
You and anyone you think would enjoy it, come on over anytime from 6pm-2am or thereabouts.

Peace in Christ
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