[mod] the big project--more poster samples!

Oct 20, 2010 02:29

Since some are worried about image copy right issue and TM AAT logo thing, maybe better post Dashen's epic sample poster on school boards only, and go anon and do it seceretly...remeber to take it off when the concert is over.

Now we have another cool poster (made by Ba tain) available and I think this one looks 100% safe and free from copy right issue.

more samples from her (tho not 100% safe, but you can limit them in schools anyway)

download the original size here (4000x5238)

spots you may use (just try spots which are convenient for you, don't over work youself ne~;P)

# school/college/uni inforamtion/event boards
# school/college/uni cafeteria
# china/japan/korea town
# Kinokuniya bookstore and random comics bookstore (Japanese or just general ones)
# club&bar
# vintage stores
# wherever you can figure out

*We still need more people to join this project, so please help if you live in those five cities or in cities around. If you don't but have friends in those cities, do try youe best to get them to help.

Please pimp this entry as much as you can, thanx! If it's the first time you read about this, please also check the previous entry here

*mod post

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