Honestly, i thought that studying Katherine Mansfield's work was one of the most interesting texts that we had studied during this course. The Mark on the Wall, The Late Daughters of Colonel and The Garden Party. We had studied the Garden Party very briefly last semester so i had an idea of what her work may have been like. However, through this semester i was able to actually learn and feel what her works actually meant. It was quite interesting to re read her works as now in this semester there had been more understanding of Katherine Mansfield and her works therefore, i was able to appreciate it more and see it in a completely different light.
During this week we talked about Katherine Mansfileds work during tutorials and discussions. I tried to read both her stories in a feminist point of view! By doing this i felt that i had gained a better meaning of her stories and the underlying themes that she was trying to portray through the characters and through the women. In the "Daughters of the Late Colonel" i both sympathised and epathised for both Con and Jug. These two sisters portrayed a deep meaning towards Katherine Mansfields work. Con and Jug both portray her feminist views and through their life as she shows what she thought about the position and rank of women. In this short story i thought that they were portrayed rather sadly and had a very oppressed life. They cowered under their father, from a young age they had to do thier fathers bidding and live in the shadows, they could not live free lives as they were constantly on alert, waiting for more orders. Even after death, Con and Jug were still afraid of the shadow thier father left behind. Mansfield is trying to show the oppression of women in through this story. During our discussions we discussed Katherine Mansfields work! I think the most interesting things that we touched up on was firstly, Con and Jug had no childhood, they were expected to be reformed and lady like from such a young age. Secondly, i thought that they were emotionally stunted at a certain age that they would not be able to grow wether it be socially or mentally. Whilst reading the text i thought that they felt hopeless after their fathers death, they were un organised and feeling lost and afraid. I feel that somehow Katherine Mansfield is trying to reflect her image of self belief. Towards the end of the short story, it raised a question, would they be able to move on and live the life they never had? or would they cower in the shadow of their father? I could then see where the fate of these two women were heading. Con and Jug had the initial thought of escaping and living the dream however, they are afraid as they are venturing into unknown territory. The story is built up so that the readers are expected to believe that there is a shimmer of hope for these women, the sunlight, the acknowledgment of the organ- grinder and the buddha. All these symbolised hope and freedom, yet they did not and could not free themselves. Ulitmately i think this shows that Katherine Mansfield may have believed that in her time, no matter what a woman would always step in the shadow of men! Mansfield struggled, despite her attempts to free herself from the bind of men, eventually leading to her death.
This story was truly an interesting read, i felt pity and sympathy for the characters however, i thought that i could empathise with the characters. Although living in a modern era where oppression is not a problem, i think that we still face different problems and we are put to a crossroads whether we have to decide. Anyway i am satisfied to say that i have learnt a lesson through Katherine Mansfield!