V-Day.: Task Two in Progress.

Jan 14, 2010 11:53

DBSK Dorm (Again): V-Day. Task Two in Progress.

There was a faint, friendly knock on Hero’s bedroom door.

The overwhelmed woman had her face plastered into her pillow as she poured about 70% of her body’s water supply into the cushioned item through her eyes, and she refused to leave her place.

She sucked in a quick breath to quiet herself down and waited for the unwanted visitor to leave. As a quiet peace returned to the room, and just as she thought the person had left her and her bad mood to suffer alone, there was another knock at the door.

It was much harsher and frantic. A high-pitched squeal accompanied the sound this time, making it much more annoying.

“Go away, Xiah,” Hero whimpered resignedly, knowing immediately who the noise came from.

That was the last person she needed to see in her current state right now: the most cheerful of the group. She was sure that any time she spent with the happy man would turn into some kind of murder scene eventually- because if she was internally suffering, he needed to, too. Only more physically and a lot more painfully.

And honestly, it was bad enough trying to avoid thoughts of killing Yunho and the gleeful time he had making fun of his best friend’s situation…

There was a trend being set here, wasn’t there? Were all women internally equipped with the brains of serial killers, or was this just a special bonus?

“Hyung, you’ve been upset all morning! So upset you couldn’t even make food. I am, quite frankly, worried,” Max called back.

Oh, call in the damn circus.

“Go away!” Hero reprimanded again with a scream. She threw her used pillow at the door and watched it hit the wood with a very non-threatening plump sound. A pout formed on her lips as she realized the object of her comfort was now completely on the other side of the room.

‘Oh, drag it all to Hell,’ she thought angrily as she went up to the door to pick the pillow up. An unhappy groan escaped her as she left the softness and warmth of her bed, making her more aggravated than before due to an addition to her discomfort. (You know, besides the new girl parts and all.)

At this point, the singer didn’t even know why she was upset and crying anymore- she faintly remembered somewhere along the line some kind of mystical groping action- but she had gotten over the relative shock of being the wrong gender by now, to be honest. Being a girl wasn’t that different from being a boy physically, as far as Hero could tell. Except for the equipment “down there,” the woman didn’t really feel too odd. Of course, pretty boy Hero Jaejoong wasn’t someone to look to as the epitome of manliness to begin with, anyway.

A teeny laugh escaped her as she thought of that. ‘Stupid Heechul. Ha!  Micky the ‘Ladies Man’ didn’t even realize I looked different as a girl from a boy- so who’s the more feminine one now, hmm?’ she called out to him in her mind.

…Anyway, the basic idea to understand here is that Hero wasn’t so bothered by the gender switch anymore- but the tears and mood swings were sticking to her like glue, and she couldn’t shake them off no matter how hard she tried. (And seriously, she tried. Usually darting a picture of the object of her anger worked magic, but 67 once-glossy-but-now-destroyed-with-holes-and-burn-marks-pictures of Heesica later and no give in her mood.)

Another frantic knock at the door brought her back to her senses, and her bad mood.

“We’re going to come in, Joongie!” Xiah yelled from outside the door just as the woman reached the wooden frame and bent down to reclaim her recklessly thrown object of desire.

“Yah! Don’t come in here!” the woman warned them through the door.

“On the count of five,” Max informed after his hyung. “One…”

“FIVE!” the Ducky One squeaked, opening the door all the way in what seemed as quick as he physically could, given the circumstances.

The circumstances belonging to Hero’s inability to get out of the way in time. Or rather, more like her head not getting out of the way in time.

The singer had really wished right then and there that she had done two things: 1) locked the door to her room, not to save herself from her dongsaengs (although at this point that was a charming idea), but to avoid the giant hunk of wood that smacked her in the face and 2) learned better reflexes ever since she began to realize her skills of avoidance and balance were not the best. After all, most people would have done so after falling multiple times on stage or falling into trap doors, but not Hero Jaejoong. But now… yeah, now that sounded like a good idea.

Oh, well. Too little, too late, eh?

In a slight daze, the woman reached her hands out to grab onto something, but had no luck as she fell to the carpeted ground with a low “oomph.” Ironically, she landed next to the package of blasphemic pictures from 2 weeks prior (only one picture sticking out, and that being of Heesica smiling and holding up a peace sign- when had that gotten in there?), and would have pushed it away from herself in anger had stars not started to blur her vision. It took about ten seconds longer until she adopted the ever-faithful fetal position in earnest.

“Joo~ngie!” Xiah called as he walked into the bedroom with an expectant smile. Max trailed in behind him, a honey bun in one hand and a banana in the other. The look on his face was absolutely euphoric.

The older of the two felt a slight pressure on his foot as he almost stepped on something.

“OH MY GOD, A DEAD BODY!” Xiah screeched as he spotted Hero on the floor curled up and rolling from side to side almost comically, moaning in pain.

“Who’s dead, now?” Micky’s voice trailed in from the living room over the sounds of piano keys gently being played to the tune of My Melody.

“Uh… Hero,” Max replied cautiously as he peered at the scene before him. He squinted and tried to lean closer to his hyung to try to help her up, but she only curled up into a more contorted position to get away from her dongsaeng’s nearness to her. The words ‘four healthy, young males’ and ‘one healthy, young woman’ and ‘close quarters’ happened by chance in her mind at that moment and she was feeling a bit paranoid.

Luckily, Max took the hint and backed off. Well, more like moved away but stared in confusion instead.

“Oh, Hero?” Micky asked. “Leave him be; he’s having some mental issues of late, that one.”

Xiah looked down at Hero and then at the door, towards the voice of his best friend. “He looks kinda… pained, though. You sure I should just leave him?”

“Yes. Don’t worry about it. Come here, Pook- I mean, bestie!” Micky requested quickly.

Xiah fervently nodded even though his best friend couldn’t see him do it. “Okay!” he exclaimed, immediately following his hyung’s request like a puppy as he began to step out of the room without a second thought.

A hand suddenly gripped his leg and he screamed in alarm, grabbing onto the door frame in panic.

“Zombies! Zombies! My flesh may smell sweet, but it tastes like… like tofu! Yes- I’m the Diet Pepsi of humans! Off me, off me!”

Any normal observer of this scene would have witnessed: Xiah jumping and thrashing around like a caught fish in his over-reactive… reaction; Hero desperately (and weakly) holding onto his dongsaeng’s ankle with his eyes closed in an attempt not to look at the ceiling and its lighting which would give him a headache in his current state of minor head injury; and Max, now sipping on a orange juice box obnoxiously in an attempt to not burst into a fit of giggles at the idiocy before him.

Xiah shook his leg frantically to get the feeling of the “zombie’s” hand off of him until Max tapped him on the shoulder and pointed down at feeble Hero on the ground.

“He’s” sluuurp, sluuurp “talking to you, hyung.”

Hero looked up at Xiah with narrowed eyes, vision swimming as she fought the inevitable headache that was coming. “If you leave me,” she warned, “I am going to tell Pookie just who, exactly, carved ‘Juchun 4eva’ into his piano, and I quote, ‘just for funsies.’”

Xiah gasped, the barest hint of a squeak emitting from his mouth. “You wouldn’t!”

“Oh, I would. I… w-would…” Hero replied weakly. Funny, suddenly the room had started to get a lot darker…

“Hyung!” Max exclaimed in concern as the woman fainted daintily on the floor.

An awkward silence followed as the two men stared at their fallen member at the same time.


“Well,” the youngest announced finally with a dirty look at Xiah, “this is all your fault, you know that, right?”

A/N: Dear readers- poor, poor Hero. That is all. XD

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genre: comedy/crack, group: super junior, group: dbsk, character: jaejoong, chaptered: v-day., character: changmin, character: junsu

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