V-Day.: Groping Ghosts.

Jan 07, 2010 12:15

DBSK Dorm- Hero’s Bedroom.

As Hero lay on her bed, mourning her loss of testosterone and coming to grips with the possibility of never returning back to the state of somewhat manliness she used to have, a strange thing happened.

It was light, but definitely there- a pinch-like feeling. On her ass.

She looked up from the confines of her small cocoon of blankets and pillows, eyes growing larger by the second as a stream of Girl Protocol filtered through her mind, and she felt offended.
     “How dare you-!” she started to warn, and then noticing there was no one else in the room but her and her bed, fell back down into her cocoon.

Was I… just violated by a ghost? she questioned, head cocked in thought.

Feeling a strange emotion burble through her, she closed her eyes for a quick second to check that it wasn’t what she thought it was- please, don’t let it be what she thought it was.

Now openly gripping her ass in fear of a perverted ghost in her room, she let out a silent scream as she felt her hair being tugged on by no one.

Emitting a sound likened to a growl and a woof (a groof?), Hero stood up on her bed in a fighting stance. “Come here, ghostie, I’ll put you in check! Don’t think you can get the goods so easily, mister!” A few weak punches were released into the air until it was confirmed.

It was definitely what she thought it was.

Hero Jaejoong was now feeling female pride. That sickening emotion that women could use to get men to do their bidding; the same emotion that when used properly could help women win law cases, get ex-boyfriends thrown out of bars, or argue the case of sexual harassment. That emotion that made women… all-powerful.

Hero could describe this newfound ability to that of winning a fighting game with the skill known as “button mashing”; to fixing and completing an entire three-course meal in less than two hours, and managing to make Max say “no more, I’m full”; to giving a man hug to Yunho consisting of manly grunts, chest-smashing and more manly grunts; to beating the living crap out of Heechul walking through one block of Seoul without being raped discovered by fans.

Yes, it was an amazing feeling washing through the woman right now; and even though the only mental descriptions on hand involved things that females or people who lived without the disease of Fame did not fully understand, it was no matter; plenty of time to make new memories as a woman, seeing as this predicament did not have a technical end in sight.

“Omo,” Hero realized again.

“OMO!” She cried out, and buried herself back into her cocoon of blankets much like a prairie dog blindly searching for a way to escape its predator.

But this predator wouldn’t back off.

Hero knew that another mood swing was coming, and try as she might to shake it off, she knew nothing would make it go away totally- but she had started to notice wrapping herself in her bed with her favorite pillow did wonders to help her calm down. (So what if the pillow she held was envisioned as Heechul or Yunho? So what if she didn’t hold it or cuddle it, but strangle it? So what if she giggled happily at the thought of trying to destroy two of her close friends- scratch that, previously close friends- and didn’t mind one bit? So what? She’s still a rock star.)

I’m getting too used to being a girl; look at me, I’m actually handling my mood swings with more ease now- what is this?!

But with all her heart, Hero couldn’t say she didn’t like the feeling of silky smooth legs.

A/N: Does anyone understand what's going on by now? If not, that's okay- I'm making the hints waaaay too subtle right now, but it'll be a bit clearer near the end of the story... which as of yet I'm not sure is close or very far away XD The only obvoius hint I'm giving is that the Suju Movie Night and this snippet are very linked ^^ What do you think- end things kind of soon (4 or 5 chapters-ish) or drag things out like no one's business? Your choice =]

When 2012 comes and we all perish thanks to some random Aztec myth fortune, Hero will remember the smiles you got from reading about his... her... horrible gender swap. And then he will save us all from d00m for he is an angel. But only if you comment =3 (omg I'm a horrible person lol)

genre: comedy/crack, group: super junior, group: dbsk, character: jaejoong, chaptered: v-day.

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