Who the Hell is Ella?

Jan 01, 2010 14:34

Before You Read: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have a wonderful year, no matter where you are or who you are with. May the world see a better year in Kpop, at least T__T Always keep the faith! <3

December 31, 2009. A day to be remembered in the hearts of all the souls in Seoul- this was the last day of one of the most heart-wrenching, exciting, loving, and terrifying years of them all. This was a day that always went relatively the same for each person, whoever they were: wake up, take down Christmas decorations, take a nap, hold festivities, stay awake until the sun rose, sleep. With slight altercations the plans could be shifted around a bit, but not that much.
     The day went with a rhythm, a beat; relax, work, relax, work.
     This was New Year’s Eve.
     A day to be forever engraved into the hearts of the members of DBSK for the unthinkable might just happen to the one person they never saw it coming to.

It was New Year’s Eve, and Jaejoong had forced him to go shopping.
     “Why are we even here?” Yunho asked, drawing out an exasperated sigh from his new boyfriend. They were inside of a humungous store, packed to the brim with people, and he was given the task of pushing the blasted shopping cart.
     Although passersby noticed the couple instantly as the Yunho and the Jaejoong from the freaking DBSK, no one thought to approach them; perhaps because they noticed the attentive, if slightly scary, look on Jaejoong’s face.
     The eldest scowled prettily. “I need to buy decorations for New Year’s,” he answered simply, pulling the cart in the direction of an aisle that held banners.
     “You’re buying new decorations so you can take the old ones down and replace them for a day?” Yunho clarified.
     Jaejoong stopped in the middle of the aisle, no attention on his boyfriend for now. He was mumbling to himself about something, picking up banners of all shapes and sizes until he found what he wanted. “Ah-ha!” he cried in victory, handing the chosen item to Yunho.
     Although he did not say it, his eyes begged the leader to buy this one little thing for him.
     Yunho stared into that pretty face and counted his blessings. He wasn’t a sucker, but he wasn’t one to start a fight with his Joongie for something as trivial as this. Grabbing the New Year’s decoration (which had a picture of that Baby on it and everything), he let his hands travel a little too slowly over Jaejoong’s and smiled warmly.
     “Sure, this’ll be fine.”

It was New Year’s Eve, and he was so close.
     So close, so close, so close-
     Changmin made a satisfied sound as hands wrapped around a giant jar of peanut butter and the thought of the soon-to-be-made sandwich created whimsical images in his mind.
     Humming the song Crazy Love at his creation six minutes later- an amazing feat containing seven pieces of bread, bananas, bacon, lettuce, peanut butter, jelly, ham, turkey, provolone cheese and those spinach puffs Jaejoong had finally coaxed Yunho into letting him fix the day after Christmas- he rubbed his hands in anticipation and tried to decide just how he was going to eat the monster.
     The last personalized food creation by yours truly, Max Changmin, of the year. Devoured in the last bit of silence he would ever have away from the madness his friends of the year. This was going to be amazing.
     “Minnie, I’m home!” Jaejoong shouted, dancing through the door while holding bags of decorations and snacks with Yunho at his heels.
     The boy scowled and looked down at his food. Although he didn’t get to enjoy it alone, at least he got to eat the damn thing.

At 6:00 PM on New Year’s Eve, in a dorm now barren of all things Christmas-y, Junsu was crying.
     “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me!” he shouted as he desperately tried to cling to the wreath Jaejoong had only seconds earlier ripped from the door. “You promised you’d at least keep this up, hyung!”
     The DBSK umma quickly pried his band mate’s surprisingly strong fingers from the object in question, more concerned they would end up in a fist near a part of his anatomy he wanted functioning in the coming year. “Su, I need to put up decorations,” he answered calmly.
     The baby younger man continued to cry, finally falling onto the ground dramatically as Yunho pulled him away from his new boyfriend. Junsu reached out a hand as if trying to signal the wreath back into his possession only to give up and clutch the hand to his chest in a manner much like that seen in many a romance movie.
     “Hyung made cookies, Junsu,” Changmin replied from the couch that was currently his object of affection. He was bundled in blankets, a laptop neatly resting over his long legs. “Didn’t you, hyung?”
     Jaejoong realized for once the maknae was trying to help him. “Why yes,” he answered, motioning to Yunho to get the cookies to calm down the sobbing wimp Junsu who was still on the floor.
     “Baby, they’re not here anymore,” the leader replied after a few seconds of searching.
     “What do you mean they’re not there anymore? I just made them yesterday!”
     “By the looks of things, someone ate all of them. Who could all 36 cookies like that in a day?” Yunho wondered out loud.
     There was only one person who had been home the entire day.
     Three pairs of eyes (one of which was slightly bloodshot and wet with hope), turned onto Changmin.
     Jaejoong dropped his wreath, handing it to Junsu almost absent-mindedly as he fumed over to the youngest, hands on his hips.
     Changmin didn’t flinch one bit. “You know, I think I remember this stance from sometime before…” he mumbled. “Hyung, you gonna try out for that part in Peter Pan yet? You know they only let girls play it, right? You should be fine, because you’re too pretty.”
     The lead singer smirked. “You using that tape I got you for Christmas, Minnie? Because the other day I could have sworn all that muscle you spent building up with Yunho is starting to turn to flab again,” he retorted.
     Changmin immediately grabbed for his stomach in panic, shoving his computer onto the floor.
     Jaejoong chuckled and walked over to Yunho, giving him a high five. “My work here is done,” he whispered to him as he walked towards the kitchen.
     At that moment, Junsu couldn’t have cared less about cookies. He cuddled the wreath to his chest happily, sighing as the material tickled his chin.

At 9:00 PM on New Year’s Eve, in a dorm that was now decorated for bringing in a fresh and new 365 days, a moan filled the air.
     “This… this hurts, Yunho!”
     “It’ll only last a little longer, baby, I promise-“
     “AHHHH! YUNHO!”
     “That’s it! I’m doing it, I’m doing it! RIGHT HAND GREEN!”
     Jaejoong laughed as his new placement on the Twister mat gave him an opportunity to not only strengthen his body but knock down Yoochun in the process. The pianist landed on the ground hard, groaning as he scratched his head.
     “You two cheat!” he pouted as he left the game. Junsu was immediately by his side, tugging his arm playfully and trying to cheer him up.
     “We don’t cheat as much as you two do during poker!”
     “I don’t cheat when I play poker! Wait- I don’t even play poker!” Junsu exclaimed in realization.
     Changmin, whose limbs were contorted in the most uncomfortable looking position his four band mates had ever set their sights on, spoke. “You don’t play but you look at our cards, Su. We’re not totally oblivious.”
     Jaejoong nodded his head in agreement. He looks at our cards? Since when?! Little cheating snot-
     The maknae easily twisted his body in the right direction and put his foot on the colored circle without trouble, even though a person of normal height would not have been able to accomplish the same feat. Stupid giants.
     In a matter of minutes after failing at the Twister game, Yoochun had managed to make his mark in the supply of wine that had been purchased for the night’s festivities.
     In a matter of seconds, he was drunk.
     In a manner of persuasion, he got Junsu to drink too.
     In a word, they got a little… troublesome.
     “NO!” Jaejoong screamed as he felt Yoochun pulling him up from his current crab-walk position to topple him to the floor.
     Yunho was already there, tearing the baritone off of his Joongie and handing him over to Junsu. He then thought better of his decision as he looked at the dazed expression on the man’s face and pulled Yoochun back out of his arms, laying him gently on the ground for now.
     “Before you start threatening everyone, Joongie- are you okay sweetie?” Yunho coaxed out cutely, turning his attention to his boyfriend and sweeping him into his arms princess- style with little effort.
     Jaejoong smiled up at him and snuggled into his chest. “I am now,” he replied, closing his eyes and letting the resonating warmth that was Yunho wash over him.

Changmin’s POV

Oh, not the kissy faces again. I can’t handle this- look at them! Ever since Yunho finally got the courage to tell Jaejoong he liked him, they’ve just been all happy and smooch-y and cutesy and touchy-feely and it’s just disgusting. This is exactly like Yoochun and Junsu a year ago. And they still haven’t snapped out of it. Speaking of them, they’re drunk already? Why does this happen every year? Aish. Am I the only sane one left around here? Oh, no- Yunho’s whisking Jaejoong away to his room. Not that I actually know what they’re going to do in there, but I don’t wanna find out- I’m taking a nap. Maybe when I wake up it’ll be 2012 and the world will be over with so I don’t have to see this couple crap anymore. … I’m hungry.

At 10:53 PM on New Year’s Eve, in a dorm that was anything but silent as the drunkards members of DBSK (minus one) began singing karaoke, a creaking noise invaded the space of an otherwise peaceful Changmin who was lost in sleep.
     “Yah, Min!” Yunho whispered, shaking the maknae lightly on the arm to wake him.
     “CALL ME MICKEY, AND THIS IS MY LIFE CHOICE, MINNIE!” Yoochun’s voice filtered from the living room, obviously calling to Junsu. His shouts did not remotely coincide with his song of choice, Ring Ding Dong.
     The leader winced and quickly went to close the door at the sudden drunken outburst from his friend.
     “Min!” he tried again, this time poking the boy in the side. Absolutely no response other than a trickle of drool sidling down the side of the mouth. Ew.
     This called for drastic measures.
     Tickling, shouting, throwing a used sock into his mouth- nothing worked to wake Changmin up.
     Yunho sighed and gave in. This was the only job he was given by Jaejoong the entire day, and he couldn’t even do it. As much as he didn’t want to upset or disappoint his Boojae, it seemed that the baby of the family was going to sleep through the first of the new year.
     Just as he was about to leave the room with his head held down, he heard a sound. Faint at first, it grew louder until it was audible enough to send Yunho into his first sensation of whiplash.
     “Oh, Ella,” Changmin muttered in a sleep-heavy voice. “Ella, baby, you know just what to do to make me happy- oh, Ella. Oh~”
     Yunho couldn’t believe his ears. Ella? A girl?
     … Changmin liked a girl? He had a girlfriend?
     If that was the case: Changmin sometimes left the dorm? It was unbelievable.
     Trying not to smirk too big, seeing as the little maknae was growing up right before his very eyes, Yunho snuck out of the room and sashayed back to where his fellow members were. His stance was like that of a child who knew something the others didn’t.
     “Boys,” Yunho said with his arms raised high so that he could proclaim the message clearly. “Changmin has a girlfriend!”

Changmin’s POV

What’s all the whispering about? Ah- I heard my name; someone’s talking about me! Best keep my eyes closed so they think I’m still sleeping. What? Why is Jaejoong patting my back? It feels nice, but- haha, Yunho just asked him the same question. What? Cuz I’m like a son to him now? What? Since when? He’s a damn abusive umma, then- why are they talking about fanfiction? Pairings? Yunjae, Yoosu… SE7EN?! Since when? I don’t- whoa, now. Okay, just because I get the short end of the stick in relationships doesn’t mean I’m lonel- Junsu said what? That I get paired with him sometimes? EW! It’s Junsu! That would be child rape! Threesomes? Hyungs, hyungs- oh, God, stop talking, hyungs! Huh? Who the hell is Ella? What-

“Minnie!” Jaejoong shouted into Changmin’s ear. The boy sat up quickly with a frazzled scowl at the eldest, batting his hands away from his back.
     “ ’sgoinon?” he asked sleepily.
     “Nothing at all,” Yoochun replied quickly with a telling look in his eyes. “We were just having a nice chat about… oh, about how we’d like to see New Year’s in New York sometime in the future. Wouldn’t it be great, everyone?”
     The four men nodded whole-heartedly.
     (Where’d the inebriation go?)
     “Why did you have to talk in my bedroom?”
     Jaejoong hugged him like a crazy aunt. “Because we missed you, silly! I promise to make anything for you this year, okay? Cakes, three-course dinners, lunches, breakfasts, even candy- all for you! And if you want to bring any special someone over, feel free! I won’t mind cleaning up the mess!”
     Ignoring the urge to shiver in fear at the show of… affection from the DBSK umma, Changmin sat up in bed. “What time is it?” he asked, remembering finally what day it was.
     “11:51. You cut it close, but you made it, Min,” Yunho replied happily.
     The following silence sucked out all the familial comfort from the situation, leaving only awkwardness in its place. Junsu coughed.
     Something was up. Never once at one point in his life had the maknae seen all four of his band mates just blatantly stare at him with such crazed, joyous looks on their faces. However, he thought better of trying to take control of the situation; he just wanted the next year to come so he could go to bed again.
     “Well, what, hyung?” the youngest pleaded agitatedly at Jaejoong.
     Yoochun pulled the eldest from trying to throw his arms gleefully around Changmin again like an overbearing mother, mouthing: He’ll tell us when he’s ready.
     Yunho laughed at the obvious pout that formed on his boyfriend’s lips.

At 11:59 PM on New Year’s Eve, in a dorm now tense with excitement, the countdown had begun.
     With each passing second, an old memory was made new- new friendships, new conflicts, new aches, new loves, new accomplishments- and they didn’t stop coming even after the final “ONE!” was shouted eagerly by all five of the men together.
     “Make a wish, everyone!” Changmin reminded them all, and he couldn’t help but smile for once as he watched his friends jumping around and flinging confetti and twirlers every which way in celebration.
     Distracted for only a second by the colorful decorations floating by, he turned his head back in the direction of his hyungs and immediately wished he hadn’t. The two lovebird couples were kissing each other, and the maknae felt like he was invading a seriously private moment. He looked to the TV to get away from the scenes, only to be greeted by more people kissing.
     Disgruntled, he walked away from the room without being noticed (very easily), and walked back into his room. He sat on his bed and looked up at the ceiling to try to count the number of lines that marked the tiles up there.
     As he lost himself in thought, he admitted to himself that the love his hyungs had for each other was something rare, and they were lucky.
     But they didn’t have to show it that much in front of him. Aish.
     And, seriously- who the hell was Ella?

At 12:10 AM on New Year’s Day, Junsu confronted his boyfriend about something he had been very concerned about since Christmas.
     “Yoochun-ah,” he began. The two were sitting on the rooftop of their building, looking out at the dark skies of the first morning of the new year.
     “Baby, what’s the matter?” Yoochun replied, rubbing Junsu’s hands together between his to keep him warm.
     “I don’t think you like my Christmas present!” He fiercely pulled his hands away.
     Yoochun balked and started laughing. “What?” he asked incredulously. “I what?”
     “Why are you laughing? You won’t wear my bracelet- every day since Christmas I’ve looked and every day since Christmas you have not once put it on!”
     Suddenly, Yoochun pulled the smaller man towards himself and kissed his head gently. “Junsu-ah,” he whispered, but it wasn’t the kind of whisper used to keep secrets. This was more sentimental speech, lined with hushed promises. He pressed Junsu’s hand to the pocket of the casual suit jacket he had worn for the day, near his heart.
     “Can you feel this?” he asked deeply.
     Junsu nodded into Yoochun’s chest, feeling his pulse race a bit quicker. “I feel a lump. The bracelet?”
     His boyfriend nodded. “If I put it on my wrist, it’ll be too far from my heart- this piece of you, I can’t let it be anywhere but as close to the center of my love for you.”
     The words, cliché-sounding as they were, rumbled through Junsu’s body as the natural hum from his boyfriend’s voice lulled him happily into acceptance.
     The younger man shifted into the baritone’s body so he was cuddling him, and he sighed contentedly.
     “So!” Yoochun exclaimed, utterly ruining the moment. “Let’s celebrate the end of another year, shall we?”
     Junsu laughed, his eyes twinkling. What was there to celebrate when your entire reason for being had nothing to do with time or accomplishments, but a blessing in human form?

At 12:10 AM on New Year’s Day, Jaejoong handed his boyfriend hot chocolate. “Here you go, Yunnie,” he said, pressing the cup into the bigger man’s grasp.
     Sitting down together on the couch, the two of them sipped at the sweet concoction and made appreciative noises at the taste. Jaejoong put his legs on Yunho’s lap, and the latter absently massaged the limbs comfortably.
     “What did you wish for, Boojae?”
     The lead singer put his mug down. “I can’t tell you that! That’ll ruin everything.”
     “Come on!” the leader whined. He began to tickle the smaller man, smiling as Jaejoong giggled and tried to get out of his boyfriend’s clutches, but to no avail.
     “Gotcha,” Yunho said smugly as he felt the eldest give up, pulling his face up to his.
     “Yunnie… what did you wish for?”
     “No fair,” Yunho replied as he wrapped his arms around Jaejoong’s waist, sending pleasant shivers through the other man. “You tell me first.”
     “I wished… that Changmin really had a girlfriend so we could have him out of our hair all the time. And to stop eating all my food. He told me he didn’t like spinach!” Jaejoong looked at the leader in all seriousness before he burst out laughing. “I’m just kidding, Yunnie! Gosh, you should see your face- why would I waste my wish on that kid, huh?”
     “As pleasant as it is to imagine that our little man is all grown up,” Yunho said, “I’ll tell you my wish, because I’m absolutely certain it will come true whether anyone knows it or not.”
     Jaejoong blinked in surprise. “Really? What would that be?”
     The younger man grinned and put his lips next to his boyfriend’s ear. “That I find my soul mate.”
     “Wait? So I’m not your soul mate? Because you made the wish now, so that means I’m not-“
     Yunho put a finger to his lips. “You didn’t let me finish. That was my wish every year before this one. This year, I didn’t make a wish at all.”
     Jaejoong cocked his head cutely, and it was all Yunho could do to not cuddle him with earnest. “This year, I thanked God for making my wish come true.”

At 1:30 AM on New Year’s Day, Changmin snuck out of his bedroom for a late-night snack. No one was around, and it was blissfully silent.
     Carefully, so as not to alert anyone in the dorm to his actions, he crept into the kitchen and grabbed a spoon. Equally as carefully, he reached into the cabinet on the highest shelf to get his snack.
     So close- ah! He grabbed the container and quickly sat at the dining table, just himself and his wonderful food.
     Oh, Ella- he cooed inwardly as he took his first spoonful of that amazing creation known as Nutella into his mouth. Oh, you’re so smooth and creamy; Oh, Ella~
     Changmin froze.
      It took him about five seconds to realize what his hyungs had been talking about in his bedroom, and who they thought Ella was. It then took him another five to come to the conclusion he didn’t care right now.
     “I love you, Ella baby. You’re mine forever,” he whispered contentedly, pushing another spoonful down his throat.
     The hyungs could wait in anticipation a little longer.

And then Lee Soo Man magically disappeared and no one ever heard from him again YAY!

A/N: I hoped you liked this sequel-y type thing ^^ I know I enjoyed writing it, lol. I apologize because I have apparently made Yoochun into an alcoholic in my fics m(T_T)m Forgive me! XD How'd you like the snippets into Changmin's mind, eh? He needs to get out more. Raise your hand if you love Nutella! *raises hand*

pairing: yunjae, genre: romance, genre: comedy/crack, pairing: yoosu, character: changmin, genre: fluff

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