Of Cyworld Stalking and Blackmail- 1 Day Before V-Day.

Dec 18, 2009 21:25

1 Day Prior to V-Day

Exactly 13 days later, Hero sat in the living room shared by all 5 men, carelessly flipping through TV channels. ‘Nothing’s on,’ he thought with a sigh.

He was going crazy. After a week of almost blatantly stalking Heechul online to make sure he didn’t put up those pictures, he was now much more sane and quite tired of staring at computer screens. And hated Cyworld with a fiery passion.

Although, to be honest- it wasn’t his fault he was almost caught for being the real deal online. ‘How was I supposed to know people would actually get the hint from my screen name TVXQHero4realQXVT? Geeze,’ he thought, throwing the remote control onto the couch away from him. That’s the last time he ventured onto a computer without proper preparation. Like the time he used Max’s laptop for research and found-

Aish!” Hero groaned, aggravated. The thought of his fellow band mate reminded him- he literally had nothing to do all day long. Each and every member had engagements that day: a radio show for both Micky and Xiah, a TV cameo for Max, and Yunho had some SME meeting to attend.

Thinking of that, why did Hero Jaejoong have no schedules for the day? Tch.

He was a bit sad he had no one to entertain- or rather, be entertained by.

‘It’s a cold day in Hell, as Siwon would put it, for me to wish this, but… I kind of want Max home. So I can, you know, cook. Physically move my body. Yell at him and get out frustration with a good old game of one-touch. The normal things,’ he thought.

Precisely 9 hours, 2 bottles of soju, one fully-prepared and cooked turkey, 3 matches of one-man soccer, 5 broken lamps, 4 panic attacks, and 6 bursts of spontaneous Mirotic dancing later, Yunho came home.

“Hey Princess,” the leader greeted Hero with a soft smile. That was his hyung’s new nickname, of course. What other choice did he have after seeing him all prettied up in a dress and tiara? It was just too easy.

“Hello Yunnie,” Hero replied, his voice sounding tired. ‘Oh, Jung Yunho, you are so lucky I don’t secretly poison your food because of this. All it takes is a little mercury here and there, and I heard it’s a painful and slow way to-‘

“Did you know Kangin and Teukie-hyung call me the ‘Ugly Stepsister’ now? Because I lost to Heechul and all. Just an FYI,” Hero added dryly, cutting off his own thoughts.

Yunho looked up at him in surprise. “Damn! That’s a good one- I think I’ll use that from now on. In public,” he concluded, smirking.

Hero closed his eyes and swallowed for a second, calming himself and gathering back his sanity. ‘This is still nice, good leader Yunho. I don’t want to kill my best friend right now. Remember, everything is Heesica’s- I mean, Heechul’s fault!’ he told himself.

Sensing the irritation on his friend’s face, Yunho’s voice took on a gentler tone and he changed the subject. “Ah,” he said, “mail for you here. From the Super Junior dorm, second floor.” He handed him a small, lightweight package.

Immediately feeling his mood brighten, Hero took it gladly, a childlike grin appearing. “Thanks!” he exclaimed, and ran to his room excitedly.

He lay on his bed stomach-down, legs in the air, wondering what his new gift could be.

As he carefully opened the package, his smile faded. His eyes darkened. His mind moved to murderous thoughts. Just how easily could stars get away with killing?

In front of him, now spread across his bed, were pictures of him from exactly 13 days ago. In a dress. And a tiara.

‘Oh, God, and make-up and Yesung-primped hair and… how did he print these out without leaving them in the hands of a stranger?!’

It got worse. There were key chains included. The bastard even made key chains.

Hero slowly unfolded the small letter that was sent along with his “gifts”:

Hiffany! <3

You know, I thought it over, and you just take such beautiful pictures, so I had to send them to you. Hope you like them. Don’t be too upset you didn’t win against me in a contest for beauty, though. No one ever does… heehee! You came pretty close though, but I honestly don’t think you could have looked half as nice without my help. Part of you looks almost manly, even in that stunning dress. I believe it has something to do with those arm muscles of yours- it’s a shame you let your body go Terminator on us all.

But seriously, don’t ever come that close to looking as nice as me ever again. You have been warned.


- Heesica <3

“Manly?” Hero finally asked out loud to no one in particular. “Manly?! Have you seen Yunho? Or Xiah? And then looked at me?” He stared down at the pictures, then back at that single word.

‘Are you kidding me? I look more feminine here than most real women achieve to look in their entire lives,’ he thought, shivering at that. Well, that was an awkwardly truthful opinion.

Later on that night, just before he went to bed, Hero thought on the subject again.

“Manly,” he whispered as he closed his heavy-lidded eyes, “tch. I think I’m offended.”


Twenty feet away in the kitchen on the dining table rested three other small, lightweight packages, all from Super Junior’s dorm, second floor.
     Yunho had already opened his. His keys had a new decoration.

genre: comedy/crack, group: super junior, group: dbsk, character: jaejoong, chaptered: v-day., character: yunho

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