Heaven Sent

Apr 12, 2015 05:58

(Where "soon" means "in a long time after a lot of hard work")

Title: Heaven Sent
Length: Chaptered
Pairings: Yunjae (main), Yoosu, ??/Min and many others
Rating: PG-PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Adventure, (light) Comedy
A/N: Literally came to me in a dream. Thank you, brain. I appreciate it.
Summary: We all have a Guardian Angel. Yunho is Jaejoong’s. He protects his charge’s life until Fate decrees he let Jaejoong die- but Yunho lets him live instead. Breaking the Rules makes things much more complicated than expected, but Yunho can be sure of three things: the uncertainty of the afterlife, the trustworthiness of a few good friends, and the joys of true love.

~~**~~This is VERY tentative, everyone! VERY. Everything is subject to change, but the basic summary shouldn’t change too much. If anything changed the most, it would be most likely the title!! Or technical story issues that you all wouldn’t know about anyway; that, or the pairings. I KNOW, I’M A HORRIBLE PERSON! D:~~**~~

Extra Info:

Guardian Angel (GA) Rules
Main Character Profiles

genre: fantasy, genre: action/adventure, pairing: yoosu, genre: comedy/crack, genre: romance, pairing: yunjae, chaptered: heaven sent, genre: drama

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