Oct 02, 2011 14:09
* photos: endorsements | sponsoring,
pb: bonjour paris,
! translations: official sites,
* videos: cf | cm,
* videos: tv shows | broadcast,
* graphics: wallpapers,
* fanworks: fanprojects,
brand: lg,
! yoochun: family & friends,
* videos: fancam,
!! community: summary | newsletter,
* graphics: banners,
! news | info: releases | merchandise,
* photos: promos,
! translations: blogs,
* fanworks: others,
pb: mine,
drama: sungkyunkwan scandal|성균관 스캔들,
brand: lotte duty free,
concerts|performances: 2010-2012,
mag: boda premium magazine,
* photos: concerts | performances,
pb: portraits of youth,
! news | info: yoochun stuff,
album: in heaven,
! news | info: jyj,
* fanworks: fanart,
* animated gifs: mv | pv,
brand: penzal q,
* photos: scan: magazine,
brand: nii,
* audio: others,
mag: asta tv,
campaign: do it now 2011,
* photos: scan: cd | dvd,
brand: nature republic,
* audio: radio shows,
* fanworks: fanvideo,
* graphics: others,
* photos: scan: photobook,
mag: junior,
* photos: caps: others,
! news | info: solo projects,
* downloads: photos,
* photos: caps: cf | cm,
! news | info: ranking | rating,
* photos: caps: mv | pv,
concert tour: jyj world tour 2011-2012,
* photos: others,
* animated gifs: other videos
Comments 4
Thanks for another great summary!
It is very amusing. Fans are awesome XD
You're welcome and thank you~!
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