Title: Midnight snack
Author: Yomi aka
yomi_chan Rating: R
Chapter: One-Shot
Words: 419
Warnings: Yeah … English is not my mother tongue so please beware from typos and grammar mistakes!
Pairings: Nao x Tora (more or less), Shou x Saga (implied)
Synopsis: Nutella decides everything my child!! O,O
Disclaimer: As much as I wish I’d do, I don’t own Alice nine - much to my dismay ûu
Author’s notes: Yeah~ midnight snack in the kitchen … this is the result >D
And much kudos to my betas Belinda and
minxdl !!! Thank you two so much <3
It was clearly after midnight, around 2am to be exact, when Nao took a seat at his favourite place in the kitchen.. In front of the drummer stood a big jar of Nutella, barely touched, since it was bought recently and next to the jar, was a pack of wholemeal bread.
The combination of these two groceries made Nao lick his lips in anticipation. It was at this time when Tora entered the kitchen as well, giving a small nod, as he noticed the slightly older one.
He sat down across from the dark haired man and snatched a cigarette out of the pack, which was lying on the table. When Tora went to speak up, the shorter one shushed him.
“Quiet! Shou and Saga are sleeping in the other room.”, he whispered almost inaudibly.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, what else do you think they’re doing?”
“Scratching out each others eyes for example …”, replied the tall man sarcastically.
“Hm, if Shou’s cats are in between, then this could be possible.”
The guitarist just rolled his eyes, not understanding as to why their leader seemed so oblivious and completely naïve, which was only topped by the second guitarist - Hiroto.
He watched as the older one managed to move the jar without producing any sound but had to almost bite his palm to prevent himself from bursting into laughter, as Nao moved away and his joints gave a loud clicking noise.
The smaller looked at him angrily before turning around to put the Nutella on his slice of bread. When he was finished with this task, he ate it with delight, making the guitarist blink.
Hastily Nao got another slice of bread out of the wrapping and looked between the jar and the second slice of bread.
After he did that numerous times, he put Nutella on the second slice.
Tora just raised his eyebrows, asking himself what that was supposed to mean
“Eh? What was that all about?”, he dared to question the older one.
“I was trying to make a very important decision, which will have a major impact on my future …”
His voice was really serious.
“Aha … and what would that be?”
Nao still was spreading the nutella over the slice of bread and didn’t bother to look up but said “I’m getting porky”.
At this point Tora lost his composure and burst into laughter not caring, if he was about to wake up the other members, who were soundly asleep.
This was really too hilarious!
Well I'm sorry for this late update, but I kind of didn't had time for anything and today is the second day, I'm at home again. X.x
But while I was in Bulgaria for two weeks (with no Internet T___T''), I wrote a bit. Mostly small drabbles and One shots, but the ideas kept crossing my mind, so I had to write them. I also need to type up the next "Don't leave ..." chapter. *cough cough*
Anyhow! The idea for this piece of writing came while
ahega and me were sitting in the kitchen, eating a midnight snack. Nuh.
I hope you like it!! And remember! Spread the cookielove! (Thus, make tha Yomi happy with some comments ;))