DAY FOUR ★ just add heat

Nov 09, 2015 20:55

Username: cuzurmydestiny
Prompt #: 29 [prompt details]ABO!au Yifan as a shy loner omega who's hitting his mid-twenties and is still unmated. His mother pushes him to join a cooking class (You might as well learn to feed yourself if nothing else) and Yifan is a bit too distracted by his teacher's biceps when he kneads bread dough.
Title: Just Add Heat
Ship: Xiumin/Yifan
Side ship(s): Lay/Suho, Chen/Luhan
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 3,033 words
Warnings: knotting, barebacking, mentions of heat and mpreg
Summary: Yifan, a lone omega, signed up for a cooking class since he was even beginning to expect he’d be alone for the rest of his life. He didn’t expect to get something more than just a few tips on how to cook.
Notes: I have a weakness for ABO verse so when I saw this prompt I HAD to write it! Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

The first time was always the worst his friends had said. At the rate his nerves were going haywire over his first cooking class, Yifan figured that saying was applicable for everything. The omega unfortunately had never really had any partners and that included during his heat. His mother (whom he still lived with) had called him dysfunctional but he preferred the term loner or social hermit much, much more. It sounded less offensive in his mind that way at least.

Yifan had always been that way. He’d been more observant than he had been a social butterfly, a wallflower as his friends had said. He’d seen how other omegas had put themselves out there on the line and the alpha’s just batted at them as they hung to dry. Someone always ended up hurt and when it came to his pals, Yifan was always the one to pick up the pieces and help them put themselves back together again. He swore he was going to be the friend to always be there, so he made sure he was always available and wasn’t about to be the next one hurt like that. Thus the reason why he was the way he was today, an omega that had only survived heats with plenty of toys and avoided clubs and double dates his friends pleaded for like the plague.

However, it was only a matter of time before his mother got tired of his ass around the same house when she could be inviting her own boyfriend over or to spend the night or even move in. Well, of course she could have done that anyways, but she honestly didn’t want to risk anything with her boyfriend being an alpha and her only son being an omega. If a heat was triggered, she’d heard of far too many relationships going to hell because “accidents happen.” Thus, the reason why she was sending him to a cooking class to at least learn how to fend for himself when she booted him out to live by himself in an apartment within the next month.

Yixing, a beta that lived next door (why yes, his mother had unfortunately tried to set them up until Yixing had confessed to already having a mate, but of course Yifan already knew Suho all too well since the fussy male had thought Yifan was after Yixing since the pair had been high school sweethearts) came over for visits quite frequently since he and Yifan had been best friends since childhood and it just sort of stuck since then. He spoke of a cooking class he’d been attending in his spare time so he could learn how to make Suho’s favorite dishes and that was when his mother’s evil plan was brought to light.

The blonde omega gave a low sigh as he jogged up the stairs wearing some jeans and a t-shirt he was perfectly fine with getting messed up. The second he walked in, he felt almost instantly uncomfortable. There were far too many omegas all preened up and reeking of pheromones. He didn’t know how poor Yixing could stand it since he was the only beta there that he knew of or could smell immediately. Oh. That was how. The guy was sleeping… again.

Yifan gave a chuckle and shook his head as he walked over then plopped down on a stool next to the only familiar male. Digging through some drawers, he found a few mixing spoons and spatulas of course, so he made a quick decision to bang them on the counter a few times in rapid repetition. Of course that woke his friend up with a start and little snort. “Hm huh what?!”

Yixing still looked bleary as hell making Yifan laugh yet again as he put the spoons back in the drawer where they belonged. “You looked so peaceful for my arrival how could I resist?”

“It was with good timing that you woke him too, otherwise I would have had to.” A new voice suddenly interrupted and Yifan looked up only to gasp as his eyes unintentionally ran ALL over the man that had entered the room.

“Oh, shit,” Yifan mumbled almost inaudibly under his breath. The man had to be the finest he’d ever had the chance of observing. He had a light brown tint of hair that reminded the omega of a warm glass of hot cocoa on a cold winter day. His eyes were like milk chocolate that Yifan just wanted to melt in. Then OH the man’s arms, he just wanted to be suffocated in them- every inch, every curve, and every bulge of muscle. Yifan had never had such an urge in his life to lick over someone, claim them, and mark them with his scent so EVERYONE would know who that person belonged to. Him.

Thankfully, Yixing was able to snap Yifan out of his stupor by hesitantly tapping him on the shoulder. “Might want to stop that. You’re stinking up the place and Tao may be an omega, but he’s still an omega chaser. You might knock the poor guy off his stool in a minute if you don’t stop screaming at Minseok to bend you over one of the counters.”

“That’s the teacher?” Yifan asked in a surprised squawk as he recalled Yixing mentioning the teacher’s name before during his discussions about the class.. A handsome alpha AND he could cook. If he got any better the omega figured he was going to have a meltdown in all honesty. “Maybe first times weren’t so bad after all,” he thought to himself as he felt a hopeful little smile slip up on his face.

He clearly had to take that thought back by the end of the class.

Yifan had managed to be clumsy as ever (and in all honesty it was NOT just so he could get the teacher’s attention, he’d always been clumsy like that unfortunately). He’d cracked the eggs and the shells managed to make their way into the mix too, so he had to dig them all out because no one wanted an egg shell shoved in their tongue or gums after all. He’d dropped three bowls (all empty to his relief) and thankfully only one broke since Minseok quickly learned to make Yifan work with plastic as much as possible. At least that was one lesson for his future. Much to his disappointment, Yifan ended up burning his cake as well since apparently it cooked faster than the original time Minseok had said (it was probably because of less batter in the pan since the rest of it had to be cleaned off the counters… or was eaten).

Minseok was forgiving and a total angel through it all though. He was always patient and guiding everyone through the proper steps like a true leader would be. Heck, he even offered to stay behind to give Yifan some extra help or some lessons, but an embarrassed Yifan quickly turned down said offer for today. However, he did ask for a “maybe next class?” since he just was NOT ready to be alone with Minseok like that. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the alpha. It was more along the lines of Yifan didn’t trust himself this go around.

Afterwards, Yixing and a few of the others from class went out for some snacks at a ramen shop just down the street and Yifan was dragged along by his neighbor much to his antisocial distaste. Still, he managed to actually make some new friends, so he ended up grateful by the end of it the day after all. Sure they teased him about drooling over Minseok the whole class, but Tao of course confessed that he couldn’t complain. Then there was Jongdae who was there with his mate Luhan, a beta. Luhan was so marinated in Jongdae’s scent, though, that that was probably the reason why he had thought Yixing was the only beta in the classroom. It was kind of cute that they took the class together in Yifan’s opinion.

“Maybe I can do something like that in the future with my mate,” he said with a soft smile over the thought.

Of course that only brought back Jongdae’s teasing. “Or you’re already taking it with him and teach is going to end up giving in and bending you over one of those counters!” A bright red blush bloomed on the tallest omega’s cheek’s but Luhan was kind enough to give payback by swatting his mate upside the back of the head.

No, the first time wasn’t so bad after all.


The week flew by with Yifan catching up on dramas or flicking away his time with video games. Of course not much was different there. That was just the usual everyday thing when it came to his schedule or lack thereof considering he worked from home as a translator for people that needed him through online press conferences. All too soon that time of the week for cooking class came along and Yixing was the one to drag him there just to be sure he went. After all, he knew his friend might have tucked tail just to avoid the teacher he was so obviously taking a liking to.

The omega actually did style his hair up this time making his mother croon affectionately over him. “You have such a handsome face I’m glad you’re finally opening up and showing it off some.” It made Yifan blush and duck his head with half the mind to slap it back down to where it almost covered his eyes as it normally did. Yixing had ended up grinning over it as well, but stayed silent knowing of his friend’s more shy demeanor over it.

Yifan stayed silent most of the walk thanks to his fluttering heart. When they got there he paused just a moment before Yixing guided him up the stairs. Letting out a low sigh, he followed along and once he saw Minseok he couldn’t help the soft whine that slipped past his lips and the burst of pheromones he let out causing the cooking teacher to glance up then smile as he recognized the inviting scent.

“There’s my little mess maker,” he called affectionately. “You staying after class today for some extra lessons?” Minseok asked with a tilt of his head as he rested his palms on the counter in front of him and leaned forward with interest.

“Yeah… I think I will today,” Yifan offered with a smile making some of the other omegas glare at him in jealousy as he walked by. His new friends of course had overheard and Jongdae turned around to mockingly make kissing faces at Yifan but once again he was going to have to thank Luhan for being the only one able to tame that wild omega. He’d gotten a swat on the backside with a large wooden spoon this time. Minseok had caught him though and gave a slight scold as well grumbling a disproving “You better wash that!”

The class went by with Yifan still being clumsy but it thankfully didn’t cause as much of a mess as the first time. He mostly just splattered some mix over the counters in his frantic stirring, but Minseok was the one to slip behind him and guide his hands to make things still just as fast but a lot easier and much less messy.

As everyone cleared out, Yixing shot Yifan a worried gaze but the omega returned it with a reassuring nod. Yixing was the last to go leaving him alone with the teacher and a load of nerves all piling up at once.

“So what are we doing now, teach?” Yifan asked softly as he placed his arms behind his back and began to rock back and forth.

The brunette chuckled and shook his head with a dismissive wave. “Minseok is just fine. I figured we’d try for a pie and you could take it home with you if you think it’s good enough. What do you say?”

“You’re the boss, it’s your decision Minseok,” Yifan said with a soft smile before they got to work. They actually made quite the swift team. Yifan made sure everything was prepared and cleaned as Minseok got to work on preparing and kneading the dough for the pie crust. All it took was one glimpse over and Yifan was absolutely entranced. His eyes were glued to the shorter alpha’s biceps and how the muscles tightened and loosened with each roll or movement Minseok made. Before he knew it, a needy whine slipped past his lips and the back of his pants had a growing patch of wetness to prove his desire.

Minseok was rather quick to snap his head up at the smell before slapping a dough covered hand over his mouth and nose in attempt to muffle the scent. “You- you should go… I don’t want to do anything stupid we might regret.”

Yifan worried his lip between his teeth as he thought over his words carefully for a moment or so. “I don’t think I’d regret it. You’re the first I’ve actually been attracted to in a long long time. I- I would like to give this a try if you’ll have me,” the blonde offered looking up to meet Minseok’s eyes to let the other know he was absolutely serious.

Faster than he thought possible, Minseok had pounced him and was kissing the hell out of him. It was almost as if he was trying to suck his soul right out of him thanks to how feverish and rushed his actions were. “You’re crazy. You’re clumsy. You’re fucking gorgeous. You’re perfect.” Minseok had placed an open mouth kiss somewhere on Yifan’s neck or jawline after each statement before he continued. “I wanted you like this for me since day one,” he confessed with a low snarl in Yifan’s ear, making the omega’s knees tremble ever so slightly from excitement.

The pie was obviously forgotten about as clothes were shed and hands roamed from place to place. Next thing he knew, Yifan was flipped around so that his chest and cheek laid flush against the cold cabinet and made his buds stand erect as Minseok settled behind him. It took some effort with their height difference to figure things out, but Yifan was able to slump against the counter still and spread his legs just enough to lower his ass to the proper height for Minseok to get just the right access.

Minseok’s fingers alone had him squealing and squirming back, rutting against him for more. The alpha was obviously pleased by the sight. The proof was Minseok grinding his fully hardened erection against the back of Yifan’s thigh. He made sure to spread his precum there in an act of scent marking as well and the omega couldn’t complain in the slightest. He was rather proud to know others would know soon of their deeds.

Soon, Minseok drew his fingers out deeming Yifan ready and licked away the natural lubricant that made a web between his fingers whenever he spread them apart. The sight alone had Yifan whining for his attention and jutting his ass up in silent invitation. “Please, Minseok. Want you to knot me. Want to feel you.”

Who was the alpha to argue with such a request? He began grinding his cock between Yifan’s spread wet cheeks and let the slick substance there coat him thoroughly before he began his press inside.

The stretch burned but it was so freaking pleasant at the same time that Yifan had to clench at the counter edges in attempt to control himself and not rut back like a freaking teen during its first heat. At the moment it had started out as all want and pleasure, but as Minseok rolled his hips and began to move about inside him, starting up a wonderful speed of friction, he could sense the feelings starting to bloom between them with each movement.

Minseok had Yifan crying out and keening beneath him all too soon as he started humping into the taller male and rattling the counter from their rush of seeking release. “Yifan! Getting close baby! Going to knot you!”

The omega nodded frantically since he knew pregnancies could only happen during a heat and this clearly wasn’t one so he wasn’t about to reject it and sure as hell wanted to take it while he had the opportunity. “Please, please please!” he begged in a mantra, arching his back so Minseok could nail him in the prostate with each thrust.

Sure enough, he felt the beginnings of a wider stretch and groaned biting down on his arm in attempt to drown out the pain. He was once again quick to adjust at least and the alpha’s knot lodged in his ass with one last squelching pop. It was all he needed before he screamed Minseok’s name and burst onto the cabinets, cumming completely untouched. His release has quickly brought on Minseok’s as well thanks to the tight squeezing around the other’s knot. Yifan had keened even louder when he felt the warm seeds coating his insides.

Panting raggedly to catch their breaths, Minseok grabbed his own shirt and placed it on the floor behind him before maneuvering them to where he could sit with Yifan still lodged on his knot and in his lap with the omega’s long legs spread out in front of them. Finally, Minseok nuzzled his nose up against the crook of Yifan’s neck and took a deep relaxing inhale. “You know… you kind of suck at cooking, maybe you should stick to take out,” he started with a tease.

Minseok grinned as he felt Yifan slump in disappointment in front of him and saw his mouth part to protest. The brunette was quick to cut him off to finish his thought. “Either that or I should take care of you more often.”

The alpha had never seen such a blinding smile aimed back at him and it made his heart practically soar as Yifan’s lips met his in an adoring kiss.

day 04, *fanfiction, ship: xiumin/yifan, rating: nc-17

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