DAY TWO ★ come close (arms around you)

Nov 06, 2015 20:56

Username: --Skye--
Prompt #: 307 [prompt details]hybrid au! where Kris only needs/wants cuddles when he's in heat.
Title: Come Close (arms around you)
Ship: Tao/Yifan
Rating: PG
Word count: 5,500 words
Warnings: Mention of animal neglect/abuse
Summary: Yifan doesn’t need a human.
Notes: ok this became waaay longer than I intended to. Also a bit angstier oops. Hope ( Read more... )

ship: tao/yifan, day 02, *fanfiction, rating: pg

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Comments 13

overdoseonexo November 7 2015, 16:10:26 UTC

Awww...poor hybrid babies! Joonmyun is so sweet and Zitao is so cute. I love how he wanted to take care of Yifan x3 His backstory was so sad tho T.T poor Luhan and Yixing. Im Glad Yifan had Tao in the end. I would like to know if they stay together forever or if Tao ever gets adopted, but ill just imagine they stay together lol thank u for this story :)


skyebacon November 28 2015, 00:42:17 UTC
its the sad truth we cannot treat anything equally if it is not human >:
im actually writing a small drabble sequel thing because i could not let go of cuddling hybrid taoris but yea its not very detailed about their future or something just a small cute thing!! should be up on saturday in my drabble collection if ur still interested!


hipployta November 8 2015, 04:26:37 UTC
I'm glad all three got rescued

Sad Yifan couldn't communicate his hurt (hello 1+1 Jessica and Jun) but glad he was able to move past it and open up


carcharias1130 November 8 2015, 09:21:51 UTC
This was really cute, kind of sad, mostly sweet! Your descriptions of the other hybrids were hilarious and wonderful, and I loved that even though Junmyeon and Jessica seem perfect, they could still hurt Yifan--even though they're still good people. The twist on Yifan's heat was really great, and I loved how you developed Yifan's relationship with Zitao. I love cuddles and there were just so maaaaaany in here, I was in heaven. :)

Thank you for writing this!! <3


skyebacon November 28 2015, 00:38:27 UTC
thank you u are so nice :>
i personally prefer it when the human isnt the hybrids everything in a fic but i didnt have time to go deep but just for people to notice already makes me happy!
i love cuddles more than anything!!! theyre the best especially with yifano!!!


canadaphile November 8 2015, 16:02:40 UTC
I was clutching my chest through this. All of these sweet catbabes. Chanyeol the puppycat, Sehun the grumpycat, Zitao the I-just-want-to-be-loved-cat...;;;w;;; I loved them all. Especially the regal-ish, just plain lazy Yifan. He's exactly like my cat. Really only seeks attention when he wants it and will use his looks to [try] and get his way.

This was just so wonderful. So many cuddles. It could have been so much angstier, but I'm glad it wasn't. There was a good balance here, and I am left feeling content and warm. uwu



skyebacon November 28 2015, 00:35:53 UTC
thank u for ur nice comment :>

my dogs try to get it their way too lol but they always get it because we cant resist three pairs of puppy eyes!!

im happy u enjoyed reading it as much as i loved writing it!!!! I wanted to throw even more angst in but then i decided nah bruh i got 5000 words already we gotta end it sweet now hahaha


seafoamblues November 17 2015, 04:50:20 UTC
oh mannnnnnn this is so cute i'm crying ( ... )


skyebacon November 28 2015, 00:32:18 UTC
i rmm i was late for school and i wanted to check for new comments and i was like oh, no new comments :(( and then i scrolled down and it was like bruuuuuuuuuuuh yes long comment
and omg i squeal every time i read this comment u have no idea how happy its made me!!!!! i immediately wanted to reply when i saw it but then i was like wo00w wait i cant so i am now. im also on a adrenaline rush rn cuz i just made big $money$!!!!!!!
i really wished i hadnt rushed the last part but it didnt out too terrible and as long as u love the porridge breath im feeling mildly swaggy about it B}
thank u for ur super nice comment i havent felt this happy since my friend farted while i was filming the scenery and caused me to have it on tape!!!!!!!! seriously tho bro thank u<3

(in case u confused as to why this aint '--Skye--' well this is skye but yifantasy forgot to include the link to my lj lol)


seafoamblues November 28 2015, 03:58:59 UTC
omg ur so cute congrats on making big money!! i wish i was still making money sobs :*(
it didn't really feel rushed to me?? it was fine.
"i havent felt this happy since my friend farted while i was filming the scenery and caused me to have it on tape" oh ym god LOL
you're welcome! thank you for giving this fest some needed taoris


skyebacon November 28 2015, 15:53:36 UTC
yeah i bought my plane tickets to sweden a month ago so i was broker than just regular broke (i ate instant ramen for 3 days straight) and i now i have 25 euros again so i can finally buy a book ive been wanting for months!!!!!! i also have to pay 1000 euros in college fees but im just gonna ignore that until it comes by lol ( ... )


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