Just taking care of some more mod-ish stuff before everyone gets into their last-minute holiday panic.
◊ RE: New Year's Wishes
If people wouldn't mind too terribly, I'd like to hear your wishes in advance. Don't worry, this post is screened, so you'll get to surprise everyone else. This isn't like me approving them or anything, since pretty much anything goes, but I gotta figure out what may need to be changed in the CL-universe to accomadate the changes. :) So maybe just a one or two line heads-up for your frazzled mod? ^_^ Thanks.
◊ RE: Updating Information
Since I have fallen inexcusably, horrifically behind on keeping up with things like the
Player Contact Information,
Character Backgrounds and
RP Locations, I've come up with a solution for them: I'm wiping them clean and starting over! This will also be a great opportunity for people to update what their characters have been up to.
Remember guys, we've been running for just shy of a year now! Similarly, not all the characters are using the same backgrounds or have the same players. And we all know contact information changes. So there are new templates for both pages! Please use the templates! Thank you!
◊ RE: Characters
Speaking of people playing characters, I realize that people's time commitments are always changing. (Boy, do I ever.) And so if you have found that perhaps you need to scale back a little, now is the perfect time! If you'd like to drop any of your current characters, just let me know in this post with a little note, and if you're agreeable to letting a future player use that journal, the journal name and password too.
ALSO: If you have a character that has previous history/interaction/etc that don't fit with current play, it can be changed. For example,
silvormoon has changed Kisara's last name to "Aoyama". Think of it like... a free change ticket. :)
◊ RE: Activity
bandana_man - posted 7 weeks ago
kog_mutou_yuugi - posted 7 weeks ago - player resigned
mutou_jiichan - posted 7 weeks ago - player resigned
fairytale_ofny - posted 7 weeks ago - contacted
hiwatari_noa - posted 6 weeks ago
rafael_dugalle - posted 5 weeks ago - player resigned
satin_shell - posted 4 weeks ago - character dropped
apprenticemage - posted 4 weeks ago - contacted
The above listed need to speak with me before Jan 5th regarding their activity.
◊ RE: Christmas Party!
Yes, it has been posted (
RIGHT HERE ) so everybody go get drunk attend please!
I can't think of any more things to bring up, but if I forgot something, please poke me. :) Happy holidays!