The Last Fragment of the Lost Butterfly

Nov 23, 2012 01:57

Title:  The Last Fragment of the Lost Butterfly
Author: yeyell15 and ai_no_messeji
Pairing: DaiChii; YamaChii; TaDaiki; YabuNoo;
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Slice of Life
Summary: Two fragile and very lost butterflies tried to find a home that will keep them both safe inside. Yet as they travel along the land filled with tragedy and disarray; two people became their wings and fixed what’s been broken beyond repair. Just like Arioka Daiki and Yuri, two lost souls with only nothing in their mind but a wish to be in a place that can be called a home.

Third Fragment:

A House that is a Home

「世界中の孤独をつなぎあわせ 悲しみ包むオーロラ」

The aurora that covers the sorrow which connects the loneliness around the world

Excitement, that’s what he is feeling right now, because at last he finally met them, Daiki and Yuri his-“Ohayou gozaimasu! Rise and shine Dai-ehh?!” he creased his brows before realization dawned to him. “Kou-chan!” Inoo Kei’s eyes widened in fear, “…Oh no! Dai-chan…h-he…h-he…” he suddenly panicked and stuttered out before he rushed out of the room, teary eyed, as he ran towards his lover’s office. “KOTA!” Yabu Kota, one of the doctors of the hospital, was left baffled when his door suddenly flew open, revealing his panting lover. Though knowing how much hyper his lover is every morning, he just continued on his work and that made the younger male scowl. “Kou…” Kei twitched when he was still ignored. But nonetheless, he tried again much calmer yet very much deadly this time around. “Kota…” And, upon hearing that bewitching voice filled with malice and promises that will teach him something no good. Yabu decided to just look his lover’s way and just ask his lover what’s bothering him. “Kei, what’s wrong are you hurting somewhere?” he stood up and gently examined the latter “C’mon tell me…”

“No! I’m fine! I’ve taken my meds, don’t worry. Bu-but…But…” Kei hyperventilated as tears streamed down his cheeks, “Kota…Kou-chan…Dai-chan...He-” Kei stuttered out before pulled his lover’s sleeves, signaling him to go outside of his office, making him worried as well. “What...What happened? What is wrong with Daiki-kun?” Kota asked, while the aura of a professional doctor lace through his voice as he obliged and follow his beloved. “He’s not in his room…Dai-chan is not in his room! “ The latter muttered out as he panicked more. And somehow that panicked gesture; it only made the man named Kou smile. Especially when he finally understood what his lover is worrying his pants about. Yet, even if the older one is calm, the latter one is still at a state of disarray. Even if he finds it quite odd why his lover is not even panicking, Daiki is his patient after all. So it should be a big deal that his patient is missing. So why was he still smiling like that at him? “…Kou, it’s not time to play games. We need to-“and as if reading Kei’s mind, Kota, he suddenly took that small hand into his, before they exited the missing patient’s empty room.

However Kei, who’s been greatly stubborn, tries to squirm free of his lover’s hold and just make things difficult for the young doctor. Although when they reached the familiar hall, something clicked on Kei’s head and that made Kota just nod his head. Finally, his lover cared to use his head than his heart.  “…The one you are looking for, your nephew. He’s inside.  I think he sneaked out last night.” Yabu snickered. “I really think that he is really your relative. He resembles you. From being paranoid to being such a worry wart, you two are likely the same. And, don’t start me with Yuri-kun.” The young doctor smiled, before he slightly opened the door so that his beloved can go inside. “You can stay with them. Although, don’t make a fuss, okay? The two are still sleeping.” Kota explained before he ushered his beloved to enter the room. “Go on now,” a knowing smile, “I know you’ve always wanted to meet your nephews. So here is your chance, Kei-chan.” He beamed as he opened the door and ushered his boyfriend towards the sleeping brothers. “I’ll be at my office. So, if ever you need me, I’m just there.” He kissed his lover’s forehead before he walked out the room and closed the door.

Then awkward silence as he was left in the room where his nephews are. Though, he couldn’t help but pout as well. Especially due to the fact that his lover didn’t even tell him that Daiki was already in Yuri’s room. “…Kota…you should have told me earlier. I looked stupid worrying like that…” he sighed and turned around to look at the two sleeping figures. “And don’t make me worry like that Dai-chan…” he smiled sweetly as he slowly approaches them. However he stopped midway as he was suddenly left mesmerized by his two nephews. “They really look like nee-chan…a split copy, especially Yuri.” Kei mumbled as he watches the bright ray of the sun contrast the two faces he was watching. “Pretty, I wonder what the two of them are dreaming about? I hope it’s something happy.” He whispered and bit his lower lip, like a loving mother, who is gleefully watching her first born sleep. Yet it didn’t stay that way for long, because the small movement from his younger nephew made him jolt in his place. “Ohayou~ Yuri-chan,” he greeted as the little one slowly opens his eyes.

Basking the sun’s light, Yuri couldn’t help but let out a soft whimper. The light from the window is hurting his eyes, but shortly after, he finally adjusted and that made him fully open his eyes to scan his surroundings. Meanwhile Kei, on the other hand, slowly walked towards the bed and sat at the corner of it. “How are you feeling now?”  He asked in concern as fear slowly flash through the older one’s black irises. After all, just like Daiki, he as well was very much worried, especially since this is not the first time that this has happened. Since, this is not the first time that Yuri came into this hospital without any major damage left on his small frame. When he and Yuri first met, it was far worse than this. “I-I’m alright…” Yuri murmured as he looked down and avoided his uncle’s gaze. He really just hates the fact that he is worrying Kei too much. The older man has done too many for him. It’s just not right to cause more trouble and stress to his sickly uncle. Especially to his-“Daiki-nii…where is Daiki-niichan?” Yuri asked suddenly as he looks around the room, looking for his older brother. However when he saw no signs of his older brother, worry began to lace through his eyes. “Niichan!” He abruptly sat up, but landed back on the bed as the pain in his abdomen hit him. He hissed, but nevertheless he continued on to look for his brother. Seeing the older male looking at him worriedly, the little one then asked, “Kei-chan…where is niichan?” Then silence.

But after a while a smile was given to him in return, “…right there,” Kei mouthed before he pointed at the sofa that is located on the other side of the hospital bed. And, seeing his older brother safe and sound, he felt more at ease. Since nothing will ever matter more than family, always his family first. “…he’s okay? No wounds or anything, Kei-chan?” Yuri looked fearful. Although when Kei gave him that smile, he knows that he needs not to worry. Everything will be just fine.  He hopes.

And as the little one contemplates. He didn’t notice the look of concern that is being given to him by his Kei-chan again. Although the silence, it didn’t last long, because just like any other spell. It was suddenly broken by Kei’s cheerful voice. “…you know, Yuri. That brother of yours, he’s been stubborn.” Kei pouted as he climbed and sat himself beside the little one, who by the gesture relaxed and scooted closer to Kei’s warmth. Smiling, Kei just adjusted himself more comfortably so that his little nephew can lay his head on his chest. “Well, it runs in the family.” Yuri hummed as he cuddles closer and inhales the older one’s scent. “…nee, Kei-chan…did you know that you smell like a mommy?” The little one mewled and snuggled more, which made the older one giggle. And somehow as the two began to tease each other, the one slumbering on the hospital room’s sofa suddenly awoken with a glare visible on his face. “…who are you and what are you doing to my baby brother!?”

“Ah! And he is very much forgetful too…” Kei teased as he stares at the fuming one on the sofa. “I’m not forgetful though.” Yuri stated with pride, before he let out a fruitful giggle. Feeling left out, Daiki suddenly stood up and pulled his baby brother away from the unknown person. Such a possessive brother he is. Such a scary little older brother, “…Don’t touch him!” he warned as he ignores his little brother’s flee. “Niichan…It hurts…” Yuri mumbled, but he was overheard as Kei stomped his feet to get Yuri back “Selfish chibi! I want to hug my Yuri-chan too?!” another pull, “Guys…I’m hurt…” Yuri whined, but to no avail was yet again overheard as the fight of the tigresses continued on. “Who are you anyway?!” Daiki glared at the older, who in return of the rude action stuck his tongue out before pulling the little one back into his embrace. While the older brother, who couldn’t accept such fair defeat, kept on pulling back. Which made the target of their little fight grimace and flinch at the sudden jolt of pain coursing through his body; most especially from his abdomen. Although what could he ever do? Two possessive person just wouldn’t budge or even just try to listen to his woe of pain and agony. And figuratively, he should feel happy that he is being loved this way, yet. Love that is to the extent and that is killing him is just too much to consider. Good thing though, his savior came at the nick of time or he would have cried and shouted at the two to just die and leave him to rest in dire peace.

“Yabu-sensei, help me-” Yuri voiced out through his eyes when he suddenly heard the door of his room open. Yabu, feeling his cute little patient’s dilemma, especially since it involves his lover and his patient’s older brother, made known of his presence with a loud cough. Yet to no avail, he was also dismissed like he never existed. Veins twitching, he wanted to shout at the two. But his head being considerate and reminding him that he is still at work and is very much a professional just did what any other doctors would do. Well, that’s a lie. Only he does that. But, never mind. “…let go of my patient! Inside this hospital, he is mine!” Oh brother-well, at least that caught their attention. “And who told you that Yuri is yours!?” The two screamed in unison that made Yabu swallow his own saliva from nervousness. “…ugh, because I’m his doctor…hehe…?”

However, even if Yabu-sensei tried his best to save his little patient, he eventually failed because of his lame excuse as a doctor.
While the two fighting tigers, for the second time around, just ignored him. Poor Yabu-sensei-good thing though, his little patient still loves him and needs him very much. “Yabu-sensei…” Yuri cried in dismay. Although, he’s happy that he is loved. It’s been a long time after all that he felt this much care, but hey, he’s still sick and has yet to recover fully from his injuries. And these two hauntingly possessive people beside him aren’t helping him at all because they just keep on fighting over him. “What a life…” Yuri just nodded his head and just allowed them to treat him like a rag. “Don’t touch him!” the older brother claimed. “No! Yuri-chan is mine!” Kei said while pouting. And as their fight continues on still, especially on who should own Yuri, they didn’t notice that the oldest person inside that room was already-“CUT THE CRAP! HE’S STILL SICK! LET GO OF HIM!”

Yes, Yabu Kota just snapped at them, because being ignored like that, his patience meter just went boom. And with that, the two immature people stopped and let go of the poor Yuri, who felt rather grateful of his doctor. That’s why even if there is still pain in his whole body. He decided to embrace his protector and hide from his back. “Thank youuuuuuu~ Yabu-senseii~” Yuri cried out as he buried his head on his sensei’s back as he hides from the two now sulky looking puppies.

“Geez, what are you a bunch of kids?” Yabu sternly scolded as he gave both Kei and Daiki his infamous Yabu-sensei glare. Shaking in fear, both just stayed quiet and listened attentively. “Both your bodies are not in the condition to be that naughty! Go to your rooms and rest! I don’t want any other ruckus here!” Yabu ordered with malice and somehow that made Daiki and Kei freeze. God, this man might be sexy but he is damn right scary. Daiki thought to his head, while Kei. Let’s just leave him to his la-la land. “What are you two staring at?” Yabu asked. “GO BACK TO YOUR ROOMS!” and in a blink of an eye, Yuri’s predators were out of his room. “Tsk…” Yabu clicked his tongue and turned to his little patient. “Hey, why are you moving away from me? Did I say something wrong?” The young doctor wondered when he saw Yuri stepping back. “Err…nothing…” Yuri answered with cold sweat escaping from his small frame. Sensei is scary. So note to your own self, Yuri. Always be on Yabu-sensei’s good side. He said to himself, before smiling sweetly at his doctor.

Yabu though, seeing his patient’s reaction, just sighed and cleared his throat. “Come here now…” he patted atop Yuri’s bed “I’ll check on you…” he smiled, making Yuri in return just nod his head and obey. Smiling, Yabu gently assisted the little one on his bed, as he makes sure that everything is comfy for his little patient. “Comfy?” Yabu asked and that made Yuri giddily nod his head. “Hai, Yabu-sensei, I am comfy.” Yuri responded as he slowly killed the scary atmosphere in the room. His doctor has calmed down already, so it’s good to say that everything will turn out okay. “Hajimashou? I’ll just check on some stuff then you are good to sleep again, okay?” Not sensing anymore danger from his doctor, Yuri obliged and comfortably lay his back on his bed as Yabu started to examine his condition. “You should rest more. Some wounds are patching up nicely, but old wounds that are healing somehow have been opened. So it might take us some time…” he said as he patted Yuri’s head then wrote something on his examination sheet. “Yabu-sensei…” Yuri called. “Hmm?” the young doctor answered without looking at his patient. A few seconds more but Yuri didn’t say a thing and that made Yabu curious. Although when he looked up, he couldn’t help but to let a tug of a smile form on his handsome face. “He fell asleep. Oyasuminasai, Yuri.”

Meanwhile, outside Yuri’s bedroom, Kei and Daiki tried to calm their hearts out. “Damn, that doctor is scary.” Daiki grimaced as he remembers the young doctor’s expression earlier. “He gives me the creeps.” He involuntarily shivered before he heard the other male beside him laugh out loud. “…deshou? I’ve been telling him that. But, let’s be honest, isn’t he so cool and sexy?” Kei daydreamed as he flailed over his boyfriend.

“Yeah…” the little of two just rolled his eyes before silence engulfed them. Sensing the sudden change of atmosphere, Kei broke it with a tap on the younger’s shoulder. “You better rest, Dai-chan,” an apologetic smile, “…by the way before all this, sorry for earlier. I just really missed Yuri-chan and all. Though, I shouldn’t have acted immature. You, after all, are more liable of his concern. You are his brother after all and I guess you two have been through a lot.” Kei mused that made Daiki somewhat amused, because how can this man, whom he haven’t met before seemingly know things about his little brother? Is he someone that Yuri really did trust? Is he someone that Yuri cares to tell more of his secrets than him, his older brother? Having these thoughts, Daiki couldn’t help but feel a sudden pang of pain hit his heart. Although he just shrugged it all off, since he really just can’t jump to conclusions, more so if it’s his baby brother that is involved.  “Hey, it’s okay. I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just I have this little complex over my little brother. He really means the world to me.” Daiki mumbled as he averted his gaze from the older who’s been looking at him quite intensely.

“…hehe, I know. Older siblings usually act that way. My sister, she’s also like that to me.” Kei laughed as he patted the latter one’s head. “How about we head to your room and continue our conversation there? I think you really do need to lie down. You look tired.” And now being told so, Daiki suddenly felt the tiredness overwhelming his body. That’s why, without any further ado or fight, he simply just nodded his head and let Kei assist him to his room. I guess I misjudged him. He’s not that bad after all, Inoo Kei-kun. Daiki mumbled as he dozed off.

And, after a long chat with Kei, Daiki had finally fallen asleep. Though, because of the bruises in both Daiki and Yuri’s body, the siblings were requested to stay at the hospital for few more days. Provided with medical certificates of course, their uncle is a wise ass to even forget about that. Although even if all the records were finally arranged, both for school and part time jobs, one big problem is still left. Where would Daiki and Yuri stay after all this? Daiki wouldn’t allow them to go back to their father, more so Kei. So there is one option left, yet Kei needs to ask his boyfriend about this matter.

“Kota~” Kei hummed as he watches his boyfriend scribble words in his papers. “I’ll let them use my house.” he blurted out. And Yabu, hearing the latter’s statement, looked up from his paper works. “Huh? Why?” he asked. “I won’t let them go back to their house…” Kei stated with a pout. “…I definitely won’t allow it.” he stated firmly and that suddenly took Yabu by a surprise. “Kei, I know you’re worried about them, but how about their father? Wouldn’t he be worried too?” Yabu reasoned out, which made Kei stop his response midway-“Damn I can’t tell him the reason. Yuri asked me not to, so what should I do?!” Kei panicked and looked down so that he wouldn’t meet Yabu’s eyes. “Kei?” Yabu patted his lover’s head, “What’s wrong?” he asked, but the latter didn’t respond.  “Kotaaa~ I want my nephews to be near me! I want them to live in my house!!!” And being stubborn as he is, Kei tried to persuade Yabu to agree on his idea again. But to no avail, his lover is a tough one. That’s why for the second time around, he was yet again declined. “Kei, don’t be unreasonable, their father would be worried!” Yabu scolded, and that statement it made Kei stand and glare at his boyfriend. If only you know what that bastard is doing to my cute nephews, you’ll surely regret not agreeing with me! he shouted in his mind, but since he promised not to tell. He won’t. “…Kei? Why are you glaring at me?” Yabu tilted his head in confusion since he really couldn’t understand why his boyfriend is being moody. More so, he really couldn’t understand why Kei is being so stubborn about his nephews. “Why are you so grumpy? Are you in your period?” he joked but that only caused things to go haywire-wrong timing, Yabu. “I AM NOT!!” Kei shouted before he withdrew himself from the young doctor’s hold and slammed the door-hard. “What the?! KEI!” Yabu shouted but to no avail, Kei didn’t go back inside his office. “Damn it!? What did I do now?” He asked himself as he sulked.

Meanwhile-“Stupid Kota, he should have just agreed. I don’t want them to live with that monster again, he might kill those two. But no worries, because even if Kou didn’t agree, I will still do something. It’s for my nephews own good.” Kei mumbled while stomping his feet on the way to his nephew’s room. Yes, Yuri and Daiki were on the same room now since they are more than ready to be discharged soon.

“Ah Kei-chan…” Yuri beamed as Kei entered their room. “Hello~ my Yuri-chan~” Kei, for the sake of his nephews, hid his disappointment and greeted them happily. “How are you?”

“Just fine as you can see…” Daiki rolled his eyes; his rival for Yuri’s ownership disturbed them again. “Why so grumpy?” Kei asked. “Don’t mind him! He just woke up so he’s not in the mood~” Yuri laughed, before-“So, what you got there for me today?” the younger’s eyes sparkled in anticipation for Kei’s present, but the older brother clicked his tongue and spat “…always spoiling Yuri…” he pouted. “Why? Are you jealous, Dai-chan?” Kei teased, making the older of two brothers stick his tongue out. “Never in a million light years…” Daiki scowled before he stomped his feet like a little child, making the other two just laugh at him. “Now, now niichan, don’t be so rude early in the morning.” Yuri chuckled as he took hold of his older brother’s hand with his. “So Kei-chan, what you got there for me? Niichan said something yesterday about a surprise so… tell me now!” Yuri grinned widely, as he is very much excited of his first ever present from someone other than his brother.

“I guess this common trait runs in the family as well?” Kei joked before he walked closer to Yuri before he sat to be eye level with his sweet nephew. “Yuri-chan, you see…Kei-chan and your niichan talked about things-“Yuri suddenly looked fearful and wanted to run away, but the hands of his brother locked him to where he is. That’s why, without any ways of escape, he decided to listen through, though he can’t erase the doubt in his mind that his Kei-chan might send them back to their father.  But having faith, he just waited for whatever that will come. “We talked about everything. Everything about how I first met you. How I thought you were Keiko-nee and then found out that you were Keiko-neechan’s sons…” Kei whispered with tears brimming in his eyes. “…then as we further talked and got to know each other, I found out more about you and about your family. Why you were being hated by your father and why you always have these…” Kei touched Yuri’s arms filled with bruises and scars. “Not only that, Yuri-chan. Kei-chan, he also found out that not only that day when I met you that you were being abused by your father. It happens constantly, your brother said so himself. Though he didn’t know, he didn’t know as of late. That’s why to protect you and your brother…” he held the little one’s free hand, while as he did so. He allowed that small hand to rest and be felt by his warm cheek, filled with broken tears. “…I’ll let you live in my old home. I’ll help you two starts anew. So…” Kei smiled as he moved Yuri’s hand away from his face and enclosed it with his as he gives his little nephew the key to their new home-their new life.  “…welcome home.”

「世界中の孤独をつなぎあわせ 悲しみ包むオーロラ」

With everlasting prayers, how many wishes can it grant?


to be continued


Yeyell’s Note:hyaaaaa~ it became this long?! :D hehe~ Chapter 3 is done now! So enjoy reading! So far this is my favorite chapter *coughs* yabunoo *coughs* so I’m very much looking forward for your feedback! Ai-chan’s proof reading made this great! Nyohohoho! *Am I too noisy?* well! Please enjoy and drop some comments if you liked this! :D

Ai’s Note: Chapter three is up. Hopefully we can get some feedback here? Anyways, please enjoy reading. I am not that confident with my proof-reading here so errors are likely very evident. But still, please do enjoy and don’t forget to say hi!

pair: yamachii, *fanfiction, pair: yabunoo, pair: tadaiki, pair: daichii

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