Title: If you will go...
yeyell15Pair: Chiitaro
Genre: Angst
Summary: No summary for this...read it then judge! YAY! :D
“If you will go then take me as well”
“Ryu-chan! “ the small figure called. “Ryu-chan…” his voice shaking, he was wondering in a place where no light is present. “Ryu-chan where are you…” he whimpered. “I’m scared…don’t leave me…” he keeps on wondering with no certain tracks to follow. “Ryu-chan…” he called again as tears continue to fall from his eyes. “Ryu-chan…I’m scared…” he crouched at the middle of nowhere, calling for that one name he knew that will come for him. Seconds became minutes and minutes became hours, still no one is answering his pleads.
His call echoed all over the place as well as his tear drops. He stood up continuing his never ending journey looking for a certain person whom he knows that will save him from that dark and cold place. He walked aimlessly, trying to find a way to where that person is…
Am I too late?...
He asked himself as his will slowly betray his wavering heart. But still his feet continues to drag him. “It’s cold Ryu-chan, where are you…” he embraced his small frame and continued to walk. “Where should I go…” He asked himself while he continues his tracks towards nothingness.
A faint call. It was his name, but who’s calling? He thought to himself. “Yuri…” another call which made him turn to his back. “Don’t go…” The faint voice said.
“I won’t go…” he answered. “I’m just here…” he said still looking for the owner of the voice. “I won’t go…” then suddenly a light came, it pulled him forcibly as he was defenseless. His eyes were hurt and closed them. He opened his eyes when he felt that he was steadily standing, his feet felt a cold floor.
“Yuri…” that voice called for him again but this time it shaked, the voice shaked.
“W-why…” he looked steadily on the figures in front of them. “Ryu-chan, I’m here…” he slowly walked towards the person he has been longing for. “I’m here…” he blinked stopping the tears which were about to fall from his eyes. “Ryu-chan!” he called desperately.
“Ryu, he’s gone…please…” Yabu pulled the younger away.
“No! He’s not!” He shooked the older’s hand. “He’s not…” he kneeled down pulling the blanket covering the fragile figure lying peacefully on the white bed “Don’t take him away…” he cried “He’s finally mine, why? He just accepted me, why did this happen?! Yuri!”
“Ryu-chan, I’m just here…” Chinen Yuri embraced his loved one but the latter continues to whimper, he didn’t felt him.
“If he will die then take me with him! I can’t live without him! I just can’t, not now that h-he accepted me…not now…I can’t…” Ryutaro begged for his life to end as well. They can’t stand watching the youngest member of their band be hurt like that. “Just take me life as well…”
“YURI!!!!!!!!!” Ryutaro rushed towards the poor figure lying on the cold floor, covered with red blood.
Truly, it was just yesterday when Chinen Yuri finally acknowledges Ryutaro Morimoto’s love and yet a single iron bar took everything into an end. Chinen Yuri fell from his exhibition when a single bar from his swing snapped.
“Yuri, I love You…will you accept me?”
“Ryu-chan, I love you too, and yes…I will accept you…”
A/N: hyaaaaaa, may first chitaro ever OAO! enjoy reading and sorry for the late update..:D