You. Me. Us. Them.

Jan 01, 2009 18:05

TITLE: You. Me. Us. Them.
PAIRING: PiShige, JinShige, RyoShige, KoyaShige
NOTES: KoyaShige focus, sort of. Written for the New Year’s Anon Fic Meme, specifically, this prompt, here. This turned in a giant, epic…. Thing. And fuck it, after all this work, I am not going to be Anon about it. Porn is so hard to write. Which is probably why I so rarely do. Also, I wrote this really fast, compared to how I normally do things, so I'm betting there will be a lot of grammatical and spelling errors. Sorry?

It was meant to have been strictly NewS members - a small celebration after their final Winter Diamond concert. But Tegoshi and Masuda clocked out early, claiming intoxication and exhaustion, leaving Koyama, Pi, Ryo and Shige. Half an hour later, Jin lets himself into the apartment, a 6-pack of beer in each hand.

"This is so sad. NewS doesn't know how to party at all."

"It's because Shige's here," Ryo says, earning an irritated shout from Shige and a complaining sort of noise from Koyama. "Beer me."

There isn't enough to go around for everyone to get sufficiently smashed, but it is enough for them to level-up their respective buzzes, and keep them going that much longer. Pi goes into Ryo's kitchen and starts digging around in his fridge, while Koyama and Ryo go out onto the balcony for a smoke, leaving Shige with Jin in the living room.

"Man, you are awkward," Jin finally says when the silence becomes too heavy.

"At least I'm not a manwhore," Shige says under his breath.

Jin laughs and downs the rest of his beer. "So you say."

Shige frowns, not answering.

"Chicks don't dig the smart guy. Haven't you learned that yet? Me, Pi and Ryo get all the girls, and you don't see us hitting books. Ever."

Shige takes another sip of his beer, not replying.

Jin scoots closer on the couch, leaning towards Shige. "Chicks don't dig smart guys. But,"

Shige jumps when he feels a light weight on his leg - Jin's hand - and it runs from Shige's knee all the way up to crotch, and Shige can't help but choke on his own breath.


Neither says anything after that, because Shige's mouth is filled with Jin's tongue and there's a hand prying his legs apart and rubbing harshly through his denim pants.

Shige comes to his senses when he hears the balcony door open and a high pitched, Koyama-like screech, and Ryo saying, "Dammit. This is why I didn't want Jin to come over, Pi." Shige can't bring himself to look in the direction of those two, and some how finds himself looking at Pi, standing in the door way of the kitchen, chest heaving slightly, eyes dark, holding a clear glass bottle in his hand.

"Because he'd start something, or because he'd get to start something?" Pi finally says, and Ryo stiffens, hearing that.

Jin laughs. "Your jealousy is so easy to read, Ryo-chan." And he leans back towards Shige, sucking on the shell of his ear.

Koyama finally moves from his place next to Ryo, and nearly instantly is shoving Jin away from Shige and pulling the other to his feet. "Shige, we're leaving!" Koyama ignores their coats and bags and is pulling his phone out of his pocket when Pi steps over, grabs the phone and takes a lazy drink from the bottle. Now that's he's closer and it's open, the contents are obvious - Vodka.

"The same goes for you. The jealousy."

Koyama growls and is about to keep moving towards the door, when he feels the other two - Ryo and Jin - behind him. Shige swears, and when Koyama turns, Jin has one arm tightly around Shige’s waist, the other rubbing the front of his jeans again, and his mouth seemingly permanently attached to the side of Shige’s neck. Koyama can feel his anger seething, and is too distracted by that to do anything when Ryo and Pi tug him harshly away from Shige and Jin. Koyama himself is cornered near where all their coats are hanging up. Ryo and Pi are close, passing the Vodka between them, trying to get Koyama to drink some, occasionally, hands reaching out to touch him, provoke him. He’s forced to look over their shoulders and watch as Jin pushes Shige against the closed bathroom door and unzips Shige’s pants, while he feebly tries to fight back. And as the scene progresses, Koyama can’t help but feel that the fighting back really is just for show, because Shige really doesn’t seem to mind the hand down his pants, or Jin humping his thigh and leaving hickies along Shige’s collarbone.

“It’s good, right?” Pi breathes heavily into Koyama’s ear. “Jin’s technique is really refined.”

Ryo moves on Koyama’s left side, and he can barely make out the feeling of Ryo’s hardness.

“If none of us do anything, you know what Jin will do?”

Koyama swallows and hears Shige gasp and moan.

“He’ll fuck Shige. Right there.”

“Against the door. While we watch,” Ryo adds.

Some one groans, and Koyama realizes - a horrified moment later - that it’s himself.

Ryo laughs, deep and a little evil, before leaning in and kissing Koyama roughly, pushing him towards Pi, who doesn’t mind the change and rubs a hand across Koyama’s stomach under his shirt.

“You’re getting pretty turned on, huh?” Pi says. “But it’s for Shige, isn’t it?”

Koyama swallows again, but doesn’t deny anything.

“You haven’t fucked him, have you? It’s pretty obvious. The way you look at him. That you want to.”

Koyama closes his eyes and shudders.

“Shige’s a good fuck,” Pi whispers into Koyama’s ear. “And I’d be the one to know.”

Koyama’s eyes snap open, Ryo moves out of his line of vision, and it’s all in time for Jin to move, showing to the other three Shige - leaning heavily against the wall, shirt shoved up under his armpits, completely devoid of pants and boxers, erection dark against his stomach. The three regard Shige for a minute, and Jin stands by, lightly touching Shige’s skin, obviously proud of what he’s done.

Ryo laughs, at Shige, of course, but the other doesn’t have the strength to reply - he’s too busy trying to get Jin’s attention back to where it should be. Pi moves himself away, and Koyama watches, trapped in this surreal place, as he walks over - so calmly - and runs a finger from the underside of Shige to the head.

“You look so happy, Shige.”

“Y-yamashita-kun…,” he says hoarsely.

Jin laughs. “So formal, still! You weren’t lying.”

Pi smiles, grasping Shige’s erection fully. “Shige knows his place, isn’t that right?”

Shige keens, pushing his hips out from the wall further. “Please,”

“Do you want me to fuck you? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Please,” he groans, eyes flashing between Pi and Jin, but for a second, if even that long, his eyes lock with Koyama’s, and Koyama can feel his dick twitch in his pants.

“If you want a chance with him, while he’s still fresh and energetic,” Ryo whispers, so quietly that Jin and Pi definitely can’t hear him, scooting Koyama’s pants down his hips, “You’d better do something soon. He’ll be tired out once they’re through with him.”

Koyama groans, and Pi looks over, some what unhappy. “What?”

“Say you want to fuck Shige,” Ryo whispers, rubbing Koyama through his boxers, jeans mostly out of the way.


“I want to fuck Shige,” Ryo says to Koyama, giving him the line.

“I want to fuck Shige,” Koyama finally manages to choke out, and Ryo rewards him by slipping a hand in, rubbing skin-to-skin.

“Get in line,” Jin says, and the look on Pi’s face seems to say that same thing. But Shige’s looking straight at Koyama, licking his lips, and Koyama starts to feel a little annoyed.

Koyama moves Ryo away, gently, before, with much determination, stalking towards Jin and Pi and Shige, the former two openly shocked that Koyama is now taking this so seriously. But before he’s across the small room, at Shige’s side, Jin steps in front of him, blocking his path and behind Jin, Koyama can see Pi move Shige and go into the bathroom, coming out with some small bottle, before closing the door again and making Shige face it.

“Get out of my way, Akanishi.”

But he doesn’t move, and Koyama’s wondering if he’s going to have to actually fight over something like that, until he feels Ryo behind him, slipping a hand back into Koyama’s boxers.

“Jin-“ Ryo starts, but he’s cut off by a quiet sob and gasp, and they all look in time to see Pi from the back, obviously sliding himself into Shige, pants half-covering his ass, and Shige scratching at the door. They’re all men, and the smacksmacksmack of skin against skin isn’t a foreign noise, and neither are the little moans falling out of Shige’s mouth, and the way his knees buckle under the pressure.

“Shige!” Koyama calls, which is almost immediately met with a soft ‘Koyama’ muttered into the door, but audible to all.

Pi’s hands on Shige’s hips tighten and he slams in fast and sudden. “Koyama’s not fucking you right now!” He almost shouts. “When I’m done, you won’t even be able to stand.”

Koyama tries to break away from Ryo and Jin, but they hold him still, Ryo licking the shell of his ear before saying, “Now that Pi’s started, it’s best to just let him finish. Shige’ll be fine.”

“Ryo- Dammit, let go of m-“

Shige cries out softly again; “You love this don’t you?” They all hear Pi say. “You don’t even care who it is. You just love the cock, isn’t that right, Shige-chan?” And the noise Shige makes most definitely does not have a tone of denial.

Koyama’s about to try and pull away again, but then there’s another hand on his dick with Ryo’s and Koyama’s body starts to win out against his mind. He’s leans back against Ryo, probably more so than he should, but Ryo isn’t complaining. So, he lets the two of them do their thing, while he watches Pi hold Shige against a door and nail him hard, muttering things about whores and dicks and how Shige loves it and it’s obvious.

“Ah, fuck, you feel good,” Pi says. “I could do this all day.”

Shige grunts, looking over his shoulder, locking eyes with Koyama, and again, licking his lips. Fuck me, the action says, hold me down and have your way with me. Make me scream your name.

Koyama chokes on nothing, and watches with perverse interest when Pi stiffens and is barely able to pull out in time before he spills himself all over Shige’s lower back. Pi doesn’t move for nearly a minute. Just breathing deeply, running his hands along Shige’s hips, where Koyama figures there will be bruises from where Pi’s fingers were biting into Shige’s skin.

Koyama feels movement in front of him, and Jin moves away, but not before smirking at Koyama and pulling himself out of his pants and reaching for Shige.

“Aw, fuck, no!” Koyama practically yells and shoves Jin, hard, making him to the fall to the floor. Koyama steps away from Ryo, pushes Pi away from Shige, who doesn’t really care about the proceedings any more, now that he’s had his turn; He flops down on the couch, smiling.

Shige turns himself around - erection still bright and angry against his stomach - and licks his lips again. Koyama can’t help himself, and pushes Shige against the door, kissing him, Shige letting him dominate.

“You’ve gotta fuckin’ stop doing that,” Koyama mutters rolling his hips against Shige’s.

“But.” His voice is rough and quiet. “It’s so effective at getting your attention.”

Koyama laughs in a low register, before gripping Shige’s hips, making him wince lightly. “Forget Pi,” He says, pulling Shige’s shirt the rest of the way off and uses it to wipe Pi’s cum off Shige’s back, and then throws it to the floor. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard.”

Shige moans, half-throws himself towards Koyama and some how, they both sink to the floor. Shige’s on his back, hips in Koyama’s lap. “C’mon,” he says, and then a plastic bottle drops onto Shige’s stomach.

Koyama looks up to a frowning Akanishi. “Don’t take too long. Me and Ryo want some action too.”

Shige makes a little noise and Koyama ignores Akanishi, taking the bottle - lubricant - and coating himself modestly, before tossing it to the side and pushing the head of his cock in. Shige’s hips twitch and it’s like he’s waiting for more. Koyama grins and pushes in, barely a centimeter more. One of Shige’s hands reaches out and grab Koyama’s knee, “Please,” he says. Koyama debates with himself to make Shige continue with that line, but he isn’t quite sadistic enough, and slides the rest of the way, with no resistance and Shige’s back arches, fingers scrapping at Koyama’s knee, and he shudders, moaning long and loud.

Koyama pulls out, immediately driving back in, soaking up the noises Shige makes; the calls for more, the cries of harder, the breathless moans of Koyama, and the one soft Kei, when he wraps a hand around Shige’s long-neglected erection. Considering all the stimulation, Shige doesn’t last long, writhing lightly and panting while he comes, Koyama not even bothering to slow down, completely enthralled with Shige’s face and body to even think about it.

Once Shige relaxes some, coming down from his high, Koyama moves his hands to Shige’s waist, holding it tightly and using that grip as all his leverage, constantly moving, rolling into Shige.

“Who’s better?” Koyama asks, an unfamiliar roughness in his voice, and Shige blinks, confused and sated, before smiling. “You. Koyama.”

“Damn straight,” he says back, leaning down biting Shige’s lower lip, reveling in his quiet whimper as he speeds up his pace.

When Koyama comes, he pulls out, like Pi did (he’s figuring its some unspoken rule), and he’s about to finish himself off, when Shige reaches forward and does the honors, face flushed. There’s a long moment, where Shige’s lazily stroking Koyama, and Koyama’s watching, thinking about locking himself and Shige in Ryo’s bedroom and doing that all night, alone and without prying eyes.

But before that thought can mature any further, there’s a hand around Koyama’s upper arm, pulling him away, and Shige opens his mouth to say something, but when Koyama looks, Ryo has two fingers in Shige’s mouth, and he’s sucking on them hungrily.

“We’ve been waiting this whole time, now get the fuck out of the way,” Jin says, and Pi waves him over to couch, where Koyama sinks down. Pi prods at Koyama until he sits up, leaning over the back of the couch, watching the others.

With little regard, Jin flips Shige over and pulls him up, onto his hands and knees, and with no warning or preparation, relying on the previous activities of Pi and Koyama, Jin pushes in, grunting and digging his fingernails into Shige’s skin. Shige lets Ryo’s fingers fall from his mouth and he mutters something, pressing his face into the floor. Koyama knows Shige well enough to know that’s he’s not comfortable.

“Oi, A-“

“He’s fine,” Pi says, next to him, and Koyama frowns. “Believe me. If he wasn’t, he’d do something about it.”

“What the hell can he do from that position?!”

“He kicked me off once. Left a bruise on my leg. Shige can take care of himself.”

And then he sees Pi reach down, massaging his stirring cock and Koyama can’t help but feel the same way. The smacksmacksmack is especially loud, and Jin seems to have no patience, and it’s with much apparent skill, that Shige balances himself and reaches out with one hand and tugs down Ryo’s pants further and licks a wet trail from base to head. Ryo exhales loudly, and grabs the back of Shige’s head, making him swallow the entirety of his erection.

Shige’s back is curved so prettily, the angle obviously making things easier for Jin and his head is perfectly level with Ryo’s crotch. It’s like he knows exactly what he’s doing and that thought makes Koyama fret a little bit, worry about his best friend and wonder what exactly he does when they’re not hanging out together. Koyama risks a peek at Pi, fisting himself fully, cheeks flushed and Koyama’s pretty sure what a lot of that time is spent on. Koyama frowns instinctively.

Ryo pulls away from Shige suddenly, holding the other’s head in place by his hair and strokes himself, tightly a few times, before he bites his lip and comes across Shige’s cheek. Shige winces, looking unhappy, and with Jin’s actions behind him, it means that with each thrust, the head of Ryo’s dick rubs against his cheek and spreads the semen around even more. Shige tries to pull away, but Ryo’s grip on his hair is tight, and he seems to like the image all the movement creates.

“I would have been last, you know,” Ryo says, breathlessly. “It’s always the worst being last. You get so damn loose.”

“Do you hate that, Shige?” Jin asks, not slowing down.

“Yes!” He snaps.

Jin laughs and it’s like a special code to Ryo, who unexpectedly releases his grip on Shige’s hair and let’s himself fall backwards. Pi perks up, like he knows what’s going to follow, and Koyama bites his lip. Ryo reaches forward and grabs Shige’s arms, holding them down on the floor as Jin pulls out and scoots around, next to Ryo, and Shige’s fighting, like he knows what’s going to happen. And once it’s done, Koyama berates himself for not seeing where the situation was going - with Jin and Ryo holding him tightly, there’s no where for Shige to retreat to, and Jin finishes himself, spilling across Shige’s jaw and chin.

“Hey!” Koyama shouts, and he turns to Pi, almost expecting some kind of back-up, but he’s pressing his face into the back of the couch, groaning, fisting himself.

Koyama gets off the couch, legs still wobbly and takes the few steps over to the other three. It requires very little effort to push Jin and Ryo out of the way, due to the combination of recently coming and being absorbed in the look on Shige’s face and laughing at it. Shige’s eyes are tightly closed, either from embarrassment or the gross-out factor, or maybe both, and his face, ears and neck are bright red. Koyama reaches for Shige’s previously discarded shirt and tips Shige’s head up. His face relaxes and he lets Koyama run the edge of the shirt over his face, cleaning up the mess as much as it’s possible.


Three days later, NewS is back together in a dance studio, getting ready for their next single. Koyama’s next to Ryo in a line up, Shige on the other side, next to Masuda. Their eyes meet in the mirror while the choreographer goes over some steps.

Shige licks his lips, Koyama blushes and that day, instead of eating lunch like they should, they end up having sex in the backseat of Koyama’s car in the parking garage.

p: koyashige, p: shigepi, p: akanishige, r: nc17, &intergroup unity, p: ryoshige, genre: smut, &meme

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