Time for More Supernatural

Aug 05, 2015 01:05

I took a break to post some non-Supernatural entries, but I'm back. I have only five more episodes to go and I'll be finished with season three.
Eight more episodes )

season 3, supernatural

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Comments 33

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yeuxdebleu August 5 2015, 05:58:51 UTC
Oh yes, I'm definitely on a roll. It's hard to get anything else done because all I want to do is watch my Supernatural DVDs.

LOL I wouldn't mind being Gert either. Maybe we could share.


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yeuxdebleu August 5 2015, 21:46:20 UTC
I probably wouldn't want to share either. NOT kidding. LOL


primula_baggins August 5 2015, 12:45:25 UTC
How many seasons are there, Yeux?


yeuxdebleu August 5 2015, 21:44:53 UTC
There are 10 seasons and season 11 starts October 7th. I have five episodes to go to finish season three.

This show has been on the air for so long, but I never watched it because I assumed it was just another silly Sci-Fi channel type of show. It's not. In fact, I think it's one of the best TV shows I've ever seen. I'm so sorry that I didn't watch it until now and have so much catching up to do. I won't be caught up by the time season 11 starts airing, but I'll continue to play catch up while watching season 11.

I won't be doing recaps forever; it takes too much time, but other SPN fans seem to enjoy reading my thoughts. Some have even been inspired to go back to the beginning themselves.

We'll see how it goes.


primula_baggins August 5 2015, 21:49:12 UTC
I've tried watching it now and then, but I can't get into it. I imagine if I'd seen it from the beginning, I'd like it. But there's no way I'm disciplined enough anymore to watch a ton of previous seasons.


yeuxdebleu August 5 2015, 22:27:19 UTC
But there's no way I'm disciplined enough anymore to watch a ton of previous seasons.

That's understandable. I've never done this before, but this show has really got its hooks in me.


supernutjapan August 5 2015, 13:31:24 UTC
Wow! So many eps at once!
Sin City is quite thought provoking for me, with Dean having a bit of feelkng for the girl Demon and she for him, also Sam not hesitating wheb he kills her makes Dean a bit worried, doesn't it. I also liked Deans friend, and how Dean forgot his burger for worrying about him.

... )


keeper_of_stars August 5 2015, 15:22:43 UTC
Well, pretty much everything about Mystery Spot you should remember for the future ;)
Yes. For all of it's silliness, Mystery Spot is an important one.


yeuxdebleu August 5 2015, 22:29:15 UTC
Hmm, I'll have to remember that.


supernutjapan August 5 2015, 23:57:23 UTC
Sorry:P I was going to fix this up later but I guess I can't with people having replied to it already:P

Please excuse my typing errors-I did it on my smartphone, and I still have,a hard time getting the right letters on the type pad.


keeper_of_stars August 5 2015, 15:21:21 UTC
Sin City: I don't actually remember a lot about this episode, but I do remember Dean and the demon lady having a pretty great conversation. That's always stuck with me.

Bedtime Stories: This episode is pretty fun. I loved the idea of fairy tales coming to life, the frog always makes me smile.

Red Sky At Morning: This is one of the few episodes where I didn't hate Bella. She was a lot of fun in this one, as was Gert. Dean feeling objectified still makes me laugh.

Fresh Blood: Prepare yourself for lots to tears related to the deal and how they handle it.

A Very Supernatural Christmas: I knew you'd like this one! The Cunningham's are a hoot! I love that this is a fun mix of monster, Christmas and emotional impact. The last scene breaks my heart. Lots of tears!

Malleus Malificarum: Dean and witches always makes for good times!

Dream a Little Dream of Me: BOBBY!!!!! Love getting a Bobby-centric episode, but the thing that I always remember from this one is Dean confronting himself. So great.

Mystery Spot: Another favorite of mine ( ... )


yeuxdebleu August 6 2015, 06:22:43 UTC
Yes, the scenes in Sin City with Dean and demon Casey were good.

I liked the frog in Bedtime Stories, too, and Dean's comment that no way was he going to kiss a frog. There's a funny bit in the special features about trying to get the frog to not jump.

Sam's discomfort with Gert in Red Sky was hilarious and will stay with me for a long time.

Oh yes, the Supernatural Christmas had lots of sad scenes. *sniff*

I thought of you while watching Dream a Little Dream because I know you're a big fan of Bobby. I like him, too, and the two Deans facing off was a marvelous job of acting by Jensen.

Everyone seems to love Mystery Spot. Yes, Dean's electrocution and his bones showing was a great special effect. I loved Sam's facial expressions in this ep. I hope they never kill off the Trickster. He's such a great character.


keeper_of_stars August 8 2015, 04:08:02 UTC
Hahahaha, I can just imagine trying to get a frog to NOT jump! :P

I thought of you while watching Dream a Little Dream because I know you're a big fan of Bobby. I like him, too, and the two Deans facing off was a marvelous job of acting by Jensen.
Awww, yay! That makes me happy. And yeah, Jensen is great in that.

The Trickster is so great. His eps are always the best.


yeuxdebleu August 8 2015, 06:37:45 UTC
The Trickster is so great. His eps are always the best.

Does he keep coming back?


casey28 August 5 2015, 16:46:16 UTC
I liked Sin City. Especially the way that Dean and Casey developed a friendship, even though she's a demon. And we see how Sam has changed. He hesitated to kill Jake in ep 2.21, and died because of it. Here, he does the opposite. He kills Casey, cause he won't take the chance that she could kill Dean ( ... )


yeuxdebleu August 6 2015, 06:13:12 UTC
Why do you think so many SPN fans don't like Bela? I like the actress who plays her (Lauren Cohan) and I love the way Bela is such a conniver and always a step ahead of the boys. Of course, I now know how she meets her end and I think it was pretty cool.

I loved Mystery Spot for all the reasons you listed above.


casey28 August 6 2015, 07:29:28 UTC
Lauren is a good actress, and I liked her in TWD, but not in SPN.

I felt that her character didn't fit on the show. Too much like someone from a James Bond movie. Cold, slick, and manipulative, and a good thief... and that was it. There wasn't anything about her that I could relate to. I didn't feel sympathetic to her at the end, either. I never understood what her purpose was on the show.

There's a lot to love about Mystery Spot, that's for sure.


yeuxdebleu August 6 2015, 07:41:51 UTC
You make some very valid points about Bela, but it never occurred to me to think she didn't fit in the show. There are so many diverse characters on this show.

I found it a little hard to feel sorry for her at the end, too. Dean (or was it Sam?) even said if she'd only asked for their help sooner, they might have been able to save her. But she didn't so she got what she deserved. She did, after all, have her parents killed. Not a very nice thing to do. *rolls eyes*


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