On to Season 3...I Can't Seem to Stop Myself

Aug 01, 2015 03:03

I told myself I was going to take a short break after season two, but SPN is like crack...and I'm addicted. I watched the first three episodes tonight and loved, LOVED, LOVED them. These guys just get better and better.
The lowdown )

season 3, supernatural

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Comments 43

roguem August 4 2015, 11:08:14 UTC
I never cared for Bella personally.
Loved Katie as Ruby though.


yeuxdebleu August 4 2015, 23:33:01 UTC
A lot of the SPN fans didn't like Bela. I did, but maybe I won't after I watch more episodes. Did you like Katie better than Genevieve Padeleki?


roguem August 9 2015, 11:54:58 UTC
It wasn't so much the character really, I just never warmed up to how Lauren played Bela.
I liked Katie best as Ruby, honestly I hated Genevieve in that role. She seems sweet irl, but I felt she butchered that character.


yeuxdebleu August 10 2015, 07:05:48 UTC
You aren't the only one who felt that way about Lauren Cohan as Bela.

I haven't seen enough of Genivieve as Ruby yet to come to any decision about her, but I liked Katie Cassidy as Ruby a lot.


sireesanwar August 4 2015, 19:13:19 UTC
I remember liking Bela on the show but it has been a while since I've seen this season so....

I liked Genevieve as Ruby even if I couldn't always love Ruby.


yeuxdebleu August 4 2015, 23:20:19 UTC
Did you like Gen better than Katie in the role?

Cute icon. Is that Gina Rodrigues?


sireesanwar August 5 2015, 20:50:45 UTC
Gen. So much better.

It is Gina. I love her and her show. All my icons are snag-able with credit to the maker.

YOUR ICON: Bro hug. I love it.


yeuxdebleu August 5 2015, 22:37:48 UTC
All my icons are snag-able with credit to the maker.

OK, thanks for telling me that.

Hmm, now I can't wait to see Gen because I've been thinking Katie Cassidy was good.

I love this icon, too...one of my favorites.


wings128 September 2 2015, 09:48:07 UTC
The Kids Are Alright is one of my top favourites, but then I do like Dean/Lisa and I'm in the camp that says Ben is Dean's son. I also liked it for all the reasons you mention above.

Bad Day At Black Rock is just hilarious and perfect in so many ways :)

"I lost my shoe." and "You suck." will forever stay with me as perfect lines from two brothers.


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