Just because I feel like it

Apr 24, 2012 22:07

These boys make me so happy...

Learning to sing in French, très difficile

From talent show competitors to superstars and best friends

And do these boys really know how to work a crowd!At the end of the last clip, the camera pans past their parents in the audience. This was a mostly invited audience for the taping, but at their regular shows, it ( Read more... )

video, music, il volo

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Comments 76

arabia764 April 25 2012, 05:28:24 UTC
Oh it makes me happy to see you squee so happily!


yeuxdebleu April 25 2012, 22:59:29 UTC
Doesn't take much to make me squee...just pretty boys (of any age) with lots of talent. ;>)


whiteascocaine April 25 2012, 12:07:07 UTC
I bet their parents must be so proud of them!! I wish these boys would get more recognition. They deserve it way more than most other artists out there >:-/


yeuxdebleu April 25 2012, 22:57:07 UTC
Oh yes, I have no doubt that their parents are proud...not only of their talent, but that they are lovely, polite, thoughtful people and are very professional about this amazing career they have.

They are becoming more popular by the day. Right now they are on tour in South America, Mexico and Puerto Rico. Judging by the videos I've seen, every concert is attended by masses of adoring, screaming teenage girls.

When they finish this tour, they are recording another album then they will tour in the US again from August through October.


whiteascocaine April 26 2012, 01:01:07 UTC
I've read a lot of comments where they're concerts and meet and greets are getting sold out. I can't wait til September because I'm buying my tickets early to see them!

I've also read comments from some fans saying that Piero is getting "over-confident" and implying that he's kinda letting this go to his head. I can't disagree enough but I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions.


yeuxdebleu April 26 2012, 01:16:17 UTC
Yes, tickets are selling really fast for their upcoming US tour and I read that every show on the Latin America tour has sold out.

Hmm, I don't think the boys are letting their success go to their heads. I haven't seen any sign of it at all and I watch everything that's posted anywhere about them. They are so grateful for having so much success and I don't think they take it for granted. All three have very sensible parents who keep telling them to remain humble and would probably royally chew them out if they became overly impressed with themselves.

You can never know why a fan says something negative like that. Maybe she was at a show and felt Piero snubbed her when she wanted a photo or autograph...or something. There are so many screaming girls after them that they can't possibly do what every fan wants. So the fan gets mad and starts bad-mouthing them. I'm sure it will happen many times in the future.


bellewood April 25 2012, 22:43:41 UTC
Hey.. new background! Gorgeous! You really do love these guys! They're great :)


yeuxdebleu April 25 2012, 22:50:37 UTC
Glad you like it! And yes, I really do love these boys. This was my first attempt at making a photo for my LJ layout. Took a while to get it so heads weren't chopped off, but it was fun playing around with it. And I learned a lot.

Can you see the entire photo collage? Some people can't. I guess it depends on what size and shape monitor you have. Mine is a very large wide-screen so I see everything.

... )


bellewood April 25 2012, 23:22:07 UTC
No i can't see it all but that's because my monitor is so small, not because anything's wrong with your layout!


yeuxdebleu April 25 2012, 23:31:12 UTC
Oh, I'm so sorry. So few people can see the entire collage that I'm wondering if I should resize it and make it a little smaller. What part can't you see...top, bottom, sides?


bellewood April 25 2012, 23:18:42 UTC
I commented before i watched the vids.. oh wow! When they harmonise together at the end of their performance, they give me goosebumps! Wonderful!!


yeuxdebleu April 25 2012, 23:41:07 UTC
Aren't they amazing. The producer of the talent show where they met was a genius to put them together. They were only 15 and 14 years old when they met and within a year they were like different kids. They had never had any formal training until they were put together and became Il Volo. Then they started working with very good professional coaches and recording people who knew how to arrange songs for them and bring out the best of each voice.

They're still just kids...18 and 17...and like to have fun, but they are extremely professional and mature in their approach to music and value the amazing career they now have. Right now they're on tour in South America, Mexico and Puerto Rico. When that's finished, they are recording another album and from August through October they will be on tour again in the US.

Gianluca makes me think of Elijah. Not that he looks like Elijah, but he's small and gorgeous. LOL


bellewood April 26 2012, 00:59:27 UTC
I love all of their voices and i've always preferred the higher range, but Gianluca draws me in every time. Maybe there's more to this Elijah connection than we realise ;)


yeuxdebleu April 26 2012, 01:23:06 UTC
I'm the same...I love tenors. But there is something really special about Gianluca's voice. He has a dreamy, crooner quality that Il Volo's manager describes as "silky." And if he ever decides to quit singing, he could simply stand in front of a camera and become an overnight movie star. LOL


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