teaser flashfics; various fandoms

Sep 06, 2011 13:46

Pairing: U-Bomb, HoMir, G.O/Jooyeon
Rating: G; PG
Summary: The first two are fics that i intend to write a full length fic for in the near future. The second duo are just for fun :3

     minhyuk/yukwon; pornstar!kwon au

minhyuk spends his day going over every event he has attended the past month because he can feel it deep his gut that he had seen that face before, seen the smile, the dimple, the haircut even. he remembers meeting taewoon at kyung's party, he remembers youngwon from that impromptu night atthe bar with a surprisingly sober jaehyo, he even remembers meeting another of jihoon's girlfriends (minhyuk also remembers being beyond drunk so he can't remember if it was the first or second one of the night).

when zico calls him up later to help him sort through CDs and bootleg videos later in the afternoon he gets what could be a thread-thin epiphany when he sees a familiar DVD title and he feels compelled to look at the cast pictures inside the small booklet provided; his gut was right, minhyuk smirks while mentally patting himself on the back as he sees the smiling face staring up at him from the cast group of the japanese gay porn.

     seungho/mir, seungho/joon; cheating!seungho au

they met the first day of seungho's self inflicted retreat punishment at the small town's finest eating establishment on the day that some unknown meal (to seungho's shock and enjoyment) was the special. his name plaq read chulyong and he served seungho with a goofy smile that began when he was headed in seungho's direction and ended when seungho made to leave after his meal... as well as the complimentary second order, never ending banchan and the frozen fruit treat that had been placed in front of him when he had made move to look for his wallet to pay for the meal; he had stood up from the booth, slowly because he was too full and it almost hurt to move too much and his stomach felt like a kiddie pool, contents sloshing back and forth and exited the restaurant.

he heard calling behind him as his car came closer and closer to view, "you didn't leave your number," the shout rang through the empty lot only confirming that he was the only possible recipient of the anger, anger that only made silent anger bloom in him; the anger was enough to make seungho turn to slowly return to the restaurant, pulling the busboy with the gall to make a scene in a parking lot by the collar along with him, and slammed his open palm next to the few bills he had left as tip (the busboy whose name plaq read chulyong had failed to see a line of numbers inked on the long edge of every bill neatly arranged over the receipt).

     seungho/mir; brazil~

the hotel room is fairly cool in a close temperature to the weather outside but chulyong finds himself still sweating in this new kind of heat. he doesn't want any sort of physical contact lest he gather their body heat as well and add it to hia own blazing sticky skin; seungho is the first to touch him, a furious rub at his cheek to either erase his skin tone or shave his cheek bone down. "wasn't aware you liked lipstick on you that much," seungho comments as he gathers a too rough hotel hand towel to further abuse chulyong's already tender cheek.

     go/jooyeon; brazil~

Brazil had looked the closest to paradise he had ever imagined when he looked it up online in the time he wasted waiting for the shower to be empty, nothing but shiny warm sand and blue and bluer beaches with women in bathing suits smaller and smaller still; the women were gorgeous, in and out of their exposure with confident stunning smiles and friendly outstretched hands, all in all these were the type of women he wanted to be friendly with. The browser window with half a dozen tabs open pertaining to brazil (essential portugese phrases, carnavals, brazilian butt lifts and brazilian bikini waxes) suddenly shuts and the culprit presses a warning bite to byunghee's cheek, "when i said to spend a night with me i didn't mean with you looking up porn star trims and cosmetic surgery byunghee." he looks up at jooyeon's fussy face, entirely enjoying her glares and heavy steps out to her bedroom which he immediately follows while teasing about buying her a teeny carnaval outfit for her to wear for him until he has her pinned and laughing in bed.>

otp:bbomb/ukwon, otp:seungho/mir, fandom:mblaq, rating:pg, fandom:block b, fandom:after school, otp:go/jooyeon, rating:g

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