Title: Calling Pairing: Nikaido/Senga Author/Artist: rhetorix works Rating/Warnings: PG AN: This is a Japanese doujinshi (fan-comic) translated and scanlated by me. I did not write it, or draw it (hah). Please DO NOT repost.
This totally more than makes up for the nightmare I just had ;~; They're so freaking cute, so squishyyy X3; Thank you for your hard work scanlating this <3
How are they so cute. How are they so cute. My heart ;_; Thank you SO MUCH for spending so much time scanlating this, I really appreciate it ._. there is not enough NiSen in the world (although to be honest, I'm not sure I'll EVER think there's enough *_*) ♥
Comments 10
That was super adorable~
Thanks for translating it!
How are they so cute. How are they so cute. My heart ;_; Thank you SO MUCH for spending so much time scanlating this, I really appreciate it ._. there is not enough NiSen in the world (although to be honest, I'm not sure I'll EVER think there's enough *_*) ♥
and thanks! ^^ NiSen ftw~
i just love those two too much. ♥
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