Title: Going For The Kill
Pairing: Kitayama/Toda Keiko (the actress who plays the Vice Principal in Misaki No.1)
Rating/Warnings: R
AN: I sat down to write NiSen, but that is not at ALL what happened. D: My muses want what my muses want, and my muses did NOT want to cooperate. And thus you get this. I stopped and cut things short because as;
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Comments 28
...I have no icon for this really...
But no, seriously. Cougar fic is not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be. I also approve of the lack of details. A LOT. I think it's really cool that you were willing (or not so) to (mostly lol) go there. And your writing, as always, is awesome. You did a good job with the interaction between them (I'm just really trying not to think about that too much). And lol at Fujigaya's life.
See! I can comment sometimes too! :D
And just for the record... LOLOLOLOLOL. :P
Next up, Snowmen/Hasshi?
Right. Aha, but thanks. I... yeah. I think this is the first actual het I've written (Keito/Taipi doesn't count). I didn't particularly want to think about it too much, either. Omg awkwaaaard. But her blog was just too good for my muse to pass up, apparently.
Commenting is good! It gets me to write more. Sometimes.
...but maybe it doesn't get me to write Snowmen/Hasshi. :x Although thee are probably people you can talk into that. ;)
I DO need to write more MSM roller derby someday. And also Hasshi. Because yeah, Goseki is tappin' that. *nods* NOT that I plan to write THAT specifically, either. Because I don't.
And I don't even think I want Snowmen/Hasshi. It would also probably be traumatizing. Not that I wouldn't read it should someone post it. ¬_¬ Hasshi. That boy. IDEK.
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...except for the part where he's sleeping with a woman 29 years his senior? XD;
You know what? Good for him.
Good for HER.
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I know people (both men and women) who have gotten divorced and then dated people their kids' age, and it's just WEIRD.
And if you mean "cougar," I didn't know that was considered insulting by anyone. Usually I think people tend to equate it with "MILF," but maybe that's just me? I mean, they're not the same thing at all, but idk. I'm not sure I think of it as having much of a positive OR negative connotation. Just a straight up label: older woman interested in younger men.
...some people wanted the porn, and some didn't. I tried to balance it out. *lol*
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Thank you muses for skimping on the details. My brain is appreciative.
My brain was appreciative, too.
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