Title: New Kids On The Block Pairing: Nikaido/Senga, Sanada/Nozawa, Kitayama/Totsuka Rating/Warnings: PG AN: Less game, more STUPID. Because Mis Snow Man don't really even need a name change.
oh my god, i love these morons so much. SO MUCH. and then kame shows up and pinches nabesho's nipples.
Lmao senga and sakuma and nika, and obsession with Yamamoto, and dance club! and oh my god Totsuka showing up and Goseki bringing along the receptionist. God why is this universe so hilarious.
ILU KOUHAI. I wouldn't say no to sanada/nozawa girlporn :D :D :D
AHAHAHAHAHAHA this is even funnier than the last one. Hasshi the office lady and Goseki lied (of course) and fangirling Yamamoto and ldfkjaslkdfjkl fingernails. ♥
Abe Arashi, CUTE. xD and i love how kitayama remains standing, LOL. ALSO, YAY COOL TACTICS. 8D But that doesn't mean we don't have a chance!" "Yes it does," Fukazawa whispers akjawe oh kouhai, too adorable. xD tsurara basically walking on her stoppers, AND NOZAWA/ "...nah, we'll be fine," Nozawa lies. totally cracked me up.
KJWEH DANCE CLUB AND TOTTSU. ♥♥♥ SHRIEK, WITH THE REST OF ABC AND GOSEKI STRAIGHT FROM THE OFFICE KJHJKWE I LOVE THEM. and i love nikaido crashing into senga and just draping, too. xD "Ah, he is." /"Isn't that good?" /"Yup." /"Bah, you're boring." waaah, boring is THE BEST. ♥ omg, they're going to get marriiied. :'D :'D hearts like CRAZY YO.
"I saw you, though." ...creepy. xD and yet amusing. AS IS FUJIGAYA. ♥ "Study hard," ajhawe *SQUISHES HER* i forget how intimidating fujigaya can be sometimes~ so fierce-looking. AHHH, BUT MITSU SKATING BACKWARDS AND BEING BASICALLY THE ONLY BLOCKER NECESSARY IS SO AWESOME OMFGKJHJKWE. and leopard-print kansai, WIN. xD xD AND CLAWS. AND OMFG, YAMARYO BEING SO COOL JUST BY
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New Kids On The Block (Various Pairings, PG)athasshirabuMay 24 2010, 07:02:03 UTC
WAHH. this is nice ! XD i read the previous part too but i think its waay funnier *well, mis snowman is there and umm..yeah* LOL not to be left, sakuma fancies yamaryo <3 sooo cuttee ! XD and the ending was just awesome~ i wanna know what happen next :D and hashimoto ryoko ! i LOL-ed so hard when i read this XD i didnt expect that the woman with gocchi was him, i mean her, yeah.. LOL
Comments 19
Lmao senga and sakuma and nika, and obsession with Yamamoto, and dance club! and oh my god Totsuka showing up and Goseki bringing along the receptionist. God why is this universe so hilarious.
ILU KOUHAI. I wouldn't say no to sanada/nozawa girlporn :D :D :D
I'll... try. No promises, though.
KJWEH DANCE CLUB AND TOTTSU. ♥♥♥ SHRIEK, WITH THE REST OF ABC AND GOSEKI STRAIGHT FROM THE OFFICE KJHJKWE I LOVE THEM. and i love nikaido crashing into senga and just draping, too. xD "Ah, he is." /"Isn't that good?" /"Yup." /"Bah, you're boring." waaah, boring is THE BEST. ♥ omg, they're going to get marriiied. :'D :'D hearts like CRAZY YO.
"I saw you, though." ...creepy. xD and yet amusing. AS IS FUJIGAYA. ♥ "Study hard," ajhawe *SQUISHES HER* i forget how intimidating fujigaya can be sometimes~ so fierce-looking. AHHH, BUT MITSU SKATING BACKWARDS AND BEING BASICALLY THE ONLY BLOCKER NECESSARY IS SO AWESOME OMFGKJHJKWE. and leopard-print kansai, WIN. xD xD AND CLAWS. AND OMFG, YAMARYO BEING SO COOL JUST BY ( ... )
i read the previous part too but i think its waay funnier *well, mis snowman is there and umm..yeah* LOL
not to be left, sakuma fancies yamaryo <3
sooo cuttee ! XD and the ending was just awesome~ i wanna know what happen next :D
and hashimoto ryoko ! i LOL-ed so hard when i read this XD
i didnt expect that the woman with gocchi was him, i mean her, yeah.. LOL
thanks for this !
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