お帰り [Welcome Home] - Chapter Twenty-One

Dec 14, 2010 19:46

Title: お帰り [Welcome Home]
Authors: curionenene  and yeonah 
Chapter: 21/?
Fandom: SS501 + Epik High Cameos
Pairings: KyuMin, HyunSaeng
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU
Summary: Black and white... white and black. It isn't always possible to tell what is good and what is evil; and four players in the never-ending fight for freedom would know. In a world where things are painted by shades of grey, taking a stand could mean life or death. And the struggle to be free, truly free, may tear them apart until there is nothing left but ash.
A/N: KyuJong, HyunJoong, and Tablo are played by curionenene , while JungMin, YoungSaeng, HyungJoon and Mithra are played by yeonah .

KyuJong was never more nervous in his whole life. He had on his disguise, which Tablo had assured was doubly reinforced, and he was doing everything they had been practicing for the past week - head down, eyes guarded, posture hunched and always a step behind JungMin. But he had this itchy-nagging feeling that he was forgetting something…and to forget something could mean a range of things - failure, injury…death.

Biting his lips, KyuJong resisted the urge to wrap his arms around JungMin to pull him back as they walked closer and closer towards the hunter’s HQ.

JungMin was fairing about as well as KyuJong, but thankfully was doing an excellent job of hiding it. No one would have thought the loud, rash man would have a talent for acting, but apparently he did. No one was exactly sure how far his acting would go in the field though...even if he had managed to keep himself from denting Tablo's head in.

Spotting more hunters as they approached, and resisting the temptation to look back at KyuJong, JungMin lifted his head and walked straight to the HQ as if he had every right to be there. Hopefully the lack of red hair would stop him from being recognized.

He was just about there when a group of hunters strolled idly into his path, blocking him. JungMin stopped and observed them with a raised eyebrow.

KyuJong let out a small yelp as he nearly crashed into JungMin. Resisting every temptation to raise his eyes, he kept them glued to the floor, shrinking back a little even, giving an illusion of pure fear. He could tell, however, that there were about five hunters in front of them from the types of shoes they were wearing, and his heart clenched. Why was there already trouble before they had even gotten into the HQ?

"Where do you think you're going?" drawled the hunter in front, observing JungMin with a sneer. "You're not welcome here...with that thing in tow no less..."

"This thing is none of your concern. Word got around that a few hundred of your men bit off a little more than they can chew and HQ is looking for new recruits. Am I wrong?" JungMin tilted his head slightly to one side. "Let me through."

KyuJong tried very hard not to blast the sneer he knew must be on that hunter’s face. Fidgeting, he tried to go even smaller, as if intimidated by the presence of the other hunters. Nothing could be further from the truth but… he’d let JungMin handle this. They’d worked so hard through the weeks, it’d just be pathetic if they failed now.

"Hm...what do you think? Recruit, or more dirt off the street?" The hunter asked one of his companions, trying to get a reaction out of JungMin. The anti-hunter just looked a cross between amused at the high-school behavior and annoyed at being made to wait.

The other hunter looked JungMin up and down, then snorted. "Decent bait if nothing else. Let the others chew him out."

The one who seemed to be leading them snickered. "Alright, you can go. But..." He pointed at KyuJong. "It stays here."

It took JungMin a second to realize he was talking about KyuJong. God, he hated referring to him as an 'it'...but he would have to do the same.

"It goes where I go. This one's too useful to waste away in one of your dungeons."

KyuJong gulped, trying even harder to shrink away. If JungMin was unable to convince them to let them both in, then this operation would definitely be crippled.

Besides, he didn’t like the rather annoyed look that was growing on JungMin’s face. KyuJong bit his lip and crossed his fingers, praying that the human wouldn’t lash out.

As if he could sense KyuJong's thoughts, JungMin bit his tongue and behaved, not about to risk all their hard work now. Even if he would like nothing more than to punch a few rounds of lead into the man's head.

When he noticed they were getting nowhere, he decided to try something else. "So is there any particular reason why you're stalling?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe you're not really as great an organization as you boast to be. If this is just a huge ruse, it's a waste of my time."

Practically seeing the gears turn in the man's head, JungMin smirked inwardly when a slight shift as though to leave finally drew a favorable response. "Fine, go in." The man looked at KyuJong, then JungMin. "But if you or your little pet cause any trouble, you know what happens." He drew his thumb across his throat before stepping aside, the group moving to let them pass.


KyuJong hid a sigh when the group finally let them pass, but he was slow in realizing that he had been staring - and that the hunters wouldn’t take well to that.

He quickly lowered his eyes, but it was too late - one of the hunters in the group had noticed and was now glaring at KyuJong. “What are you looking at?!” Another smirked, eyeing JungMin, obvious implications behind it.

JungMin managed not to flinch or curse when one of the hunters turned his attention to KyuJong. So soon? He was hoping not to deal with something like this on the first day...

They'd gone over with Tablo multiple times what they should do if a situation like this should arise...if KyuJong ended up doing something to offend a hunter. JungMin couldn't afford to hesitate, or it would be suspicious. He had to act like one of them. And he hated it so much.

Not even missing a beat, JungMin turned around and struck KyuJong across the face. He'd done it so that it looked and sounded more painful than it actually was, but it was still enough to leave a red mark that quickly spread through the ankou's cheek.

And he couldn't even apologize for it, not until they left the area and were safely behind the closed doors of their apartment. No matter how much it hurt to do it, he couldn't show anything other than the hunter's mask, and didn't.

"Already being rude? Apologize." His voice was clipped and harsh.

KyuJong stumbled back, more out of shock than pain despite being prepared for it. But it was good, making the show all the more convincing. Internally, he scolded himself for his mistake, but he quickly bowed towards the group of hunters, apologizing frantically, looking and feeling every inch the cowed pixie.

“Hmph…” the hunter sneered, but seemed to be mollified. “You should teach your little slave better manners. I hope this doesn’t happen again.”

Sending a mental apology to KyuJong, JungMin returned his attention to the offended hunter. "It won't," he replied, while imagining what the man's head would look like on a spike. He didn't delay any longer though, turning and walking towards the main door to the HQ before anything else could happen.

KyuJong hurried off after JungMin, not wanting to get them both into anymore trouble. They had been lucky that KyuJong had gotten off with just a slap, but as they neared closer to the enemy nest, KyuJong couldn’t help but think that this was but a sign for the touchy situation ahead.

He just hoped that they both would get through it more or less intact.

They were let into the building without anyone else opposing them, though any hunter they encountered eyed KyuJong like they would dirt on their shoes. It was frustrating, but there was nothing either of them could do about it if they were to be convincing.

Walking into the main hall, JungMin glanced around before going to the main desk. A woman sat there, JungMin assuming she was either the boss, or at the very least someone very important to the organization.

He paused in front of the desk and waited a moment for her to look up slightly. "I'm here to join the organization," he said, cutting right to the chase.

The woman tilted her head, and KyuJong almost bristled at the way she looked at JungMin - calculating, and slowly, with more than a little bit of lust, like someone looking at a particularly piece of delicious meat. He had to force himself to look down and not burst into his full ankou form, ordering her to her death.

“Hmm… what’s your name, little man?” she licked her lip-stick red lips, before her eyes landed on KyuJong. “And I see you own a pixie…how quaint.”

JungMin was more concerned with what he was going to say next than with the woman herself, and so missed out on the lustful part of the expression. He was careful to look like he was listening though, offering a quirk of the lips and a darker tinge to his eyes. "They have their uses. Park JungMin. Rumors have been going around that this place is looking for recruits, and I've decided to offer my services."

“Well, the rumors aren’t so much rumors.” The woman purred, getting up - the darkness in JungMin eyes was alluring, and KyuJong’s hands shook a little. Luckily, although the woman saw it, she didn’t think too much of it, dismissing it as fear. “We are hiring…however…you’re going to have to give me a reason to hire you. We are lacking members…but we’re not desperate.”

"Hm..." What could he do to convince this woman he belonged in here? Not for the first time, JungMin admired HyunJoong's acting skills. This was more than a little frustrating.

"Should I demonstrate my skills for you then?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow. "Fighting, or otherwise. I have worked on my own for a while, although I feel that I would be able to accomplish more within the organization rather than work solo."

“Skills are no problem…” The woman chuckled, “People can be trained…what I’m interest to know is why you’re here. What’s your reason for hunting down those dirty non-humans?”

KyuJong stiffened at being called dirty, and he could almost feel the woman’s piercing gaze on him. It took all he had not to act according to his instincts and eliminate the threat.

There was a greater cause to all of this - the rescue of the many trapped in the dungeons of the HQ. And it was the thought of this that kept him quiet and quivering.

JungMin's lips curled slightly, the man shifting his weight slightly so he was standing up straighter. "I was trying to avoid the sob story. Those bastards attacked my family when I was little, a couple of crazy fire demons. It took years to get to the point where I could pay them back for ruining my life, and you know what, I still haven't been able to find the fire-breathing monsters. So I'm in it for the revenge, and so that the ordinary folk can sleep a little easier without worrying about creatures that shouldn't even exist."

There was a sharp bite to his words, like he really believed them. And maybe the anger he felt towards the fire demons was real, and why he could be so convincing now.

KyuJong closed his eyes, listening to that story yet again. It was stories like this that had drawn so many people to hate the non-humans. And listening to them, he couldn’t say he really blamed the people with reasons to want their revenge. It was only those who took this job for the fun of it that he hated.

“Hmm… I see…” the woman was thoughtful for a moment, before her eye fell on KyuJong again. “And where’d you get the pixie?”

It was a good thing they'd ran over this so many times, because JungMin nearly forgot their cover for a moment. "Slave sale," he replied with a shrug. "It needs a good kick, but it does its job well enough or else I wouldn't be keeping it around."

He could still feel the eyes of other hunters on them, some watching JungMin and some watching KyuJong for a mistake, but he ignored them as best as he could.

KyuJong was listening to all that was said, and thinking quick, he flinched at the mention of kicking. He felt the woman’s eyes shift to him then back to JungMin, and was relieved to see that she had bought the stories.

“Hmm… I see… Well. Are there any strong objections to this young man joining?” She directed to the floor.

JungMin glanced out at the other hunters then, wondering if any of them would remember him from earlier. Thankfully dying his hair black again seemed to have worked, as there had been too much chaos to get a good look at his face.

Even so, as the hunters replied with no objections, JungMin caught one in the back watching him far too keenly for his liking before he turned back to the woman, waiting for her approval.

The woman leaned back with a lazy wave. “Hmm… since there are no violent objections, I suppose you can join.”

KyuJong blinked at the lack of ceremony, and resisted the urge to look around. Was that it?

JungMin was a little caught off guard too, but was careful to hide it and look pleased instead. "Fantastic. Have I any orders for now, or will I be hearing from you again?" He tilted his head slightly to one side, observing her seemingly with interest.

“No orders.” The lady said lazily, before crooking a finger to one of the many burly hunters standing around her. “This man will show you to your room, and once we have a suitable mission for you, you will hear from us. In the meantime, feel free to explore, but try not to step on anyone’s tail or… be too curious.”

KyuJong shivered a little at the woman’s tone. It was casual, sure. But that nonchalance was what made the threat all the more serious - as if she wasn’t at all concerned that they would break the rules.

Nodding slightly, JungMin took the threat with a grain of salt. Of course they were going to end up breaking the rules, but they obviously couldn't know that, so all he could do was act like he had no plans to do anything risky. "Of course. Look forward to hearing from you again," he said with the qurik of a smile, before turning his attention to the 'room' part. Any room they took up here would most definitely be bugged, and therefore not safe to drop the acting in.

The anti-hunter didn't like that idea at all. He wanted at least one place they could act as themselves, and since even out on the streets they would have to act like hunters now, their apartment was the only free place they had left.

"As for the room, I must decline. I already have somewhere to stay, not that far from here actually, and the location works well for me."

The woman raised an eyebrow. “Is that so… well… leave your address with us then. We’ll send someone over.”

KyuJong sensed a sort of trap underneath the seemingly innocent words, but there was no way he could warn JungMin. They would have to be even more careful than they thought…

"Very well." JungMin stepped up to the desk again to write their address down on the piece of paper offered, even though he didn't like it. But he couldn't refuse, or give them a false address; that would be just asking for trouble. And he felt he was in enough trouble for not taking the offer to use one of their rooms.

Oh well. HyunJoong and YoungSaeng had lived in their own apartment. They could do the same.

Once the address was down, he slid the paper back to her and stepped back. "Was there anything else you needed to know?"

“No.” the woman waved them off, turning to one of the men who had stepped up to her side, whispering something in her ear.

KyuJong tried to listen for what they were saying, but there seemed to be some sort of spell, and he couldn’t hear a thing. Hopefully it was nothing too important… and now, he would wait for JungMin’s orders.

Seeing that they had been dismissed, JungMin tried not to dwell on the whispered conversations or the veiled threats. Instead, somewhat relieved they could go now, he turned away from the desk. "Let's go," he said sharply to KyuJong, cuffing him off the head as he walked past him to the door and sending another mental apology.

KyuJong winced when his head was hit, but quickly turned and followed after JungMin, obedient persona fit firmly into place. They had to squeeze through the crowd that had begun to gather to see the newbie who had just signed up. KyuJong looked at the ground, avoiding looking at anyone, so all he got was a few of many, many different kinds of shoes…at least until someone groped his ass.

He let out a squeak, unable to help the way his eyes darted up, meeting the smirk of the man who had just taken that rather rude liberty.

Whirling around at the squeak, JungMin caught sight of the retreating hand and felt rage bubble up inside him. How dare someone touch KyuJong?! Before he could stop himself, the anti-hunter had taken a threatening step forward, darkness clouding his eyes as he rashly slapped away the hand.

He wanted to beat the man into the ground, show them what happened to anyone who dared touch his boyfriend, but managed to remember what they were doing here. As it was, he had to fight not to even clench his hands, the anger that seeped from his body already too much. He bit down on the inside of his cheek and drew blood, the coppery taste allowing him to calm down slightly.

"Are you quite done manhandling my property?" he asked, eyes narrowed. "I heard some people in this organization have trouble controlling their pets...no wonder, if their owners allow them to be passed around like whores." He rolled his eyes, already knowing he was putting them both at risk, but he had no choice but to continue if he was to believably explain away his actions.

"He belongs to me, and only me."

There was a tense moment as the offending hunter glared down at JungMin. Whispers erupted all around them, and some none-too-subtle jeers. KyuJong barely kept from leaping up and blasting them all away to protect his boyfriend despite him being the one disadvantaged in the situation - the way they all looked down on JungMin for protecting him edging him on.

But before things could get too serious, there was a light rap on a table.

“Ahem.” The woman’s voice was light, but there was discipline in them. She waited for everyone to quiet down before continuing. “I believe that our new member is right…unless you’re willing to share with him the next time you get something pretty?” Her eyes were veiled with firmness as she stared at the man who had done the offence, and KyuJong could see then how she had become an important figure for the hunter organization.

Calming somewhat, JungMin bowed slightly towards the woman at the table, a little glad she had sided with him even if he liked her about as much as the rest of them. Deciding he'd risked their necks enough for one day, he glanced at KyuJong before turning away. "Let's go." He repeated, heading back towards the entrance. God, he wanted to get out of this place...

KyuJong hurried out of JungMin, his nervous manner not entirely an act. It was only the first day, and they already had a fair share of trouble. Heavens knew what the following days would bring.

Restraining a sigh of relief as they left the building without any further problems, JungMin nodded at the hunters lingering outside the HQ before walking down the street.

He wanted so badly to turn around and pull KyuJong into a hug, or hold his hand, or something, but one thing HyunJoong and YoungSaeng had stressed on was not to lose façade anywhere outside the apartment, and even then, avoid windows. If they were under suspicion, they would be followed and watched from all angles. And JungMin had done plenty to get HQ's suspicions already.

So he just kept walking, not looking back at the ankou behind him even when the HQ was no longer in sight, heading back towards the apartment.

JungMin’s cautioun was not unsound - and KyuJong was glad that JungMin didn’t break out of their façade. Using his senses, he could feel several people following them. And although KyuJong sincerely hoped not, they might even try to spy on them in the apartment.

The trip back was quiet though. And they both finally reached the apartment, but KyuJong didn’t break out of his persona. Not once. They were still being watched.

Just as aware of their audience as KyuJong, JungMin unlocked the door to the apartment before walking inside, not holding the door for KyuJong as he usually did. Once they were in and the door was locked, JungMin swallowed and glanced at the windows, debating the pros and cons of closing the curtains.

They were out of view now though, so he turned to the other man and drew his arms around KyuJong's waist, pulling him close.

KyuJong hadn’t even looked up, so when JungMin suddenly hugged him, he let out a small squeak of surprise before melting into the hold.

A few seconds later, he realized that they were still in a precarious situation and whispered a slightly indignant “Min…” Although he made no move to pull out of the hold.

"Sorry," JungMin murmured, eyes closed as he just enjoyed the contact, head resting against the other man's. Finally though he did let go, straightening before walking systematically throughout the apartment, making sure all the curtains and blinds were drawn, effectively cutting off any eyes that may be watching them still.

KyuJong watched as JungMin closed all the curtains and blinds, pursing his lips a little, even if he remained bowed. They might come in grief later on, but at least suspicions were better than all-out proof. And KyuJong really couldn’t stand the thought anymore of seeing JungMin so miserable.

So he said nothing, only waiting until all the curtains and blinds were closed before moving forward and touching JungMin lightly on the back, his hand soothing. “Hey…you did great. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Turning around at the light touch, JungMin wrapped one arm around the other man's waist again. "If any of them try touching you again I might just dismember someone," he grumbled, before pressing a kiss to KyuJong's lips. It wasn't even a joke. He'd come so close to blowing their cover before they even had a chance to learn anything.

KyuJong gladly took the kiss, but pulled away a few moments later, placing a finger over JungMin’s lips. “I’m glad that you would protect me, but I can fend for myself. There’s a lot more at state with our mission, so concentrate on that.”

Protesting when KyuJong pulled away, JungMin fell silent before nodding. "I'll try," he mumbled, looking around. "We're okay now, right? Can you change back?" It was clear he wasn't letting go of his boyfriend anytime soon, but he wanted to feel KyuJong as he really was against him, not an illusion.

KyuJong chuckled, “Why, don’t like the miniature me?” But he took a breath and muttered the spell. There was a second when KyuJong’s form was blurred before he seemed to straighten up and rematerialize again.

“Whoo…” Kyujong let out a sigh of relief, stretching. “Wow, that was itchy…like wearing a mascot suit.”

JungMin snickered despite himself. "Mini you is cute, and fun to carry around, but I much prefer this version of you," he declared, pulling KyuJong in for a deep kiss, fingers hooking into the other man's jeans.

KyuJong let out a slightly affected whine, but he didn’t protest too much as he fell into the kiss, giggling a little as he wrapped his arms around JungMin’s waist.

Nipping at KyuJong's lips, JungMin used his grip on the ankou's jeans to pull him closer, their bodies flush together. "When was the last time we were actually alone?" he murmured into the kiss.

Perhaps KyuJong’s moan could be interpreted as an affirmative, but perhaps it was also the way his body reacted to its proximity to JungMin’s. But as it was, his hands somehow found their way under JungMin’s shirt, playing with the skin underneath.

It didn't take any more than that to coax a low moan from the human, skin heating up where KyuJong's hands touched. One hand lifted from the ankou's hip, tangling into soft hair and tugging gently but insistently, trying to get across what his mouth was too occupied to say.

KyuJong’s lips lifted before he leaned forward, latching onto the skin of JungMin’s neck, teeth grazing, cheeks hollowing as he sucked with an almost vindictive pleasure.

A gasp quickly shifted into a soft curse, JungMin tilting his head back to allow KyuJong more room even as he staggered backwards slightly in an attempt to keep his balance. Pulling KyuJong with him, he stopped when his back found a wall, taking full advantage of the stability and pulling KyuJong closer, rolling his hips against the other man's.

KyuJong gasped against JungMin’s neck, wriggling at the sudden heat which bloomed when their crotches met. Hands moved south and slipped from under shirt to under pants, and so very delectably did KyuJong’s hands squeeze a little tighter around already tight butt cheeks.

A startled yelp came from JungMin at that, but in no way did he try to stop KyuJong's ministrations, and instead seemed at a loss for whether he should press forward against KyuJong's hips or backwards into the hands that were suddenly down his pants.

A good compromise seemed to be to ignore that problem entirely in favor of tugging at KyuJong's shirt, hastily trying to remove the offensive material.

There was a smile as KyuJong deliberated whether he should let Jungmin take off his shirt, or if he should torment the human a little longer, refusing to move his hands from their warm, snug location. But the shirt he wore was a nice shirt, and he’d rather not see it torn to pieces. So, a little reluctantly, he pulled his hands out, assisting Jungmin in his task.

Unable to bite back a noise of disappointment when the hands were gone, JungMin hurriedly turned his attention back to the annoying shirt, getting it off with minimal struggling. The second it was off and dropped unceremoniously to the ground, the redhead attacked the first bit of skin he could reach, nipping and licking to leave red marks along KyuJong's collarbone and chest.

KyuJong nearly fell back in surprise when JungMin practically jumped onto him. He groaned, hands fisting into JungMin’s hair, eyes rolling back as he felt his pants get uncomfortably tighter. He idly wondered if JungMin should be doing this, in case the other hunters had sharper eyes than usual, but he pushed that to the back of his mind in favor of enjoying the pleasure that radiated from the skilled lips that were JungMin’s.

JungMin had completely forgotten about the hunters, about the organization, about everything that wasn't the man pressed against him right now. He did have the sense though to realize that a bed would be much, much more comfortable than against a wall.

Biting down and releasing again, he lifted his head enough to smash his lips against KyuJong's, tugging him in the direction of the bedroom.

In the midst of tangling lips and the taste of honey, KyuJong managed to get JungMin’s intention, and jellied legs attempted to move in the direction of the desired bedroom. There were many distractions, such as JungMin’s skin against his, the way their lips wrestled together like a desperate match, the way his crotch burned with each step - but somehow, KyuJong managed to get them there.

Stumbling, the back of KyuJong’s legs hit the side of the bed, and he fell over willingly, pulling JungMin down with him.

Falling with him, JungMin braced himself on either side of KyuJong and continued to ravage the ankou's mouth, one hand keeping him from collapsing on top of the other man and his free hand roaming KyuJong's chest, exploring and teasing.

KyuJong moaned, back arching into the touch, and tearing his mouth away with much difficulty, he leaned up against JungMin’s ear and hissed. “Just do it already.”

Despite his protests at the removal of KyuJong's mouth, JungMin's lips curled into a smirk at the hissed words. Normally he would have continued to tease as much as possible, but tonight even the amount of time it took to get them to the bed seemed too long, his patience running out quickly.

"As you wish." Nipping at the exposed neck, his free hand trailed lower until it found the zipper to KyuJong's jeans.

It was anticipation almost too much to bear, and KyuJong groaned, bracing his hands back against the mattress. Perhaps acting the way they had in front of the hunters had made them frustrated, but he didn’t care. He needed JungMin. Now.

“I do wish.” The ankou answered, and pulled JungMin’s mouth back into a deep, sensuous kiss.

Answering the kiss with just as much enthusiasm, JungMin's hand made quick work of the pants, the troublesome material soon tossed to the ground and forgotten.

pairing: hyunjoong/youngsaeng, roleplay: okaeri, fandom: ss501, pairing: kyujong/jungmin, writing: roleplay

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