Sanctuary - Chapter One

Jul 17, 2010 17:09

Title: Sanctuary
Chapter: 1/?
Authors: renichifreak and yeonah
Fandom: SS501
Pairings: Unknown
Rating: PG-16
Warning:Angst, AU
Summary: In this era, people are bought and sold as though they are cattle. The human life is only worth what one is willing to pay for it. What happens when two such people end up in the possession of two brothers who refuse to follow the very practices they were raised to believe?
A/N: Another roleplay story by us for your enjoyment~! Yes, Unlock is still going XD We’re going back and forth.  HyunJoong and JungMin are played by me (yeonah ) and KyuJong and YoungSaeng are played by renichifreak .  Credit for the original plot goes to renichifreak  and hakkais_shadow ~ <3

"What is wrong with you people?! GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!!!"

Struggling on the ground, JungMin kicked one of the guards hard enough to prevent him from having children before he was finally restrained again, hands bound behind him so tightly the cuts left by sharp metal would be visible for days. He had enough time to yell a few choice swear words before he was hauled off the ground and shoved into the back of the truck with the rest of the slaves.

Landing on his side with a yelp, he managed to push himself up and glare at the slave traders, red hair falling into his face. It wasn't the first time this had happened to him. JungMin had been a slave for a while, but being non-cooperative meant he had gone through more 'masters' than a stripper went through clients. After his last owner had tried to use him as a pleasure slave instead of for labor (and had nearly been castrated for it), he'd been put back on the market yet again. Which meant more shoving into the back of trucks.

No matter. He'd just try to escape again. It never worked, but one day he was getting the hell out of this miserable life. Resting against the truck wall as he struggled with his bonds, he winced as the metal cut into his skin and grumbled to himself. "Fucking idiots..."

When the slaver entered the room, he smirked and pointed to five people. "Alright, time to go, so get your asses up and into the truck.” They all moved save for one, who did little more than glare scathingly at the man.

YoungSaeng hissed as the man grabbed a handful of hair and jerked his head back to meet his eyes. "Did you hear me? I said, get your ass up and get into the fucking truck."

Glare darkening, YoungSaeng spat in the man's face.

"You have no idea how lucky you are that I can't strike that pretty face of yours, but your new master is known for taming even bed slaves like you." Tightening the grip on his hair, the slaver dragged him out and all but tossed him into the truck.

Watching as another young man was tossed into the truck, JungMin smirked. Finally, someone other than himself who was causing some trouble around here. "You alright over there?" He nudged the boy with one foot since his hands were tied up. "It's been a while since I've seen anyone else get tossed into these things. And damn did you fly."

Once all the slaves were in, the truck door was slammed shut and bolted from the outside. JungMin elbowed the wall in frustration.

At the sound of the voice talking to him, YoungSaeng picked himself off the ground and leaned against the wall of the truck, brushing his hair out of his face and massaging his scalp where the man had grabbed him. "I'm fine, and I refuse to just roll over like a beaten dog, even though I have to play the damn part in public," YoungSaeng explained, meeting the other's eyes.

He was good looking and built well for what he assumed was a labor slave since he couldn't make out the collar's color; his head hurt from the treatment.

"That's the spirit," JungMin chuckled. He could see the other man's collar easily: red, which meant the guy was a pleasure slave. He certainly looked the part too, doll-like almost. JungMin's own collar was a deep blue for labor.

"Though I completely disagree with 'playing the part' in public. If I don't like what I'm doing, the whole world's gonna hear of it, and I hate it!" He kicked at the wall with a grumble. "How about breaking out of the new place? They're gonna have to take these metal strips off sooner or later...” He eyed the other slave. "I have to give you credit though, I've never seen a sex slave with spunk before."

YoungSaeng found himself smiling at the man, which was something that he had nearly forgotten how to do over the years he'd been there.

"Yeah, well the punishment for me is very different than for you..." he explained. At the man's last statement, he sighed. "Yes, well that happens when you're sold to slavers by your own family, I suppose."

"Ah, I see." JungMin shrugged. "They nabbed me pretty much the same way, along with my little sister." He had no idea where she was now, and had gotten the idea he'd keep being a troublemaker until he ended up with someone who knew where she was, or better yet, had her as a slave. Then they could break out together. Or he would break out and track her down himself.

After another minute of fighting with the bonds he gave up, wrists red and about to bleed again. "If you're such a pain for them, why are you not tied up too," he protested, pouting. "It's prejudice." And the fact that he'd decked one of the guards earlier. Maybe that had something to do with it.

YoungSaeng nodded. Moving over to JungMin’s side, he smirked. "This is why they don't restrain me. They've yet to figure out how I do it." Reaching up, he pulled something from beneath his hair and brought it down to the cuffs.

After a few seconds of shifting and twisting, the latch clicked open and they dropped to the floor, useless. "They stopped knowing I'd just get out of them eventually." He paused. "I'm YoungSaeng, by the way," he introduced. It was highly out of his character, but there was something about the other slave that he really liked.

Making a noise of approval when he felt the metal biting into his wrists fall away, JungMin brought his hands in front of him again and massaged the sore skin. "You've gotta teach me how to do that," he said, eyeing the cuffs. He ended up tied more often than not. Not that the cuffs usually stopped him; he would need a full body bind and a gag before he stopped trying to get out.

"JungMin," he said in return, smirking. "Since it looks like we're heading to the same place, let's make it interesting for our new 'masters'." His eyes promised of mischief and trouble. No way in hell was he going to go quietly.

"Years of practice, JungMin," YoungSaeng chuckled. "They finally gave up and locked me in a room with an electronic lock since I kept getting out."

He frowned, however, when he remembered the punishment for letting a few slaves escape as well.

YoungSaeng quirked a brow. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

Looking down at his wrists, JungMin grinned. "I'd have to get the layout of the place first, but generally people don't like it when things start spontaneously combusting on then." His dad had been a repairman, and JungMin had learnt a lot about all the different ways you could rewire a television set to explode on activation, among other things.

"As well, I don't know about you, but I don't plan on staying there for long." He smirked. "As soon as I get the chance I'm out of there. Bet you we could get out together. I'll get you out of the electrically locked rooms, and you get me out of the handcuffs, and we're all good."

YoungSaeng nodded. "You have yourself a deal. I'll even show you how to get out of those whenever we're around each other." Going quiet for a minute, he spoke up. "One thing, though. I won't have my own room. If he chooses me from the ones he ordered, I have to stay in his room," he remembered, recalling his 'lessons'.

JungMin thought about that, then shrugged. "Then at least you don't have to worry about the electric lock. Worst case is we tie him up when we escape." He grinned viciously. "I may not be able to get out of the blasted things, but the tying up part I can do."

The other man’s smile grew. "I quite like the way you think, JungMin," YoungSaeng said. "So, do you know anything about the man we're going to?" he asked. "I only know that he apparently likes breaking pleasure slaves," YoungSaeng explained, disgust clear in his eyes.

"The same must be true for labor slaves," JungMin snorted. "I've kinda got a bad reputation. Apparently he's someone high up in the government? The guards were talking about it. Someone with a lot of money then, especially if he's buying this many slaves." He glanced at the group around them. "Which means lots of guards, and lots of high-tech security." He would rewire every single camera in the building if he could get his hands on them.

Nodding, YoungSaeng relaxed a bit, grateful that he at least knew one other person who hadn't been broken down already. He was honestly surprised at how many pleasure slaves were willing, as opposed to him and a scarce few others.

What he hated more was that it was the unwilling ones who always drew the attention.


It was two days later when HyunJoong heard of the slave shipment again. The guards were talking about how they were going to be delivered in an hour. Calmly gathering his papers together from where he'd been working in the main room, he headed back to his room to finish up there.

An hour later there was a commotion by the main entrance as the shipment arrived. Leaving his room, HyunJoong joined his youngest brother HyungJoon in investigating. He wondered if KyuJong was going to show up to see the new slaves, or hide in his room out of protest. He hoped the younger man showed up.

JungMin restraining himself from kicking the guards who pulled them out of the truck, after YoungSaeng gave the suggestion of not getting himself handcuffed the first five seconds there. Clenching his teeth in annoyance, he stayed close to YoungSaeng as they were brought inside, sharp eyes taking in the building and the security. "Rich idiots..." he yelped as he was hit off the back of the head and nearly turned on the guard who'd hit him.

With a loud sigh, KyuJong walked over to his brothers, clearly unhappy that had to watch such a display. "Appa made me come," he mumbled before either brother could ask about his presence.

Looking down, KyuJong blinked as he saw a fiery redhead who appeared to be doing everything in his power to not kick the guards in the heads. He was unable to hold back a smirk at the act.

YoungSaeng had indeed told JungMin to behave, but that didn't stop him from lashing out as one of the guards caught sight of the collar and tried to take advantage, allowing his hands to roam before YoungSaeng bit him. Grabbed by the arm, it was forcefully twisted behind his back, drawing out a quiet sound of pain before he was led from the truck.

When he saw the way the guard manhandled YoungSaeng, JungMin did kick him this time, and was shoved forward in response.

Watching the group coming inside, HyunJoong frowned lightly as he saw one of the slaves being pushed in with one arm held behind his back. It had been impossible to miss the reason why, the guard's hand wandering a lot more than it should before he was bitten in retaliation. Amused somewhat by the reaction, HyunJoong leaned back against the wall as the slaves were marched in and made to stand in a line as their father came out.

YoungSaeng bit back a laugh as JungMin somehow managed to kick the guard holding him in the face. That was something he didn't see everyday. Once they were inside, they were led into a large room and made to line up, grouped together by their colors. Looking around the room, he saw three men, not too far from his own 20 years.

Looking closely, he noticed the varying expressions: one of disgust and anger, another of curiosity and interest, and the third of indifference.

Their father examined the gathered slaves with far too much interest for HyunJoong's liking. He didn't miss the way the man's expression turned lustful as he eyed the prettier slaves, gaze lingering particularly on the one who'd bitten the guard. Lips quirking into a slight frown, he glanced at KyuJong to see how his brother was coping. Not too well from his expression.

Thinking about what he'd decided earlier, HyunJoong turned his head to look at their father, deciding when would be best to voice it.

JungMin grumbled as he was forced to separate from YoungSaeng, being shoved in with the few other labor slaves. Rubbing at his wrists (he'd ended up in chains several times during the trip), he glared at the four men watching then, a father and three sons. Someone who must be the head of the servants or guards was talking to them about what they were expected to do, but he wasn't paying attention.

"God, I hate this," KyuJong hissed under his breath as he watched his father examine the slaves before him, finding particular interest in one in particular. He seemed to be the only one not broken among the pleasure slaves, but that was never a good thing in his father's case.

His attention was again drawn to the redhead, who was very obviously not listening to the explanation of his duties. A moment later, he jumped slightly as their eyes met. He'd never seen so much hatred directed at him before and he very nearly shifted behind his hyung.

YoungSaeng had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from reacting to his new owner's 'examination', which included hands where he did not want them. Glaring, he made to back away when he was stopped by a guard and held still.

JungMin blinked when one of the sons met his eyes, before his gaze narrowed, jaw clenching as he held himself back. He wasn't some sort of good that could be bought and sold like this! Giving the man his best glare, the redhead was distracted when he saw the father inspecting YoungSaeng and touching him. About to step forward, he was yanked back by a guard who'd expected it. JungMin angrily stomped on the man's foot and was hit again.

HyunJoong wasn't an idiot. While he knew little of the slave trade outside of what KyuJong told him in his many rants, he knew what went on in his home. He was fully aware of what happened to the slaves his father took into his room.

And he was completely aware of what was going to happen to the feminine man his father was eyeing so hungrily.

It was then he made up his mind. Pinching KyuJong's side subtly to get his attention, HyunJoong noted their father about to speak, presumably to say he wanted the doll-like man to be his. ’Now.’

Stepping forward, the oldest son spoke finally, tone nonchalant like usual, as if he was commenting on a science experiment. "Father, I was wondering if perhaps I could have one of them as well?"

The man turned to him, caught off guard. While HyunJoong had never opposed slavery as KyuJong had, he had given no interest in possessing a slave before.

KyuJong nearly yelped at the pinch, but was rendered speechless as HyunJoong said what he had. "Are you insane?!" he hissed as he stared wide-eyed at his brother. While he'd never opposed slavery, HyunJoong had never supported it either, so for him ask such a thing was startling to hear. He could see out of the corner of his eye a similar shocked look on HyungJoon's face as well.

Their father on the other hand looked pleased, especially since the request had come from the eldest, who would surely set an example for the other two. "Certainly HyunJoong, pick whichever one you like." HyunJoong had been hoping on that. Now as long as the man was surprised enough at the request he would be willing to give up what in his eyes was surely the cream of the crop.

Glancing back at KyuJong in amusement at the hiss, HyunJoong met his eyes and gave him a pointed look. He didn't say anything, but his expression spoke volumes.

’You wanted to do something about it, didn't you?’

The only way to save the slaves from their father was to take them away.

Breaking eye contact, he walked up to the rows of slaves and pretended to look them over, though he kept his hands firmly clasped behind his back rather than let them wander like his father. Finally his eyes locked with the pretty slave his father had been watching, the son's expression disinterested but his eyes sharp.

"I want him."

Purposely picking the same one his father wanted. Maybe KyuJong would catch on.

YoungSaeng frowned as the disinterested son spoke up, stating what he had. When the man stepped away, though, the guard released him roughly, causing him to stagger a bit before righting himself.

He watched on as the young man walked the line, observing, yet not touching, which was odd in and of itself. His eyes then narrowed as he stopped before him, declaring that he was who the young man wanted.

Their father frowned at that, disappointment in his eyes. It made HyunJoong's skin crawl, but he kept his expression blank. "Are you sure you wouldn't prefer one of the others?"

"No," HyunJoong said firmly.

His father seemed to weigh the pros and cons of letting his prize go before finally nodding. "He's yours then."

KyuJong watched on, seeing what his brother was trying to do. It was impossible to miss the lust in the man's eyes as he looked at the slave, so HyunJoong made sure that their father couldn't have him.

After what seemed like forever, KyuJong sighed loudly and stepped forward. "I in no way condone this, but perhaps employing someone will allow me to see both sides, if that's alright..."

He felt so filthy saying that, though he had to mentally smirk at the look of utter shock on his father's face.

Once he had their father's permission, HyunJoong nodded and glanced at the slave he'd chosen again, meeting the man's gaze again. He must have been only slightly younger, or maybe even the same age. Knowing he couldn't do anything that would jeopardize his acting, he fell silent and watched as KyuJong stepped forward. So he'd finally understood.

Their father looked from HyunJoong and KyuJong, suspicious of this sudden switch but not saying so. "If that is what you want, then feel free to take whichever one you like."

At the other end of the line, JungMin was having a silent but intense struggle with the guard holding him. He did not like being hit, and the amount of times he would allow it to happen before giving up all ideas of playing nice was rapidly decreasing. Growling in annoyance, he kicked the man behind him in the shin and was yanked back into line by his red hair. Finally he snapped. "Get your filthy hands off me, asshole!" He pushed back and nearly knocked the guard over.

KyuJong secretly wondered if he was a glutton for punishment, but at seeing the man grabbed like that, he yelled out. "Let him go!" Turning to his father, he stated clearly. "Him. Tell your guards to let him go."

He knew after their eyes met earlier that he would probably hate him, but KyuJong would much rather that than the mistreatment he would receive if he remained.

Walking over to them, he shot the guard a vicious glare and motioned toward the young man. "Please just behave until we get out of here, okay?" he murmured, only loud enough for the slave to hear.

JungMin was let go, stumbling slightly as the guard shoved him forward. Glaring at the man, he looked up to see the son who'd been watching him before standing in front of him. The use of the word 'please' confused him, but the already riled-up JungMin bristled anyways. "Do not tell me what to do," he snarled, voice low as he straightened properly.

HyunJoong blinked as KyuJong picked the rowdiest slave in the bunch. He never made things any easier on himself, did he? If looks could kill, the slave would have murdered his brother a dozen times already.

His father picked another of the pretty slaves, though with less enthusiasm than he had with the first one, of which HyunJoong was glad. He couldn't ask for more than one without drawing suspicion, and seeing that look in his father's eyes made him want to be sick.

The rest of the slaves were ushered away, leaving only the father and three sons, and the three slaves.

HyungJoon looked on at the very odd scene before sighing. "Glad I'm not old enough to deal with this yet," he said before taking his leave.

KyuJong swallowed deeply at the snarl, but showed no external reaction. 'Why do I do this to myself?' he asked himself. "I'd rather not watch you be beaten by the guards for disobeying. Besides, I was just asking for your own benefit," he replied back quietly.

"Save it," JungMin snapped. As if any one of these people would care if he were hit. More often than not they enjoyed it.

Shaking his head slightly at the whispered conversation going on between KyuJong and the slave, HyunJoong turned back to their father and bowed slightly to take his own leave. "Come with me," he said to the slave he'd chosen, turning and walking off towards his room. Hopefully the man would follow and not put up the fuss KyuJong's slave was displaying.

Hopefully KyuJong would be able to get the redheaded guy to follow as well; HyunJoong didn't know the first thing about owning a slave, and he needed to put up a good enough act so his father didn't try taking the man back.

KyuJong's eyes narrowed. "You don't know a thing about me. Don't assume that I am anything like my father," he growled. "Now unless you want to deal with my father and his guards, then follow me. When we're in my room and away from them, you can yell and curse my existence all you want."

YoungSaeng watched out of the corner of his eye before his new owner spoke. He hesitated, yet nodded slightly, deciding to go with the lesser of two evils. With a small motion YoungSaeng told JungMin that they would be better off away from their father, no matter how little they each trusted them.

About to retort again, JungMin caught the subtle motion from YoungSaeng and bit his lower lip to keep quiet, glowering. When the man started to walk, JungMin followed along, obviously not happy and eyeing the guards out of the corners of his eyes as he passed them.

HyunJoong led the way out of the main room and to his own. Flicking on the light inside, he sighed and looked back at the man he'd just snatched away from their father.

"Sorry about the guards," he said, the corner of his lips quirking upwards slightly. "KyuJong's been trying to get them to watch where they put their hands for years, to little effect. The biting was a rather nice touch though."

YoungSaeng followed the young man into the room, but made it a point to stay far away from the bed, instead sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I don't take to being manhandled, so he got what he deserved. Pleasure slave or not, I'm not a whore," he stated clearly, meeting the man's eyes head on.

HyunJoong didn't even twitch at the strong gaze. "I'm sure you're not."

What was he supposed to do with a slave? Maybe he should have questioned KyuJong a bit more before all this. Rubbing the side of his head, he glanced around the room. "There's a ton of empty rooms around here, so I suppose you can pick one of those...though it may take a bit for the furniture to come in..."

YoungSaeng couldn't hide the smirk. "You took a pleasure slave and don't even know what to do." Shaking his head, he got up and teasingly ran a finger down the man's chest for the reaction. "FYI...pleasure slaves sleep in the same room as their masters," he purred before his expression changed and he backed away with a blank look.

Although he shivered slightly at the contact, HyunJoong's expression remained that of sleepy surprise. "Really." He glanced around the room again. "I suppose that would would be a little crowded with two beds though."

HyunJoong wondered how long it would take before the man realized he wasn't interested at all in what type of slave he was. He was just saving the guy from his sadistic father.

Face still blank, YoungSaeng took a seat again, legs crossed elegantly. "Listen. I don't trust you. All anyone wants from me is whatever I can give them because of this damn collar. If you think that I'm just gonna roll over, you have another thing coming."

"Then it's a good thing I don't want anything from you then," HyunJoong concluded simply. "Think whatever you want to think though. I just figured you'd rather not go through being raped ten times a day."

He went to sit at his desk with a sigh. "If you'll excuse me, exams are coming up so I need to study. There's not much here in ways of entertainment, though I'm sure there's a video game or two in there." He waved absently at his closet without looking at it. "If HyungJoon hasn't made off with them all by now. I'm HyunJoong, if you're even slightly interested in knowing."

YoungSaeng could do little more than stare at the young man-HyunJoong. He'd never known of someone who didn't expect him to just give himself over, so he was fairly confused, though hid it as well as he could, though he was sure some made its way onto his face.

" if that wasn't already happening," he muttered under his breath before looking around, seeing a notebook laying on the floor beside the chair. Picking it up, he grabbed a pencil from the table beside him and began writing in it.

"Why should I know your name? It's not like I can ever actually use it."

Finding his science notes, HyunJoong flipped through them absently. Glancing back at the slave when he heard the rustle of paper, he noted the man finding one of his empty notebooks before turning back to his own papers.

"Why not?" He leaned back in his chair, eyes drifting over the notes scrawled on the page. "Names are meant to be used. It wouldn't make much sense to have one otherwise."

YoungSaeng didn't look up from what he was doing. "Slaves can't use given names for fear of punishment. If it was a simple beating, I wouldn't care, but it's not for my type of slave," he explained with a sigh. Of course he gets the ignorant master.

"Huh..." HyunJoong mused over this for a moment before turning in his seat to look at the other man, gaze steady. "Say my name," he told the slave.

YoungSaeng paused before looking up, brow raised. "Why?" he asked before turning back to the composition.

"I just want to see something," HyunJoong shrugged, nonchalant as always.

Rolling his eyes, YoungSaeng sighed and did as he was asked. "Fine. HyunJoong. Happy?"

HyunJoong was silent for a moment, glancing around the room as though searching for something. Looking back to the other man again, amusement shown in his eyes as his lips curled upwards slightly. "I don't see any you?" That said, he turned around in his seat and picked up his notes again.

YoungSaeng just stared at him for a minute lost in thought before curling up in the chair and continuing with what he was doing.


Looking up slightly at the name, HyunJoong smiled a little more as he made himself comfortable in the chair, focusing on his studying.

"Nice to meet you, YoungSaeng."

With a side-glance at the young man working, YoungSaeng shook his head. He didn't get him at all.

fandom: ss501, writing: roleplay, roleplay: sanctuary

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