Living as a Vampire for Dummies - Chapter One

Mar 21, 2009 19:34

Title: Living as a Vampire for Dummies
Chapter: 1/?
Fandoms: Super Junior, SS501, DBSK
Pairings: YeWook, Friendship!YS, KiHae, HanChul, KyuMin (others to be added)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Character Death, Angst
Summary: A reference for the rest of us! Because YeSung sure as hell wasn't expecting to be turned into a vampire. After he is involved in a hit-and-run late one night, a friend arrives just in time and saves his life... Sort of. With only YoungSaeng's advice to guide him, YeSung has to find a way to pretend everything is normal, and hide his new secret from his band mates... Which is impossible when you're living with 14 other people. Chaos ensues, and YeSung's (un)life will be tossed upside-down.
A/N: And the first official chapter is here! Purposely skipped over parts covered in the prologue, so if you haven't read it, you should ^.^;


Chapter One

One hour earlier


YeSung calmly sidestepped out of the way as a furious HeeChul stormed down the hallway, hair still damp from the shower and with only his pants on. HanKyung walked out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was, then taking in the sight of a furious half-naked Rella, promptly turned around and when back into the kitchen to hide his red face. ShinDong looked up from where he was eating ramen at the table, then shrugged and continued eating like nothing had happened.

“What happened this time?” RyeoWook questioned, poking his head out of the music room along with KyuHyun, whom he’d been practicing with. “I think DongHae and EunHyuk switched his shampoo with hair dye again,” YeSung replied, eyeing the other as he proceeded to tear the flat apart looking for his prey. KiBum barely looked up from his book as HeeChul looked behind and around the chair he was sitting on for the mischievous duo.

“Hyung,” SungMin called from his room. HeeChul rounded on him and the bunny boy smiled. “I think I saw them go to the other dorm,” He supplied helpfully. HeeChul didn’t even bother saying thank you, and would have ran out of the dorm half-dressed if LeeTeuk hadn’t snagged him on the way back and draped a coat around his shoulders.

The door slamming behind HeeChul, SungMin waited a moment before looking towards the hallway closet. “Okay you two, coast’s clear,” He said with a smile.

The closet door rattled, and flew open with a bang as DongHae and EunHyuk tumbled to the floor in a pile of flailing limbs. “Finally!” DongHae exclaimed happily.

“I’m happy to get out of there too…” EunHyuk was the source of the flailing limbs. “But you’re heavy!” DongHae blinked down at him, then laughed and got up, helping EunHyuk to his feet.”

“You have approximately five minutes before HeeChul realizes he’s been tricked and comes back down here.” LeeTeuk said worriedly from the doorway. “He’ll be out for blood,” YeSung joked, and was smacked off the back of the head by KangIn.

“So what are we supposed to do?” EunHyuk asked, looking concerned for his safety. DongHae grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the door. “Umma, we’re going for a walk!” He exclaimed, tossing EunHyuk’s coat at him and grabbed his own before leaving the dorm to escape HeeChul’s wrath.

KyuHyun and RyeoWook went back to practicing, SungMin followed them, HanKyung returned to cooking, and LeeTeuk went back to watching TV with KangIn. YeSung looked around for a moment for something to do, but didn’t get far; his cell started ringing. Before someone could yell at him to get it, he went into the room he shared with RyeoWook and closed the door, before flipping open his cell.


”YeSung, hello!”

“Ah YoungSaeng, it’s been a while! Are you still in America?”

”No, we just got back actually. Listen, I need a favor.”

“Do you ever call me for anything other than favors?”

”Hey, I call you to chat too! Anyways, I’ve got to compose a song for the group, and I’m completely stuck.”

“Why don’t you ask RyeoWook.”

”Because I’m asking YOU. Can you meet me somewhere? Your dorms aren’t exactly the safest place with HeeChul around.”

“You’re telling me? He’s like a rhinoceros on the loose!”

Laughter. ”And my dorm isn’t the best place either… KyuJong and HyungJoon won’t get off each other.”

“I’m not seeing that. Okay, so where do you propose we meet?”

” I know just the place. Got a pen?”

YeSung wrote down the address of the building on a post-it as YoungSaeng recited it to him. “Okay, got it.”

”Thanks so much! Oh, and don’t forget to bring an umbrella. It’s raining.”


Current time

For the longest time, the sound of rain was all YeSung could hear. He drifted in and out of consciousness, struggling to stay above the darkness that wanted to drag him away. He knew he was dying. That much was painfully obvious, in the dull shifting of cracked ribs when he tried to move, in the way he was now laying in a puddle of red. No other cars aside from the one who had hit him passed; the one who’d done this to him never came back. He had no idea where his umbrella was; after letting YoungSaeng yell his name a few more times, his cell had short-circuited from the rain and died.

When he opened his eyes for the fifth time he wasn’t alone anymore. Someone was kneeling beside him, frantically trying to stem the flow of blood from his chest. “YeSung, YeSung, JongWoon, wake up!”

YoungSaeng, YeSung realized sleepily. YoungSaeng had found him. He couldn’t help but feel relieved; in the time where he’d actually been somewhat awake and able to think, he’d wondered if he was going to die here alone. “I’m awake,” He managed to croak, before his body shook as he coughed. He could taste blood in his mouth, and knew one of his broken ribs must have punctured a lung.

“Don’t talk, you’re straining yourself.” YoungSaeng was in a panic, as he realized he couldn’t stop the blood flow fast enough. “This is my fault, my fault… You’re going to be okay, JongWoon. You’re going to be…”

“Don’t lie to me, YoungSaeng,” YeSung mumbled, coughing up more blood. He knew he was going to die. It was a sinking feeling in his stomach, and the darkness at the corners of his eyes. He could barely lift his arms anymore. Like a helpless rag doll.

“I’m not going to let you die,” YoungSaeng said stubbornly. He stopped trying to stop the blood flow; instead, he did something that confused the dazed YeSung. He started unbuttoning YeSung’s collar. How was that going to help? YoungSaeng didn’t undo his whole shirt, just the first few buttons, exposing the dying mans collarbone and neck.

About to ask what he was thinking, YeSung moved the wrong way and gasped in pain as the rib puncturing his lung tore through even more. Darkness closed on him, fast and sudden, as his body shook.

The last thing he was aware of seeing was a headful of dark hair as YoungSaeng lowered his head close to YeSung’s face, then continued going lower.

The last thing he was aware of feeling was a sharp pain, different from the one dragging him under, as something sharp punctured his neck.


The pain was fading. Slowly, the ache in his chest was leaving. He didn’t understand why though. The taste of blood was still in his mouth, but it tasted odd. It’s strange to recognize the taste of blood, but after practically drowning in his own, he was sure the blood dripping down his throat wasn’t his. It hit his lips, before slipping inside his mouth; when YeSung choked, more fell.

The pain left, and YeSung was able to slowly open his eyes again. His vision was blurry, but he could make out YoungSaeng sitting beside him still. The rain fell around them and on them, and YoungSaeng was holding his hand tightly in both of his own. “You’re going to be okay,” The ‘otter’ whispered, looking at him with red, puffy eyes. YeSung felt wetness against his hands, and looked at them, to see blood dripping down his fingers. One of YoungSaeng’s wrists was cut wide open, dripping blood everywhere, but the male didn’t seem to notice. “It’s okay, the pain will go away…”

It already had…

“It’s just for a few minutes…”

Why did YoungSaeng sound like he was talking about something else?

“Then you’ll be alright.”

YeSung’s back arched as he gasped, pain radiating through his body. It had come out of nowhere, rising in intensity until he could barely feel YoungSaeng’s hands in his own. It hurt. It hurt so much. He knew he was screaming, he must be, but he couldn’t hear it through the roaring in his ears. The roaring was soon overcome by another sound, a harsh, painful thumping. It took him a moment to realize the sound he was hearing was his heartbeat, going wildly out of control. Like it was trying to beat itself out of his chest.

Cold hands kept him pinned to the ground even as he thrashed around, trying to stop him from hurting himself as agony raced through him. That is, until he knocked YoungSaeng off of him; he couldn’t hear the others pained yelp, but knew through the torture that he had knocked his friend quite far away.

It felt like an eternity passed in pure pain. His voice should have given out by now, his throat dry from all the screaming. His heartbeat was slowing, the thumping easing away, as his body sank back down into the puddle it’s rested in, twitching slowly stopping. With a last, stuttering thump, his heart stopped.

For the longest time, YeSung didn’t move. He couldn’t, completely thrown off by the sudden lack of pain. Pain in general; his neck, his chest, his entire body had stopped hurting. Raising one hand and touching where his skin had been marred by a large gash, he found the wound was gone, the skin healed. Lifting his head shakily, YeSung proceeded to inspect the rest of his body. He was fine. The wounds created by the car were completely gone. He couldn’t even feel his broken ribs anymore. The only injury he could find was two small holes in the side of his neck.

A soft groan got his attention. Looking around, YeSung was startled to see YoungSaeng lying several feet away, his short flight stopped by a brick wall. The other slowly sat up, looking at YeSung and sighing in relief. “You’re alright,” He breathed, slowly moving over to where YeSung sat, completely not noticing his jeans were soaked through thanks to the puddle he was in.

“What happened?” YeSung managed to ask, his throat sore. Then, seemed to notice something. “What’s that noise?” He asked, looking around in confusion.

“What noise?”

“That!” He couldn’t describe it, like a loud pattering in his ears, coming from everywhere.

YoungSaeng’s concerned look turned into one of amusement. “You mean the rain?”

“Rain?” Since when was rain so loud??? But it DID sound like the rain, now that he thought about it.

“Yeah. It’s odd, but it takes a bit of getting used to.”

YeSung looked at YoungSaeng again, then blinked several times. His vision was perfectly clear now, much more than clear actually; he had never seen so much detail before. It was like living off YouTube quality video’s his whole life, then suddenly seeing in High-Definition.

“Just… What happened?” YeSung asked again, looking down at himself to make sure the wounds were gone again.

“I saved your life… Sort of.” YoungSaeng sat down beside him cautiously. “How do you feel?”

“Amazing. More than amazing, actually. What did you do?” He looked at his friend in awe.

“I… Sort of…” YoungSaeng seemed to be having problems articulating his words, stopping in hesitation. “Don’t hate me?”

“Why? You saved my life.”

“Actually… I kind of killed you.”

YeSung’s mouth fell open. YoungSaeng smiled grimly, then pulled down his own collar, exposing his neck. In the light of the moon, and YeSung’s new vision, he could see two pinprick holes in YoungSaeng’s neck. His hand automatically went to his own neck, brushing against the holes there. Trying to get rid of the taste of blood in his mouth, his tongue swept over his front teeth and ran over two suddenly sharp canines.

“Welcome to the ranks of the dead, JongWoon.”

pairing: yesung/ryeowook, fandom: super junior, fandom: ss501, fanfic: living as a vampire, writing: fanfiction

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