The World Ends With You - Characters and Terms

Jan 26, 2009 21:01

Title: The World Ends With You
Chapter: None (Characters and Terms)
Pairings: ZhouRy (Main), many others
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Character Death, Angst, Apocalyptic Themes
Summary: Zhou Mi had always been a failure of a necromancer. He botched up all his spells, brought back the wrong person, and the few times he had gotten it right, his ex boyfriend had taken it upon himself to send his successes back where they came from. But this didn’t stop him from trying… Until one day, the new boy next door happened to walk in on his ritual… And vanished into thin air. Determined to get Henry back, Zhou Mi set off for Korea, to find the only person he knew would be willing to help; Cho KyuHyun, his ex. But more people start disappearing, and the events set in motion would change all their lives, and the fate of the four worlds, forever.
A/N: Here's a list of characters and terms, which will be updated throughout the story.


Characters and Terms

NOTE:: The following character descriptions are based on the latest chapter written, and are updated with each new chapter. So for those who aren’t up-to-date with the chapters, these WILL contain spoilers.

ZhouMi lives in China with his family. He’s an apprentice necromancer, and constantly botches up the summoning spells. The few times he managed to get it right, the creatures he summoned were killed off by his ex-boyfriend, KyuHyun. He is self-taught, without a master, and the lack of proper guidance shows in his clumsy spellwork. When a spell backfires and his cheerful new neighbor disappears, ZhouMi must go to Korea to ask for the help of the only person he knew would help him; KyuHyun.

A Canadian boy, Henry Lau moved with his family to China. He became good friends with his neighbor, ZhouMi, despite the language barrier. Henry knows nothing about the different worlds or the races, an innocent passerby. When he walked in on Zhou Mi’s summoning spell and broke the circle, he was send to the Void.

A happy-go-lucky guy with a positive view on life and all its aspects. DongHae died a year ago, and after struggling as a ghost to gain the love of his crush KiBum, DongHae finally earned the right to go to Heaven. Though in training to be a Spirit Guide, he keeps an eye on KiBum from the windows of Heaven. He has been forbidden to return to Earth until his training is complete, and even then is told to stay away from KiBum.

KiBum’s known as the smartest person in his grade. After meeting DongHae’s ghost a year ago, he has been doing research on the paranormal, in the hope that he could meet DongHae again. He is the younger brother of KangIn, and is one of the few humans Entities remaining. He is completely in love with DongHae, and even a year after they separated he still can’t forget him.

KiBum’s older brother. After meeting YoungWoong JaeJoong at a young age, he has been aware of the existence of otherworldly creatures. He fell in love with LeeTeuk, and for the past year has still managed to meet up with him every now and then. Like the rest of his family, he is a surviving Entity. He also has extraordinarily clear vision when it comes to the paranormal, able to see things even another Entity would miss. His real name is YoungWoon.

LeeTeuk is a Spirit Guide from Heaven, who died over five centuries ago. His real name is Park JungSu, and that’s known only by JaeJoong, and KangIn. LeeTeuk is commonly referred to as the mother hen, as he’s always worrying about the others. He is currently training his former charge, DongHae, as a Spirit Guide. LeeTeuk’s been in a relationship with the Entity KangIn for a year now. He is suspicious of his superior JaeJoong, certain the older angel knows much more than he tells about whatever situation they are in.

SungMin is DongHae’s cheerful, pink-loving cousin. He still blames himself for DongHae’s death, even after all this time. Ever since a year ago, he’s been dating ghost hunter KyuHyun. He doesn’t see ghosts, though he is able to slightly sense their presence, usually through his habit of sneezing whenever there is a ghost nearby. He is protective of KyuHyun.

KyuHyun is from the Cho family, a strain of ghost hunters. He lost his best friend, ChangMin, as a result of hesitation while hunting. Ever since, he’s promised himself never to hesitate again, and has become quite the professional. When his family moved to China, he started a relationship with Zhou Mi, which ended because the other boy was a necromancer. When he returned to Korea, he met SungMin, and instantly fell for him. Since the incident a year ago, he’s given up ghost hunting as a profession and is trying to be a normal person.

DongHae’s best friend while he was alive, EunHyuk’s real name is HyukJae. He’s very bright and optimistic most the time, though heavily affected by death. EunHyuk was the most shaken by DongHae’s death, and wrote an eulogy for his funeral. He vanished mysteriously a year ago, and no one has seen him since.

YeSung is KiBum’s best friend. A dorky guy with an optimistic attitude, he tries to make the best out of any situation, and if that doesn’t work, usually makes a fool of himself in order to cheer others up. He’s been in a relationship with RyeoWook for a year now, and helps KiBum find out more on the paranormal. He’s smarter than people give him credit for. His real name is JongWoon, and he’s the only one who can’t sense ghosts at all.

A shy boy in KiBum’s grade, who even after a year of attending the school is still referred to as ‘the new kid’, and the ‘eternal magnae’. He’s in a relationship with YeSung. RyeoWook is sensitive to paranormal activity, and can hear them slightly if he tries.

A ghost who LeeTeuk used to look after. He was sucked into the Void when he wandered too close to Stonehenge, many years ago. He and EunHyuk find Henry when he appears in the Void, and take him under their wing.

A mysterious Angel from Heaven. He is rumored to be one of the First Angels, and is in a relationship with YunHo, the head of the Elite Guard. He goes by the alias ‘YoungWoong’, which means Hero. YunHo also refers to him as the Right Hand of God. JaeJoong always seems to know more than he tells, though no one knows where he gets his information.

The leader of the Elite Guard, YunHo’s one of the First Angels. He is in love with JaeJoong, though the clash of personalities causes their relationship to be an on-off one. YunHo is also known under the alias U-Know.

A new spirit Guide, ChangMin used to be friends with KyuHyun while he was alive. He was killed off by a ghost-turned-poltergeist. As an Angel, he has the ability to see how much time a ghost has left on earth simply by looking into their eyes. He prefers to be called Choikang, or Max.

A demon in Hell. He’s the clan co-leader of the Renui Clan, along with HeeChul. He’s involved in a forbidden relationship with the imp JunSu.

A low-class imp in the Renui Clan in Hell. He’s involved in a forbidden relationship with Park YooChun, the clan co-leader.

A demon in Hell, he’s one of the oldest demons at the age of one millennia. He bears a grudge against the Angels for the war between Heaven and Hell many centuries ago. He’s a co-leader of the Renui clan along with YooChun, and is called either the ‘princess’ or Rella. He’s highly interested in HanKyung, for unknown reasons.

A new imp in Hell. He’s a servant to HeeChul, and is considered too kind to be a demon, just like JunSu.

A student in YeSung and KangIn's class. He vanished mysteriously a month ago.


First Angel
A status in Heaven, meaning you were an Angel created by God himself, and weren’t a human originally. These are the oldest and most respected of Angels. Most of the Firsts were killed during a battle against Hell many centuries ago, and the remaining ones now form the Elite Guard, led by U-Know YunHo. YoungWoong JaeJoong is suspected to be one of the First, even though he isn’t a member of the Elite Guard, though no one aside from YunHo knows whether this is true or not.

A Human capable of seeing, hearing, and touching the supernatural. Many Entities perished in the Witch Trials, and it was thought the race became extinct. However, a strain of the gene has reappeared in modern time, leading those overlooking the situation to believe the Entity race is gradually being reborn again. So far, the only known Entities are Kim KiBum, Kim KangIn, and their mother.

The ‘fourth world’, as referred to in the ancient documents. The Void is the spaces between Heaven, Earth and Hell. There are entranceways all around the three other worlds, the most common on Earth being Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle. There are also temporary gateways created when a spirit is killed using ghost hunter weapons. As of yet, none that had been sent to the Void have ever returned.

Right Hand of God
A title U-Know YunHo bestows upon YoungWoong JaeJoong. It is implied the Right Hand of God is the closest Angel to Him, and might be the reason why JaeJoong always knows what’s going on more than everyone else around him.

The Sight
YoungWoong JaeJoong uses this word to describe KangIn’s unusually perceptive vision in regards to any paranormal activity. It is unclear how far this power extends, or how KangIn came to possess it.

Spiral Darts
Ghost hunter weapons. Cho KyuHyun used these to immobilize ghosts temporarily, using a special poison and spell on the dart. These darts will not harm the living, nor anything solid. These, along with the bullets ghost hunters use, are under investigation by Heaven to determine just how they came into human possession.

The art of bringing back the dead. As with ghost hunters, necromancers are part Entity in that they can sense and hear ghosts, but not see them clearly, nor make physical contact. There are very few necromancers left, since it is considered a ‘dark art’ and looked down upon by all others in tune to the supernatural.

Renui Clan
The third strongest clan of demons in Hell. Currently led by Park YooChun and Kim HeeChul. They control one eighth of Hell’s surface, and are considered strong enough to compete even against the angels.

The lowest rank of demons. Imps have little to no magical talent, and are constantly picked on by higher-ranked demons. A demon generally remains as an Imp for their first century in Hell, and are promoted afterwards. Kim JunSu and HanKyung are Imps of the Renui Clan.

Summoning Circle
Required by necromancers to cast a spell. The strength of the circle is determined by the magical ability of the necromancer and the phase of the moons. Unless done by an expert necromancer, the spell will backfire if the circle is broken.

Magic User
A human with magical abilities. These people are 80% of the time part-Entity, and are able to sense spirits, but every now and then there's a black sheep who can't. Very few magic users are left, as you need to be both born with the gene and believe in magic, something very few in todays world can do. If you don't believe, your abilities remain dormant, so many potential magic users are never found.

A word used to describe a ghost who has been on earth over the traditional limit of one week. Called 'ghosts gone bad', a poltergeist is completely run by their emotions, usually negative, and as such become killing machines hell-bent on destroying as many lives as possible. They are able to make contact with ordinary humans, and thus harm them. Poltergeists are always sent to Hell once they're caught, as killing humans is a great crime.

fandom: super junior, fanfic: the world ends with you, me: random, fandom: dbsk

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