Pokedex Log #019: Electricity = Limitless Energy

Jun 15, 2012 13:58

Title: Electricity = Limitless Energy
Length: 580 words
Fandom: Infinite, SS501, U-KISS
Characters: DongWoo, HyungJoon, KiBum
Rating: PG
Warning: AU
Summary: Where the Plusle and Minun that stole HyungJoon's medal came from.
A/N: Part of the Pokemon!AU.  Masterlist/Character List | Request Thread

"Plusle! Minun! Where are you?" his voice floated through the trees, the young man pursing his lips in a pout as he looked for his missing companions. "Guys?"

"Minu!" Something landed on his shoulder and DongWoo shouted in surprise, spinning around and catching Minun when the mouse tumbled off of his shoulder.

"Hey~, there you are! You had me worried! Where's Plusle?" DongWoo stuck the mouse on his head, Minun giggling and holding onto his blue hair to avoid falling off.

"Plusu!" The missing Pokemon was tugging his pant leg, climbing up DongWoo's side like a jungle gym.

"Where did you two go?" DongWoo laughed, blinking when he noticed the golden medal Plusle was towing around his neck. "Hey, what's this?"

"Plusu!" "Minu!" The two Pokemon worked together to get the medal around DongWoo's neck, the pendant heavy against his chest.

"You got it for me?" DongWoo grinned, walking along the path. "Where'd you get it from though?" He pouted then, lifting Plusle off his shoulder and looking at the mouse Pokemon. "You didn't steal it from someone, did you?"

"Plu..." Plusle gave him the wide-eyed cute look.

"No, you're not supposed to steal things," DongWoo pouted at Plusle. "Someone worked hard for this, right? Let's go give it back okay?"

"Found you, thief!" cried out a voice behind him. DongWoo turned around in confusion, seeing a strange guy standing a few feet away pointing at him with one hand on his hip. A Poochyena growled at his feet. "You're going to pay for stealing that, and for hurting my brother's Machop, who do you think you-uh?"

The guy blinked repeatedly at the medal DongWoo had reached out and hung around his neck. "Sorry about that, I'm trying to break them of that habit," DongWoo grinned widely, Plusle hiding behind him and clinging to his back. He saw two other men not far away. "They like shiny things, and it is really pretty."

"...Uh...Okay," HyungJoon blinked down at the medal, clearly not expecting to get it back that quickly. "Thank you?"

"Don't mention it," DongWoo linked his hands behind his head, shifting from foot to foot. "We okay?"

HyungJoon looked from the Plusle to the Minun. "Yeah...sure."

"Cool! My name's DongWoo by the way!" The other guy bowed, then caught Minun when the mouse fell off his head with a squeak.

"Uhm...HyungJoon," HyungJoon smiled widely at the Minun giggling in DongWoo's arms. "Sorry, I thought they were really trying to steal it, we were in the middle of eating and suddenly it disappeared off the table." He continued on, DongWoo blinking. He was pretty hungry, now that he thought about it. When had he eaten, must have been several hours ago? But he was low on money...oh, maybe that ajumma with the food cart at the other end of town was still working, she had really good food and wasn't that expensive. And she sometimes let Minun and Plusle have extras. They would be hungry too, right? It was a good thing he didn't have any other Pokemon, he'd probably forget to feed them if they weren't out of the pokeball all the time like these two...

"...Uh...." HyungJoon trailed off as DongWoo wandered away while he was still in the middle of talking. "He wasn't even listening to me, was he."

"Guess you bored him," KiBum smirked. "Come on, let's finish eating," he turned away. HyungJoon shook his head after DongWoo before following him and HyunJoong back to the table.

fanfic: pokemon!au, fandom: ss501, fandom: infinite, fandom: ukiss, writing: fanfiction

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