Pokedex Log #016: River-Crossing

Jun 07, 2012 19:22

Title: River-Crossing
Length: 706 words
Fandom: SS501, SHINee
Characters: YoungSaeng, Onew, JongHyun (mentioned)
Rating: PG
Warning: AU
Summary: YoungSaeng needs to get across the river. Onew tries to be helpful.
A/N: Part of the Pokemon!AU, new drabble every 2 days.  Masterlist/Character List | Request Thread

A/N2: Onew gave me writer's block .________.

Knowing DongHae's sense of humor, YoungSaeng should have probably been more suspicious about the suggestion to cross the river with Onew's help. After all, he'd only known the guy for a day, and he'd already fallen backwards down a hill, strangled himself on a clothesline, and closed the door on his own nose.

But Onew had a water pokemon large enough to swim them both across the river, which YoungSaeng didn't have, and he seemed so eager to help. When YoungSaeng asked, the younger man's whole expression lit up and he nodded excitedly. Reflecting on that moment, YoungSaeng wondered if the warning looks from JongHyun (a relatively sane guy who lived with Onew) were meant to make him reconsider.

"Here's the crossing point!" Onew said, panting as they finished the trek across the thin expanse of forest to the river's edge. Looking up at down the river's length, YoungSaeng reflected that it was noted clear of large rocks and rapids, though that bend further downstream worried him a little.

"Okay, let's go then," YoungSaeng adjusted his grip on his pack.

"Go, Quagsire!" Onew tossed the pokeball into the air...and it landed in the water with a plunk. YoungSaeng sighed, covering his face with one hand as Onew flailed and went to retrieve the ball, saying he forgot to press the button before tossing it. Thankfully the pokeball had only landed in the shallows.

Finding the pokeball, Onew fumbled with it and his Quagsire appeared in a flash of light, nearly knocking him over. "Okay, all aboard!" Onew called, instructing Quagsire to crouch down so they could get onto his back. YoungSaeng, doubtful they'd both be able to get on top of the Pokemon without drowning it, followed warily after transferring his shoes to his bag.

It was a tight fit, YoungSaeng in danger of slipping right off, but they both got onto Quagsire okay. The Pokemon was blinking at them stupidly; Quagsires weren't known as the smartest Pokemon ever.

"Okay Quagsire, get us across the river," Onew pointed and Quagsire dove into the water. YoungSaeng winced as a swell washed over them, Quagsire disappearing below the waterline before resurfacing. Onew coughed out water, shaking his head.

They made it halfway across the river without much difficulty, though they were going slower than YoungSaeng would have liked and his clothes were soaked. Renewing his grip around Quagsire's neck, his eyes widened when they were suddenly caught in a strong current. Quagsire wasn't prepared either, or the weight on him was throwing his balance off, because they were swept further downstream.

"Look out!" Onew yelled a second before a wave swamped them. YoungSaeng lost his grip on Quagsire's slick fur, landing in the water with a shout.

The next ten seconds were filled with the rush of water all around him, YoungSaeng scrambling to break the surface and tumbling end over end as the current pushed him. Choking on water, he clamped one hand over his mouth, air escaping.

Then something solid rammed into him and lifted him up above the water, the trainer coughing and sputtering. Blinking rapidly and squinting past the water in his eyes, he saw he'd been lifted up by Quagsire's broad tail, dangling from it as the Pokemon navigated the river. Onew looked back at him with wide eyes. "Maybe I should have said to hold on tighter."

YoungSaeng just coughed and tried not to look like a drowned rat, imagining strangling DongHae the next time he saw him.

They reached the other shore after a couple minutes, Quagsire depositing YoungSaeng onto the grass. Onew gave him a blanket that had been wrapped in plastic to keep the water out. "See, on the other side safe and sound," he said cheerily. YoungSaeng sneezed.

A few minutes later Onew waved goodbye before heading back across the river, YoungSaeng watching sullenly from where he was curled up under the blanket. Why did these things always happen to him? First the cave, then the pit, now he was nearly half-drowned.

Quagsire chose that moment to smash headlong into a rock in the middle of the river. Onew slid off the Pokemon head-first with a shriek and a splash.

Well, that made YoungSaeng feel a little better.

fanfic: pokemon!au, fandom: ss501, fandom: shinee, writing: fanfiction

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