Pokedex Log #012: It's a Trap!

May 15, 2012 16:08

Title: It's a Trap!
Length: 875 words
Fandom: SS501, SHINee
Characters: YoungSaeng, Onew
Rating: PG
Warning: AU
Summary: YoungSaeng's barely out of the hospital when trouble hits again.
A/N: Part of the Pokemon!AU, new drabble every 2 days.  Masterlist/Character List | Request Thread

Saying YoungSaeng was angry was putting it mildly. Saying he was within an inch of strangling the first person he saw was closer to the mark.

Especially if that person was wearing a Team Rocket uniform.

He'd just been able to leave Acacia Hospital, after a few months of waiting for his leg to heal after that disastrous cave-in. He was a patient person, but he had been eager to leave, wanting to visit some friends in Foxglove Cove where he'd been originally heading. Eevee hadn't left his bedside, and though he'd gotten a few phone calls from his family, his little friend was his only company. And he was fine with that, it had always been just him and Eevee. He couldn't ask for any better company.

Restocking on supplies (and a stupid escape rope this time), YoungSaeng decided to give the cave a wide berth, heading through the forest instead.

And that had been going great, until the ground opened up below him.

A surprised shriek escaped as YoungSaeng dropped into the pit, landing hard on leaves and rocks. Pain jolted up his recently-healed leg, but mercifully it hadn't broken again as he'd avoided landing on it.

He didn't have time to feel relief though. Eevee was standing at the top of the pit, calling down to him in worry.

"It's okay Eevee, I'm fine-"


Eevee cried out as a net fell on top of him, and he was dragged back out of view.

"Eevee!" YoungSaeng yelled, hands gripping the walls of the pit and trying to climb up. The earth was too soft, he couldn't use it to get out of the pit. "Who's there?! Let him go!"

"You snooze, you lose!" YoungSaeng caught sight of red hair, and a tell-tale red R on a white uniform. Jaw clenching, he scrambled for a pokeball.

The roar of an engine caught him by surprise, Eevee crying out for him somewhere YoungSaeng couldn't see. A cloud of dust rained into the pit, YoungSaeng ducking his head and coughing.

"Staravia, go!" he yelled, tossing the Pokeball up into the air. The bird Pokemon burst out, YoungSaeng closing both eyes against the rain of dirt and reaching up to grab the bird's talons.

Staravia beat it's wings and lifted him out of the pit as the dirt stopped falling. YoungSaeng opened his eyes and looked around frantically. A truck was disappearing through the trees, Eevee trapped in a net in the back.

"Follow them!" he shouted, Staravia dropping him on safe ground before taking off after the truck. YoungSaeng ran after the tire tracks, coughing against the dust in his lungs.

He couldn't let them get away with Eevee.

But he couldn't run after a moving vehicle, and soon the noise of the engine was fading, leaving only the sounds of the forest. YoungSaeng lengthened his stride, avoiding tree roots and uneven ground as he ran.

He couldn't avoid the young man who stepped out right into his path though. With shouts of surprise they both went crashing into the dirt.

Or, YoungSaeng did. The man he'd smashed into went tumbling ass over teakettle down the steep hill he'd just finished climbing up, landing with a crash in a bush.

"..." YoungSaeng pushed himself up to his feet, panting and clutching a stitch in his side. He had to go after Eevee...but he wouldn't be able to catch them at this rate. His only hope was Staravia.

"Ow, a little help?" called the other man, legs sticking up into the air from the awkward angle he'd landed. Clenching his shaking hands into fists, YoungSaeng grudgingly trekked down the hill to pull him out of the bushes.

As he was helping the stranger stand, he heard Staravia calling for him. Looking around, his eyes widened when he saw the bird Pokemon plummet through the trees, landing awkwardly nearby. She was badly burned.

"Oh no," the stranger said as YoungSaeng hurried to his Pokemon's side, crouching next to her. He searched for a burn heal in his backpack, only to realize it had been crushed in the fall, and the whole inside of his backpack was covered in the white foam.

The man he'd helped peeked over his shoulder. "So that's what happens if you break the vial. I guess that's your only one? Uh...I live nearby, I can get you a burn heal from home. As thanks for helping me out of the bush."

"I...I can't," YoungSaeng mumbled, hands shaking. "I have to..." Eevee, he had to get Eevee.

But he had no way of following them. He shut his eyes tightly. What was going to happen to Eevee?

The other man looked at him helplessly. "...Hey. Let's go to my place, and we'll talk, okay? I live just by the forest, Foxglove Cove. We'll get her all healed up, and you can tell me what's going on."

Foxglove Cove...he had friends there. If they were still there, anyways. They'd know where Team Rocket would bring Eevee.

Nodding mutely, YoungSaeng recalled Staravia to her pokeball for now and stood. Shock was being replaced by cold anger, eyes narrowed darkly.

He'd get Eevee back, and make them pay, if it was the last thing he did.

fanfic: pokemon!au, fandom: ss501, fandom: shinee, writing: fanfiction

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