Pokedex Log #005: Static Charge

May 04, 2012 10:35

Title: Static Charge
Length: 931 words
Fandom: BEAST, SS501, KARA
Characters: DooJoon, JunHyung, JungMin, GyuRi
Rating: PG
Warning: AU
Summary: DooJoon arrives at Hawthorn Town to challenge the gym leader, only to find Team Rocket at work.
A/N: Part of the Pokemon!AU, new drabble every 1-2 days.  Masterlist/Character List

"Here's your Pokemon back, have a good day!"

"Thank you," DooJoon nodded as he took the tray back from Nurse Joy, standing off to the side as he reattached the pokeballs to his belt. He'd left his Pokemon at the Center overnight while he rested in a nearby hotel, waiting for the city's Lightning Gym to open the following morning. The notice had said the gym leader was away for the day, but would be back the next, so DooJoon had used the opportunity to get some much-needed sleep. For both him, and his Pokemon.

Looking up as more people came into the Pokemon Center, DooJoon jumped out of the way as an absolutely panicked man hurried up to the counter, babbling a mile a minute and cradling a badly injured Chikorita in his arms. He and the man he was with followed Nurse Joy into a back room quickly, one bony elbow jostling DooJoon as he was picking up the last pokeball.

The pokeball tumbled from his fingers and rolled along the floor. Wincing, DooJoon rubbed his sore arm where he'd been unceremoniously shoved out of the way before turning to pick up his lost pokeball.

Someone else reached it before he could, a younger man stooping and picking it up. "This yours?" he held it out to DooJoon.

"Yes...thanks," DooJoon chuckled, taking it back. He tapped the button on the front and his Luxio appeared in a flash of light. The poor thing was slumped on the ground from dizziness. "Sorry pal."

"Wouldn't be the first time I've gotten some of mine dizzy from being tossed around," the stranger chuckled. "Give him a couple berries and he should be good as new."

"Yeah," DooJoon rubbed the back of his head. "Thanks."

"My name's JunHyung. You new here?"

Opening his mouth to reply, DooJoon was cut off by a large explosion from outside. He and JunHyung looked at each other in confusion before turning to hurry outside the Center.

Several Pokemon were being hauled out of the hole in the side of the Pokemon Center in nets. The man carrying them dropped the load onto the back of a pick-up truck, a young woman standing beside the truck with a smug smile and arms folded across her chest.

"Oh not this again," DooJoon heard JunHyung grumble

DooJoon's eyes narrowed and he stepped forward, Luxio growling beside him. "Yah! Let those Pokemon go."

"Why should we listen to you? Do you know who we are?" The man laughed, grinned widely. His bright red hair matched with the Charmeleon standing beside him.

"No, and I don't care. Luxio, use thunder wave!" DooJoon ordered.

"Not so fast," the woman standing against the truck snapped her fingers. "Delcatty, attract!"

A cat-like Pokemon jumped out of the back of the truck in front of Luxio. Luxio halted mid-attack, the growls stopping. Delcatty chimed and padded away, Luxio following her with hearts in his eyes.

"That's the last of them!" The redheaded man dropped the last net into the back of the truck. "Too bad kid, looks like you're not good enough to beat Team Rocket!" DooJoon's eyes narrowed at that, reaching for another pokeball. He had to do something.

"Raichu, volt tackle!"

A Pokemon blasted past DooJoon and slammed into the redhead's chest, electricity crackling. With a shriek the redhead was sent ass over teakettle.

"JungMin oppa!" The woman pointed at the Raichu. "Delcatty, use-"

"Thunder wave," JunHyung instructed, and Raichu turned to the enemy Delcatty, releasing a static charge. The cat Pokemon cried out as she crumpled, unable to move. "Care to try that again?"

"Damn," JungMin sat up. Seeing the police cars approaching, his eyes narrowed. "Charmeleon, use sand attack!"

A whirlwind of sand was kicked up, JunHyung and DooJoon covering their faces against it. When the sand died down, the Team Rocket duo and their Pokemon were gone, the truck-full of Pokemon still there.

"...What was that about?" DooJoon asked.

"They try this every second week or so," JunHyung replied, hopping up into the back of the truck to release the Pokemon in nets. "Team Rocket goons. I don't think they've realized they can't win yet. They haven't made off with a single Pokemon."

"Huh, this little town's more interesting than I thought," DooJoon blinked.

"Yeah, there's a lot going on here," JunHyung grinned over his shoulder. "Between the gym and those two trying the same trick over and over, we get our fair share of activity."

DooJoon helped JunHyung and Officer Jenny free the Pokemon and bring them back into the Center to be healed. By the time they were done, it was the afternoon, and DooJoon remembered why he was in this little town in the first place.

"Well, I'll be off then," he smiled, turning to go.

"Wait, I'll walk with you." JunHyung followed, hands in his pockets. "I'm heading this way anyways."

"Okay," DooJoon shrugged. His Luxio chatted with Raichu behind them as they walked.

Arriving at the Gym, DooJoon chuckled. "Here's where I stop. See you," he waved and stepped up to the doors, pulling.

Still locked. "...Damn."

"Maybe this would help." JunHyung reached past him, unlocking the door and pushing it open.

"...You..." DooJoon blinked at JunHyung, who stepped around him to enter the Gym. "Wait, you're not..."

JunHyung flicked on the lights, revealing the large platform in the middle of the gym. Statues of thunderbolts stood on each corner. "Welcome to the Lightning Gym," he quirked a smile over his shoulder, Raichu standing beside him. "You're today's first challenger. Shall we get started?"

length: drabble, fanfic: pokemon!au, fandom: ss501, fandom: beast, fandom: kara, writing: fanfiction

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