Pokedex Log #003: Brotherly Rivalry

May 02, 2012 15:13

Title: Brotherly Rivalry
Length: 566 words
Fandom: SS501, U-KISS
Characters: HyungJoon, HyunJoong, KiBum
Rating: PG
Warning: AU
Summary: It's a race to see who can challenge the gym leader first.
A/N: Part of the Pokemon!AU, new drabble every 1-2 days.  Masterlist/Character List

One of the downsides of traveling with his little brother, HyungJoon thought often, was that everything became a competition. That wouldn't bother him so much if KiBum didn't wipe the floor with him each time.

"Made it!" KiBum landed lightly on the raised platform. Machop landed next to him, tucking and rolling.

"No fair!" HyungJoon's whine was audible from the other end of the Gym. He'd fallen into the water below the platforms too many times, giving his brother more than enough chance to pull ahead.

"No, it's fair," the Gym Leader replied, waiting for them on the same platform KiBum had landed on. "He reached me first, so he can challenge me for the badge. You'll have to wait until tomorrow."

"But..." HyungJoon protested.

"Sorry hyung, only one challenger per day," KiBum grinned over his shoulder at HyungJoon. "Wish me luck!"

HyungJoon sat down with a groan, feeling his clothes squelch uncomfortably. "This sucks. I nearly made it."

"You would have gotten there first if you hadn't jumped right over that last platform," mused HyunJoong, who was watching from a safe (and dry) distance.

"Don't remind me," HyungJoon flopped onto his back, ignoring the sounds of Pokemon fighting and KiBum calling out commands.

"Manectric, use Shockwave!"

HyungJoon shrieked as he disappeared from the platform and reappeared next to HyunJoong, sprawled out on the floor. A split second later the whole arena lit up with a flash of electricity.

"...Uh...thanks," HyungJoon groaned, sitting up. He could have been fried with how soaked he was. "I thought Abra was sleeping?"

"He is," HyunJoong replied absently, eyes half-focused on the battle below. The Abra slumped beside him continued to doze.

"...Then...nevermind." HyungJoon sighed loudly and turned his attention towards KiBum and his battle.

The two siblings seemed to be in a constant battle of wits and strength, challenging the gyms at the same time, traveling through forests together, training against each other. In many ways, HyungJoon supposed it had made them both better trainers. Or that was what HyunJoong told him anyways. He supposed the older man's opinion meant something, because whenever he challenged HyunJoong to a battle, Abra creamed him in five seconds flat. Usually without even waking up. HyunJoong was a great trainer, so HyungJoon took his opinion very seriously.

HyungJoon and KiBum had picked their starters at the same time too. KiBum with his Machop, HyungJoon with his Poochyena. Even then, HyungJoon had gotten the shorter end of the stick. Fighting types beat Dark types hands-down. He still loved his Poochyena though, she worked hard to make up for the disadvantage, just like him.

And there were things HyungJoon knew that KiBum didn't. Like how to stock up on the best supplies. How to win at Pokemon Contests (he still beat KiBum at those at least). How to talk to the news crew that seemed to pop up everywhere. How to help when KiBum was feeling homesick.

"Hyung! Hyung, look!" HyungJoon blinked repeatedly, separating himself from his thoughts as he looked down at the Gym below. KiBum was waving at them, a gleaming badge held in his other hand.

Seeing the wide grin on his brother's face, HyungJoon felt one spreading on his own. "Way to go!" he called, standing. He didn't wait for HyunJoong, bolting towards the Gym entrance to congratulate his brother.

He'd let KiBum win for now. There was always next time.

length: drabble, fanfic: pokemon!au, fandom: ss501, fandom: ukiss, writing: fanfiction

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