Unlock - Chapter Forty-Six

Sep 05, 2011 23:17

Title: Unlock
renichifreak and
Chapter: 46/?
Fandom: SS501, cameos by KARA
Pairings: KyuSaeng, HyunMin (may be other pairings in the future)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU, Fluff
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N:  YoungSaeng and HyunJoong are played by
renichifreak and KyuJong and JungMin are played by me.  Updates every Monday.

YoungSaeng was panicking. It was the day of the talent show and he was a complete and total mess. This would be the first time one of his songs would ever be heard, let alone the fact that it was his first non-solo piece. He'd peeked out for a moment and nearly fainted at the amount of people there.

Moving away, he began pacing back and forth, trying to calm himself down, but it wasn't working.

KyuJong wasn't much better mentally, but he'd thankfully gotten over the flailing and pacing with their play the month before. JungMin was too busy laughing at YoungSaeng to be of much help, so he'd shooed the redhead to the other end of backstage to bug HyunJoong instead.

Once the peanut gallery was taking care of, he went up to his boyfriend, snagging YoungSaeng around the waist on his way by and hugging him close. "Relax Saeng," he murmured, kissing the back of his neck.

Shooting a glare at JungMin before KyuJong kicked him out to pick on his own boyfriend, YoungSaeng fell back into KyuJong's hold, practically twitching in nervousness. "I'm trying," he pouted.

"Just close your eyes and take a deep breath," KyuJong whispered, cradling him. "It'll be fine. You're going to blow them all away. Remember the people at the auditions? They adored you."

"Us," YoungSaeng murmured. "They adored us. No one's ever heard anything I've written before...” Turning around, YoungSaeng rested his head against KyuJong's shoulder and closed his eyes, doing as his lover requested. "Are your parents and EunAh there? I know they said they would try..."

"Mhm. They're in the second row," KyuJong replied, rubbing YoungSaeng's back in slow, soothing circles. "There's a first time for everything. Trust me Saeng...you write amazing songs, everyone will fall in love with it when they hear it." He kissed YoungSaeng's forehead. "I'll be standing right beside you, so don't worry, okay?"

Taking a deep breath, YoungSaeng managed to pull away from KyuJong. "I just hope you're right, but you'd never lie to me," he replied with a soft smile before giving him a quick kiss.

Kissing him back, KyuJong smiled widely. "No, I would never lie to you." He tucked a strand of hair behind YoungSaeng's ear.

"Those who aren't going on right away, clear backstage, we're starting in five," one of the coordinators called. KyuJong took YoungSaeng's hand. "Come on, we're on later." He brought the younger boy back to where their friends were.

Squeezing KyuJong's hand, they walked to where the others were. Once they reached them, YoungSaeng walked over and kicked JungMin before taking a seat on the couch to try and calm his nerves a bit.

JungMin shrieked. "Hey! What was that for?" He pouted at YoungSaeng.

"I think it was for laughing at him and making him panic more," KyuJong pointed out, sitting down next to YoungSaeng.

Chuckling, HyunJoong reached out and rubbed JungMin's shoulders. "You asked for that kick then, Min," he pointed out with a grin.

"You're supposed to be on my side," JungMin sniffed, elbowing his boyfriend in the stomach.

HyungJoon shuffled around in his seat. "So we just wait here until our number?"

"Stop picking on Saeng for panicking and I will be on your side," HyunJoong muttered, elbowing his boyfriend right back.

YoungSaeng nodded, tugging lightly at his hair. "Pretty much."

KyuJong shook his head and eased YoungSaeng's hand out of his hair, brushing the strands back gently and squeezing YoungSaeng's hand as he directed his boyfriend to rest against him.

"I'm not picking on him now," JungMin pouted at HyunJoong.

HyunJoong had to smile at that. "No you aren't," he replied, leaning over to kiss him quickly. Due to all the power equipment and things on stage, they had decided it best to lock down JungMin's power. HyunJoong didn't mind at all since it meant more time to be as affectionate as he felt like being, which drove HyungJoon mad.

"Oh God, why am I stuck between you all," HyungJoon whined, trying not to look at them to his right, or KyuJong and YoungSaeng who were cuddling to his left.

"You love us anyways," JungMin grinned, wrapping his arms around HyunJoong's neck happily. "And we're just hugging and kissing. It's after the show you have to worry."

HyungJoon looked like he was going to be ill.

Amused, HyunJoong looked over at JungMin. "Is that right? And what're we doing after the show that'll make Baby worry?" he asked, running a hand over JungMin's outer thigh discreetly.

JungMin breathed in slowly, smirking at his boyfriend. "Something where you won't be needing this." He straightened HyunJoong's collar, fingers pressing lightly against the older boy's chest.

Grinning, HyunJoong nodded. "I can live with that."

HyungJoon threw his arms up in surrender. "Oh my God, guys, seriously! Single guy here!" he ranted.

"Not our fault you're slow as a turtle," JungMin sniffed, scooting closer to HyunJoong. "Speaking of that, is your family here, Kyu?" He asked, looking over at the older boy.

KyuJong nodded. "They're out in the crowd." He fell silent as the backstage lights dimmed, and the opening act began to loud cheers and whistles.

The moment the lights dimmed, YoungSaeng's heart jumped into his throat. That meant that it wouldn't be long before they were to perform. "Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God," he murmured, dropping his head on KyuJong's shoulder.

"Relax Saeng," KyuJong smiled, cuddling him close and rocking back and forth slowly. "Remember, deep breaths."

"Why are you the one freaking out, we're the ones without any singing experience, and we're perfectly fine," JungMin wrinkled his nose at his friend.

YoungSaeng scowled at the redhead. "You didn't write the song we're singing. I've never done anything more than solos before. Besides, you all have stage experience. I don't," he reminded.

"Running around waving a Styrofoam axe shouldn't be considered stage experience," JungMin pouted.

"You enjoyed it too much to be an act," HyungJoon snorted, and squawked as he was hit.

"I think being able to sing is more important than stage experience," JungMin rolled his eyes. "You'll be fine Saeng. Just imagine them all in their underwear."

KyuJong choked on thin air. "That never works."

YoungSaeng flushed brightly at JungMin's suggestion. "Yes, and then I'll blush so badly that I'll pass out from the rush of blood to my head. Any other suggestions, please?"

HyunJoong decided to take pity on his friend. "Focus on KyuJong's family. Or even the girls. They're front row right in the center. If that fails, close your eyes and focus on the song."

Listening to HyunJoong, YoungSaeng managed to calm down a bit before nodding. "'kay."

"And never do the underwear thing. If you're not utterly grossed out, you can't stop laughing. I learned that one from experience," he added, flushing slightly.

Smiling, KyuJong ran his hand up and down YoungSaeng's back. "It'll be fine Saeng, you're not alone," he smiled, kissing his forehead and resting his head against his boyfriend's. They could hear the opening act finishing to the sound of loud applause and cheers, movement backstage as the next group got ready to sneak onto the darkness the stage had been plunged into.

Relaxing even more under KyuJong's touch, YoungSaeng closed his eyes and listened to the other performers. They were good; very good. It didn't take much longer before it was their turn. His nerves returned when he heard the MC mention that he had written and composed the song, but KyuJong's hand on his back reassured him once again.

The lights dimmed as the five of them took their places in the dark. KyuJong held on to YoungSaeng's hand from right beside him as long as he could, squeezing lightly before slowly letting go and easing more into his spot as the music started and the lights slowly came back on.

He could sense YoungSaeng's nerves as they waited to sing, the others just as nervous. It was only as HyunJoong's voice finally started to flow over the crowd that the nerves eased away somewhat, KyuJong drawing in a slow breath as he listened to his friend. Despite the short practice time, they had put their all into this performance, wanting it to be the best.

By the time YoungSaeng started, the nerves were unnoticeable in his voice, flowing perfectly. Hiding his smile, KyuJong let himself be caught up in the melody, closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them and taking a slow breath.

I wanna be with you my love,
I promise you under the sky,
I will protect you for eternity.
I wanna love you forever,
Can you see it, my heart,
Please breathe beside me for eternity.
I love you,
I love you.

Then, quite suddenly, it was over. The lights were dimming to hide them from the crowd as a loud applause rose up, cheers and claps echoing through the air. Then they were being ushered offstage for the next act, KyuJong's hand finding YoungSaeng's after he'd given up his mic and heading back into the small corner of backstage they'd occupied just minutes ago.

The moment they took the stage and the lights went up was a total blur. YoungSaeng remembered HyunJoong's voice-he sounded amazing for someone who declared his inability to carry a tune-but after that, the next thing he knew was standing backstage with KyuJong hugging him.

Returning the gesture, he looked around at the others, who looked relieved, so it must have gone well. "How'd we do?" he asked KyuJong quietly.

KyuJong smiled wide enough to crack his face in two, hugging YoungSaeng tighter. "We were amazing, Saeng! They loved your song! Hear that?" The next act hadn't started yet, and the crowd was still cheering loudly.

"That was great!" JungMin was bouncing around, and it was a good thing his electricity was locked because he would have shorted out the entire set with how excited he was.

Hearing the cheering and watching JungMin practically bounce himself through the roof, YoungSaeng smiled back. He could feet the nervous tension leave his body.

HyunJoong laughed before grabbing the redhead and wrapping his arms around JungMin's waist from behind. "Calm down, Min," he chuckled lightly, resting his chin on his shoulder after dropping a quick kiss to JungMin's neck.

JungMin calmed slightly at the kiss, but was still grinning like a dork. "Do we have to stick around much longer?"

"We're here until the show's over," KyuJong reminded them, going to sit down and pulling YoungSaeng down into his lap. "Might as well let him run around, HyunJoong, he's never going to sit still otherwise."

With a bit of reluctance, HyunJoong let JungMin go. "Don't go far, okay? I'm sure you're as anxious as we are to know if we won," he explained with a smile.

"Yes sir," JungMin grinned, and bounced off to the other backstage rooms.

"That was fun," HyungJoon smiled widely, dropping down into a chair like he'd ran a marathon. "I think I spotted your parents and EunAh, Kyu."

"They'll probably bombard us after," KyuJong chuckled.

"It was fun," HyunJoong replied, following suit. "I never thought singing like that would be so much fun," he admitted with a grin.

"You sing pretty well too," KyuJong smiled at his friend, holding YoungSaeng close to him. "You all do." Though he was biased in that he thought YoungSaeng sang the best, placing a soft kiss against YoungSaeng's cheek. "The other acts sound pretty cool too."

"It's gonna be hard to decide," YoungSaeng agreed. "Between the dance groups and the singers, it'll be close."

"We'll have to see," KyuJong nodded, resting his cheek against YoungSaeng's shoulder and closing his eyes as he listened to the other acts. JungMin came back a few minutes later, dropping down next to HyunJoong.

Turning to JungMin, HyunJoong reached up and played with his hair. "Bored with looking around already?" he asked.

"I keep getting shooed out of places," JungMin wrinkled his nose, leaning against his boyfriend.

Chuckling and kissing the top of JungMin's head, HyunJoong grinned. "Well you have one hell of a reputation for causing disaster wherever you go," he pointed out.

"Not my fault," JungMin pouted, poking HyunJoong's stomach before burrowing against him.

They waited as all the other acts went on one at a time, listening to the songs playing and the MCs joking around. Finally, the end of the talent show arrived as all the judges were asked to cast their votes on who they thought the best acts were. There were a few different categories, then the official 1st place for the show. KyuJong and the others were rounded up by the stage crew and told to wait just behind the curtain along with the other acts.

Hearing that it was time to find out the winner, YoungSaeng paled a bit before clinging to KyuJong's hand. Swallowing deeply, he stood up and looked at the others before following the stagehand to where they had to wait.

Following after, HyunJoong felt his nerves building as well. This was it. They had worked so hard, now it was only a matter of minutes before they found out if it all paid off.

The applause from the audience faded as the MCs started to talk. They started with the smaller awards, awards for most entertaining act, best dancing, best singing. KyuJong ran his thumb a little over YoungSaeng's hand, listening as the first two awards were given away with great applause from the crowd. Two really flustered groups squeezed past them onto stage to accept the awards standing off to one side.

Then they were announcing the best singing act. KyuJong could feel HyungJoon holding his breath on his other side.

"The award for best singing goes to...Lee MiJun, Kim WonBin and Kim JinAh!"

It wasn't them. KyuJong bit back the disappointment, squeezing YoungSaeng's hand a little as the singing trio squeezed out onto stage. It was disappointing, yes, but they'd still done extremely well considering four out of five of them had very little experience singing, and the only one who did had been unable to participate in any shows.

He hugged YoungSaeng close as the singing award was given away, and they moved on to the first place award. They'd be able to leave and join his family soon, and celebrate for a great show.

"And the top act of the night, the act in first place is..."

The MC opened the last envelope.

"'Forever', composed by Heo YoungSaeng and sung by Kim HyunJoong, Heo YoungSaeng, Kim KyuJong, Park JungMin and Kim HyungJoon!"

Hearing the song name, YoungSaeng froze. Blinking, he looked over toward KyuJong with wide eyes, not sure if he had heard correctly.

Did they just win?

Smiling brightly, HyunJoong couldn't help himself and all but tackled JungMin in his excitement.

HyungJoon looked like a fish out of water, but was surprisingly the first to recover as he ran on stage, waving frantically for the others.

Recovering next, KyuJong smiled brightly as he hugged YoungSaeng tightly, taking his boyfriend's hand and pulling him back out onto the lit stage to the sound of loud applause and cheering. JungMin yelped as he nearly fell over, before grinning widely and dragging HyunJoong out as well, practically bouncing in place and unable to stay still. They'd won.

Once they were all on stage, the cheers grew louder, and KyuJong could see his family being one of the loudest there, EunAh calling their names in a chant.

The MC picked up the glass microphone figurine for first place. Grinning widely, KyuJong strategically scooted back out of the way so that when the MC turned around to give it to them, he was holding it out to YoungSaeng.

Reddening brightly as he realized that KyuJong had stepped away, leaving him to accept the award, YoungSaeng took it and bowed deeply a couple times before moving back to the others, practically hiding behind the trophy.

They all bowed to the audience, sticking around on stage with the other winners as the MCs closed the night, then were ushered off for the closing act. The second they were backstage and the music was loud enough to drown them out, JungMin tackled HyunJoong into the wall with a whoop.

HyunJoong hit the wall and tumbled over with a loud yelp as JungMin tackled him. Smiling, he wrapped his arms around the redhead's waist and kissed him discreetly.

KyuJong grinned widely, wrapping his arms around YoungSaeng's waist in a hug while careful not to make him drop the statue as the stage crew and the other acts came around to congratulate them.

Clinging to KyuJong as best he could with the statue in his hand, YoungSaeng grinned when HyungJoon came and took it. Once it was out of his hands, YoungSaeng jumped into KyuJong's arms. "Oh my God, we actually won," he said happily into KyuJong's ear.

"We did," KyuJong grinned, staggering back a little to avoid falling over before hugging YoungSaeng close. "I told you your song would be a hit, Saeng!" He spun his boyfriend around once before setting him back down, resting his head against the younger boy's since he couldn't kiss him with so many other people around.

"This is fantastic!" JungMin chirped, still attached to HyunJoong on the floor and grinning madly after the kiss.

"Saeng Hyung, is this how you feel any time you sing?" HyungJoon asked, still on a performance high.

Smiling at him, YoungSaeng nodded his head.

KyuJong laughed at the sparkle in the youngest's eyes. "I think he'll want to sing again."

The last act had finished to loud applause. JungMin scrambled back to his feet as the others backstage started to pack up, pulling HyunJoong up too. "Let's go, let's go!"

YoungSaeng smiled. "Addicting, isn't it?" he said as he took the statue back from HyungJoon as they all left the backstage area, looking around for KyuJong's parents and sister in the crowd.

They weren't waiting long. "OPPADEUL!" EunAh tackled into KyuJong and YoungSaeng and nearly sent them both into the ground.

Nicole and HaRa ran to catch up, KyuJong's parents following. "That was brilliant!" Nicole exclaimed, grinning widely as she gave them all a hug. "You guys were amazing, you stole the show!"

YoungSaeng stumbled before HyunJoong shot his arms out and stopped the pair from falling. "Hey, EunAh yah. I'm glad you could show up," YoungSaeng said smiling as he hugged her back.

"We were, weren't we?" HyungJoon beamed before crying out when Nicole smacked him. "What?!"

"Knocking your ego down a few. If anyone deserves to get a big head, it should be the one who wrote the song and convinced you to sing it in he first place," Nicole stated, giggling as YoungSaeng started blushing again at the recognition.

Laughing, KyuJong hugged YoungSaeng again.

"I thought HyungJoon oppa sang well too," EunAh piped up quietly as she disentangled herself, bright red.

KyuJong's mother reached them next. "Congratulations sweeties," she smiled, giving each of them a warm hug, YoungSaeng's hug a little longer. "We're so proud of you all."

YoungSaeng shot the girl a subtle wink that darkened her blush before letting go in favor of hugging KyuJong's mother. It was so odd to hear someone other than KyuJong say they were proud, but it seemed comfortable from the woman.

"Thanks," he murmured. "I'm glad you came."

"Glad we could make it to see you win," she smiled at him. "Your song's beautiful."

YoungSaeng beamed at the compliment. "Thank you. I'm glad you liked it."

"We were wondering if we could take you bunch of talented youngsters to dinner," KyuJong's father smiled widely. "I think after that sweeping victory you deserve it."

At the mention of food, HyungJoon perked up, making HyunJoong laugh out loud. "Well, Kim sshi, you won over the maknae," he replied, though agreed as well.

"Well then, let's get going before he keels over in anticipation," the older man laughed, before clapping one hand on YoungSaeng's shoulder and pointing at the statue. "Though you might want to drop that off just in case."

Nodding at the man, YoungSaeng looked over at KyuJong to tell him that they needed to swing by the room before they left, not sure if he'd heard with EunAh talking his ear off.

Looking up at his boyfriend, KyuJong smiled and nodded, signaling he'd heard. "We'll go drop it off, and meet you in front of the school?" He asked the others.

"Sounds good," his father agreed.

Grinning, KyuJong disentangled himself from his sister to take YoungSaeng's hand. "Come on, let's go."

Nodding his head, YoungSaeng took hold of KyuJong's hand and followed behind. "We'll be there in a few," he replied.

Smiling widely, KyuJong headed down the hallway towards the exit on the dorm side. "That was amazing," he smiled back at his boyfriend. "You should definitely show your lyrics to an agency one day."

Smiling back, YoungSaeng looked down at the statue in his hand before shrugging. "I've thought about it before," he confessed. "Maybe I'll gather a few songs together sometime."

"That would be great," KyuJong chuckled. "You should definitely bring them this song." He'd hoped this whole event had boosted YoungSaeng's confidence level.

They reached their room a minute later, KyuJong unlocking the door for YoungSaeng.

"If I ever do, I will," YoungSaeng agreed as he stepped inside. Walking over to the table between the beds, YoungSaeng put the trophy down, still in awe that they had actually won.

Turning back, YoungSaeng walked back to the door and kissed KyuJong lightly. "Thank you for singing that with me, Kyu..." he murmured.

KyuJong smiled wider and kissed YoungSaeng back, wrapping his arms loosely around YoungSaeng's waist. "It was my pleasure," he replied with a gentle smile, kissing him again. "You were amazing, Saeng."

"And so were you, Kyu," YoungSaeng told him, wrapping his arms around his neck and nuzzling his neck.

Hugging him close and kissing the side of his head, KyuJong drew in a slow breath. "Ready to go?" He murmured, smiling as he tilted his head back to see YoungSaeng's face against his neck.

Nodding his head, YoungSaeng met KyuJong's eyes and smiled before kissing him softly. "Let's go. I'm hungry," he remarked. With a final kiss, he reluctantly pulled away and moved to the door to slip his shoes on.

Following him, KyuJong smiled as he watched his boyfriend for a moment before pulling on his own shoes. He took YoungSaeng's hand and squeezed it lightly before stepping out of the room.

pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, pairing: hyunjoong/jungmin, writing: roleplay

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